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CC is declining again!

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Re: CC is declining again!

Postby Swimmerdude99 on Thu Mar 13, 2025 9:38 am

Just gonna throw this out there - everything I know of mods is not that they are passive. They are passionate, want changes and wish they could provide more to the end-user. The problem is not with the mods, who have
1) no way to change the site's interface or programming
2) Literally all but one or two? get paid a premium membership so are probably making like 10 cents an hour.
3) Ungrateful posts and actions aimed at mods will continue to make CC decline. Move your feedback at the owner, generally - and not the mods.
4) If you want to see this place fall apart, wear the mods down a little more.
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Re: CC is declining again!

Postby Ltrain on Thu Mar 13, 2025 10:37 am

10 cents an hour, where do I sign up??
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Re: CC is declining again!

Postby Pirlo on Thu Mar 13, 2025 8:16 pm

Swimmerdude99 wrote:Just gonna throw this out there - everything I know of mods is not that they are passive. They are passionate, want changes and wish they could provide more to the end-user. The problem is not with the mods, who have
1) no way to change the site's interface or programming
2) Literally all but one or two? get paid a premium membership so are probably making like 10 cents an hour.
3) Ungrateful posts and actions aimed at mods will continue to make CC decline. Move your feedback at the owner, generally - and not the mods.
4) If you want to see this place fall apart, wear the mods down a little more.

I know I suck at math, but I guess point 2 above is inaccurate. It's more like 10 cents a day, probably even less than 10 a day.

Years ago, when Lack was still around and running the site, I suggested that it was time for CC to become more professional and start paying its mods. The voluntary work is cool, but it cannot be reliable. Look at the official monthly challenge now, it used to be the biggest (and for some people the only) source of fun on CC. We are having it once every three or four months now.

I also suggested that CC should allow new recruits two free speeders because it was the only way to get them hooked; otherwise, they will just get bored when they find out that they got themselves stuck in the limited never-ending four games. People sign up for action, not for getting stuck in slow to dead 24-hour round games.

It's crazy to know that CC has had 901907 sign-ups in total, but only few are retained and remain active now. If 10-20% of that number were multis, we still have plenty of people who signed up and ditched. CC sucks at retention and it has always needed a solid retention policy.

P.S. Funny but sad fact, the forum page says that Gabriel lord is the newest member of CC at the time I looked (the time of this post) - his/her profile says:

"Joined:13 Mar 2025, 20:16. Last visited:13 Mar 2025, 20:19."

He only stayed for 3 minutes then left.
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Re: CC is declining again!

Postby Craig25 on Fri Mar 14, 2025 2:41 am

All valid Pirlo. But truth is, one thing would need to happen in order for CC to pay it's Mods. It would need to be bought by Oil Rich Arabs or Filthy Rich Asians because the minute you paid Mods even the MINIMUM Wage, this Site would incur huge losses.

As much as most Mods (unpaid) are contributing to the demise of the site. They are a necessary evil and do have the best of intentions even if they don't have the skills to do much constructive to help the situation.

I think the solution lies with the owners coming up with a better strategy for first, the way the site is ran. Secondly, the way the Clan Scene is ran. That is probably the part of the site that is failing the most. In terms of how popular it was before versus now. And if you can get those 2 sorted, then look at the way CC attracts Players and retains them. Those 3 things would go a long way to reversing the CC DEATH SPIRRAL.

There are loads of improvements you could make after that, but if you crack the 1st 3, the rest will be a walk in the park.

Only my opinion for what it's worth. It should be worth something given that the Super League (+11.8% in 3 Years + Responsible for 1 in 10 of EVERY GAME set up on CC) is the only positive thing on CC (-13.5% in 3 Years) in a Sea of DEMISE. But we are talking CC here. You lead a Donkey to Water, but making it drink is another problem all together. You'd have more chance howling at the fucking Moon!
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Re: CC is declining again!

Postby TrafalgarLaw01 on Fri Mar 14, 2025 11:42 pm

Craig25 wrote:I think the solution lies with the owners coming up with a better strategy for first, the way the site is ran. Secondly, the way the Clan Scene is ran. That is probably the part of the site that is failing the most. In terms of how popular it was before versus now. And if you can get those 2 sorted, then look at the way CC attracts Players and retains them. Those 3 things would go a long way to reversing the CC DEATH SPIRRAL.

I wonder where u got ur "facts" about clans? 10 active players per clan in average? And what would be the solutions u proposse? Clans is one of the reason a lot of players are and stay in the site, not to say almost every skilled player plays in clans
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Re: CC is declining again!

Postby Craig25 on Sat Mar 15, 2025 3:30 am

TrafalgarLaw01 wrote:
Craig25 wrote:
I wonder where u got ur "facts" about clans? 10 active players per clan in average? And what would be the solutions u proposse? Clans is one of the reason a lot of players are and stay in the site, not to say almost every skilled player plays in clans

I get my facts from this Post which you replied to and did not disagree with :D

In fact, this is what you said:

TrafalgarLaw01 wrote:I totally understand that clans might be struggling due to fewer members around.

Super League is not declining, it is FLOURISHING. Declining CC Numbers is only a convenient excuse for FAILURE. As for what I would do for the Clan System. I would over haul it because it's been on a TERMINAL DECLINE for years. But then, that is for the Clan Mods to recognise and do SOMETHING about.

LOOK TO THE SUPER LEAGUE FOR INSPIRATION if you want to get idea's to improve the Clan Experience. I know that would be really hard for you to do, but the Clan Members would really appreciate it if you did. Because currently, CLANS ARE DYING ON THEIR ARSE with the rest of CC.
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Re: CC is declining again!

Postby Craig25 on Sat Mar 15, 2025 3:35 am

The DONKEYS are approaching the WATERING HOLE TROOPS!
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Re: CC is declining again!

Postby Keefie on Sat Mar 15, 2025 6:50 am

I have an idea :idea:

All the Mods resign and in their place we install Craig25 SuperMod. bigWham get on it mate, we'll be back to 30,000 members as quick as a Scotsman can scratch his hairy ass.
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Re: CC is declining again!

Postby TeeGee on Sat Mar 15, 2025 7:26 am

Craig25 wrote:Super League is not declining, it is FLOURISHING

There we go.
As long as we have 1 section flourishing then we have nothing to worry about.
I can go back to drinking copious amounts of the amber nectar.

And what's this about mods being paid? Why am I not paid? Maybe I am one of the redneck mods killing the site

I second Craig25 for site supermod. Awesome suggestion keefie
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Re: CC is declining again!

Postby xroads on Sat Mar 15, 2025 8:19 am

Craig25 wrote:The DONKEYS are approaching the WATERING HOLE TROOPS!

Led by a horses ass!
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Re: CC is declining again!

Postby Craig25 on Sat Mar 15, 2025 8:58 am

This is encouraging, that's us up to 3 Mods and my own Personal Troll who actually read this Forum!

I do understand we need Mods giving up some of their time to make the site actually function. But we need the Site to improve. Not to continue to NOSE DIVE. That maybe not the Mods jobs. Apologies if I came on a bit strong Guys. :D I have a habit of just saying things as they are.
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Re: CC is declining again!

Postby Craig25 on Sat Mar 15, 2025 10:01 am

There is another idea. Challenge the Mods to IMPROVE the site.

And not just give lame excuses for the decline like CC Bleeding Members to the extent of collapse.

And, it was a genuine suggestion. Look at the ONLY part of CC that is flourishing and try to incorporate some of that into other area's. I just used Clans as an example. It is the part of the site which used to be huge but has been allowed to de-generate over the years. I would say it is an important part of the site. It could be HUGE again with someone or a Team of people with a little but of savvy and an open mind to actually totally change what is there now. Because what is there now just seems a but NICHE to Me and most others.

Super League generating 1 in 10 of ALL Games being set up on CC should be a wake up call to Mods whose area's are suffering MASSIVE DECLINE. Open your mind FFS!
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Re: CC is declining again!

Postby Craig25 on Sat Mar 15, 2025 10:03 am

That's enough MOON HOWLING from me today. :D
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Re: CC is declining again!

Postby IcePack on Sat Mar 15, 2025 12:12 pm

TrafalgarLaw01 wrote:
Craig25 wrote:I think the solution lies with the owners coming up with a better strategy for first, the way the site is ran. Secondly, the way the Clan Scene is ran. That is probably the part of the site that is failing the most. In terms of how popular it was before versus now. And if you can get those 2 sorted, then look at the way CC attracts Players and retains them. Those 3 things would go a long way to reversing the CC DEATH SPIRRAL.

I wonder where u got ur "facts" about clans? 10 active players per clan in average? And what would be the solutions u proposse? Clans is one of the reason a lot of players are and stay in the site, not to say almost every skilled player plays in clans

While the specifics maybe incorrect (10 average is wrong, it’s the minimum) it’s not a secret there has been a massive contraction over the last few years. Clans used to out perform the site decline (IE the site decline was 10%, and clans was declining at approx half the rate) and saw a higher % of premium and longer durations of sticking around the site.

Last I checked (a few years ago) it’s not the case anymore, a few years of stagnation has hurt the area to the point the mergers and things were necessary. It’s been an issue forever that there are more players then leaders without much of a solution.

In the end with the site still in decline, it’ll be hard to buck the trend to make it grow but it’s possible w the right plan and leadership.

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Re: CC is declining again!

Postby Craig25 on Sat Mar 15, 2025 12:26 pm

That seems reasonable. It actually HIGHLIGHTS 2 things.

1. How important the Clan Scene is to CC, and
2. You need to get the right Leadership in place Pronto.

STAGNATION does not need to be the NORM.....but it currently is. ESPECIALLY in Clans.

IcePack wrote:
TrafalgarLaw01 wrote:
Craig25 wrote:I think the solution lies with the owners coming up with a better strategy for first, the way the site is ran. Secondly, the way the Clan Scene is ran. That is probably the part of the site that is failing the most. In terms of how popular it was before versus now. And if you can get those 2 sorted, then look at the way CC attracts Players and retains them. Those 3 things would go a long way to reversing the CC DEATH SPIRRAL.

I wonder where u got ur "facts" about clans? 10 active players per clan in average? And what would be the solutions u proposse? Clans is one of the reason a lot of players are and stay in the site, not to say almost every skilled player plays in clans

While the specifics maybe incorrect (10 average is wrong, it’s the minimum) it’s not a secret there has been a massive contraction over the last few years. Clans used to out perform the site decline (IE the site decline was 10%, and clans was declining at approx half the rate) and saw a higher % of premium and longer durations of sticking around the site.

Last I checked (a few years ago) it’s not the case anymore, a few years of stagnation has hurt the area to the point the mergers and things were necessary. It’s been an issue forever that there are more players then leaders without much of a solution.

In the end with the site still in decline, it’ll be hard to buck the trend to make it grow but it’s possible w the right plan and leadership.
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Re: CC is declining again!

Postby TrafalgarLaw01 on Sat Mar 15, 2025 12:51 pm

IcePack wrote:
TrafalgarLaw01 wrote:
Craig25 wrote:I think the solution lies with the owners coming up with a better strategy for first, the way the site is ran. Secondly, the way the Clan Scene is ran. That is probably the part of the site that is failing the most. In terms of how popular it was before versus now. And if you can get those 2 sorted, then look at the way CC attracts Players and retains them. Those 3 things would go a long way to reversing the CC DEATH SPIRRAL.

I wonder where u got ur "facts" about clans? 10 active players per clan in average? And what would be the solutions u proposse? Clans is one of the reason a lot of players are and stay in the site, not to say almost every skilled player plays in clans

While the specifics maybe incorrect (10 average is wrong, it’s the minimum) it’s not a secret there has been a massive contraction over the last few years. Clans used to out perform the site decline (IE the site decline was 10%, and clans was declining at approx half the rate) and saw a higher % of premium and longer durations of sticking around the site.

Last I checked (a few years ago) it’s not the case anymore, a few years of stagnation has hurt the area to the point the mergers and things were necessary. It’s been an issue forever that there are more players then leaders without much of a solution.

In the end with the site still in decline, it’ll be hard to buck the trend to make it grow but it’s possible w the right plan and leadership.

I do agree that there has been a decline, that's undeniable. I consider it's mainly due to the site decline tho. Less players in the site less players available for clans. Now lets take the last 4 years as an example:

2022: 61,807
2023: 54,183
2024: 50,681
2025: 48,592

That's a 22% Decline in the site numbers.

While the Clans active in 2022 that played the CL14 were 17 Clans. And on CL13 were 16 clans. Current CL16 has 16 clans playing it. Therefore Active clans playing events are mainly the same. or slightly less, but not far less as the site decline.

I do agree changes can be made to improve Clan scene and ofc site in genral. That's one of the reasons why I joined CD team recently and been trying to bring things up. And I am open to bring new ideas to help the clan scene and the site in general.

But the other hand, the mooron just stating false facts and not bringing up his solutions is just a shitshow
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Re: CC is declining again!

Postby Keefie on Sat Mar 15, 2025 12:59 pm

There are around 250 to 300 active clan members at the moment.

Craig, I know you've had your run in's with Mods but I don't know why you need to insult the volunteers who help run this site. Every single one of them/us gives up our free time for free to help a site we all love. As for clans, over the years there have been many initiatives behind the scenes to try to get more members and more clans, including one that's just been kicked off. The main issue is not with active members it's getting folks to lead the clans as that can involve a lot of work, as you can imagine. I was a clan leader for many years running HH/Venom single handedly, it's a lot of work and all clan leaders should be applauded for what they do.

I can assure you that clans is in very safe hands with the current leadership and team.
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Re: CC is declining again!

Postby IcePack on Sat Mar 15, 2025 1:48 pm

Less players in the site less players available for clans. Now lets take the last 4 years as an example:

2022: 61,807
2023: 54,183
2024: 50,681
2025: 48,592

That's a 22% Decline in the site numbers.

I’m not home so it’s hard for me to reply at the moment but what numbers are these so I can reply later? They aren’t player numbers and don’t seem like it’s game count or anything either so idk what numbers you’re referencing
You mention players but no chance these are player numbers and it’s roughly a monthly game number so it can’t be yearly games. Not sure.

Players in clans have gone from roughly 900 in 2018 to ~300 at best according to Keefies latest post. So that’s -66% over 6-7 years. Idk the numbers for last 4 years but I know once or twice in between I had numbers I could see if I still have for reference.

Regardless I think everyone’s on the same page that site growth hinders clans, but doesn’t mean it can’t grow. It’s definitely hard and generally if it’s outpacing / slower shrinking then the site decline it’s a sign of positive health area even if it’s not “growing” per se.

Number of clans (vs active members) relies heavily on leaders being available to invest the time

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Re: CC is declining again!

Postby SoN!c on Sat Mar 15, 2025 1:55 pm

Lex Luthor is an egomaniacal narcissist that believes he can do what he wants while being an incredibly arrogant and self-centred individual who enjoys manipulating and outwitting people. He thinks he's fundamentally better than anyone, and that there is someone who could literally look down on him in the CC SL city he made is the most infuriating thing to him imaginable. Lex Luthor shows the hyper-religiosity, intensified mental life, and circumstantiality symptoms particularly strongly. He believes that the admiration society bestows upon them is recognition that rightfully belongs to him. Convinced that he alone possesses the intellect and capability to lead CC he justifies his ambition with the belief that only he is fit to guide it. Eisenberg specifically noted that the character should come across as rather intense, with his own deeply unique psychology.

From the Superman vilains wikipedia.

PS: Any resemblance to existing persons is purely coincidental.
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Re: CC is declining again!

Postby Craig25 on Sat Mar 15, 2025 2:02 pm

There should be an option on the Game Search to search for Clan Games. But then, it would be humiliating to see how low the numbers actually are.

I posted Total Game Numbers Site Wide a few posts ago on this Forum.

And I see we are back to the, it's Nobody's Fault. It's because the Members are falling on the Site. That is complete nonsense, otherwise the Super League would be declining also. And it isn't. It is growing.

Sorry to Labour the point, but if we accept this from Clan Mods then it is NEVER GOING TO IMPROVE!

Look Mods, I don't want this site to die. But it will. Within 1 Year is my Prediction.

GOOD LUCK! I hope I am proved wrong.


I actually offered the Clan Mods to Collaborate Years ago to get Super League Players into Clans and Vice Versa. It was REFUSED. And look what's happened. Super League has GROWN to the extent it is responsible for 1 in EVERY 10 Games Set Up on CC. The Clan scene is now a BURNING BIN FIRE.

There is maybe an opportunity to re-visit this? But then Keefie, I don't think some Mods could handle that :D
Last edited by Craig25 on Sat Mar 15, 2025 2:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: CC is declining again!

Postby TrafalgarLaw01 on Sat Mar 15, 2025 2:15 pm

IcePack wrote:
Less players in the site less players available for clans. Now lets take the last 4 years as an example:

2022: 61,807
2023: 54,183
2024: 50,681
2025: 48,592

That's a 22% Decline in the site numbers.

I’m not home so it’s hard for me to reply at the moment but what numbers are these so I can reply later? They aren’t player numbers and don’t seem like it’s game count or anything either so idk what numbers you’re referencing
You mention players but no chance these are player numbers and it’s roughly a monthly game number so it can’t be yearly games. Not sure.

Players in clans have gone from roughly 900 in 2018 to ~300 at best according to Keefies latest post. So that’s -66% over 6-7 years. Idk the numbers for last 4 years but I know once or twice in between I had numbers I could see if I still have for reference.

Regardless I think everyone’s on the same page that site growth hinders clans, but doesn’t mean it can’t grow. It’s definitely hard and generally if it’s outpacing / slower shrinking then the site decline it’s a sign of positive health area even if it’s not “growing” per se.

Number of clans (vs active members) relies heavily on leaders being available to invest the time

Oh right that was game numbers.

Player numbers are arounf 3600 rn while in March 2022 it was 5500 so the decline in percentage in Site is even far greater
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Re: CC is declining again!

Postby TrafalgarLaw01 on Sat Mar 15, 2025 2:17 pm

Craig25 wrote:There should be an option on the Game Search to search for Clan Games. But then, it would be humiliating to see how low the numbers actually are.

I posted Total Game Numbers Site Wide a few posts ago on this Forum.

And I see we are back to the, it's Nobody's Fault. It's because the Members are falling on the Site. That is complete nonsense, otherwise the Super League would be declining also. And it isn't. It is growing.

Sorry to Labour the point, but if we accept this from Clan Mods then it is NEVER GOING TO IMPROVE!

Look Mods, I don't want this site to die. But it will. Within 1 Year is my Prediction.

GOOD LUCK! I hope I am proved wrong.


I actually offered the Clan Mods to Collaborate Years ago to get Super League Players into Clans and Vice Versa. It was REFUSED. And look what's happened. Super League has GROWN to the extent it is responsible for 1 in EVERY 10 Games Set Up on CC. The Clan scene is now a BURNING BIN FIRE.

There is maybe an opportunity to re-visit this? But then Keefie, I don't think some Mods could handle that :D

Again you said absolutely nothing.

Clan Scene is not about having more active games. You cannot compared 1v1 games to teamgames and expect similar numbers. that's stupid
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Re: CC is declining again!

Postby Craig25 on Sat Mar 15, 2025 2:44 pm

I'm not comparing anything. Just HIGHLIGHTING the Popularity of the Super League. Being responsible for 1 in every 10 games being set up on CC is a HUGE ACHIEVEMENT for Myself who started it, the people who helped run it along the way, The Players who bought in and made it so Popular. I wouldn't say CC. There has been a lot of very envious Eyes. Although some in the MOD Community have helped massively too and still do.

When I mentioned searching specifically for Clan Games and how humiliating it would be. It would be to see the HUGE REDUCTION in Clan Games being Set Up while the Super League GREW in under 4 Years to be responsible for a HUGE PART of CC.

And now, by HIGHLIGHTING the DIRE STRAITS CC is in. I feel that I am the only one actually addressing the problem. While others just blame the decreasing Membership as the reason for all the problems the Clan Scene is experiencing.

It's MENTAL. Such a shame though.

I offer collaboration, and from the very people responsible for the DEMISE, I get this.

Hey Ho.

I look forward to seeing the Clan Scene improve to save CC..................GOOD LUCK and I genuinely mean it.

TrafalgarLaw01 wrote:
Craig25 wrote:There should be an option on the Game Search to search for Clan Games. But then, it would be humiliating to see how low the numbers actually are.

I posted Total Game Numbers Site Wide a few posts ago on this Forum.

And I see we are back to the, it's Nobody's Fault. It's because the Members are falling on the Site. That is complete nonsense, otherwise the Super League would be declining also. And it isn't. It is growing.

Sorry to Labour the point, but if we accept this from Clan Mods then it is NEVER GOING TO IMPROVE!

Look Mods, I don't want this site to die. But it will. Within 1 Year is my Prediction.

GOOD LUCK! I hope I am proved wrong.


I actually offered the Clan Mods to Collaborate Years ago to get Super League Players into Clans and Vice Versa. It was REFUSED. And look what's happened. Super League has GROWN to the extent it is responsible for 1 in EVERY 10 Games Set Up on CC. The Clan scene is now a BURNING BIN FIRE.

There is maybe an opportunity to re-visit this? But then Keefie, I don't think some Mods could handle that :D

Again you said absolutely nothing.

Clan Scene is not about having more active games. You cannot compared 1v1 games to teamgames and expect similar numbers. that's stupid
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Re: CC is declining again!

Postby TrafalgarLaw01 on Sat Mar 15, 2025 7:21 pm

Craig25 wrote:I'm not comparing anything. Just HIGHLIGHTING the Popularity of the Super League. Being responsible for 1 in every 10 games being set up on CC is a HUGE ACHIEVEMENT for Myself who started it, the people who helped run it along the way, The Players who bought in and made it so Popular. I wouldn't say CC. There has been a lot of very envious Eyes. Although some in the MOD Community have helped massively too and still do.

When I mentioned searching specifically for Clan Games and how humiliating it would be. It would be to see the HUGE REDUCTION in Clan Games being Set Up while the Super League GREW in under 4 Years to be responsible for a HUGE PART of CC.

And now, by HIGHLIGHTING the DIRE STRAITS CC is in. I feel that I am the only one actually addressing the problem. While others just blame the decreasing Membership as the reason for all the problems the Clan Scene is experiencing.

It's MENTAL. Such a shame though.

I offer collaboration, and from the very people responsible for the DEMISE, I get this.

Hey Ho.

I look forward to seeing the Clan Scene improve to save CC..................GOOD LUCK and I genuinely mean it.

TrafalgarLaw01 wrote:
Craig25 wrote:There should be an option on the Game Search to search for Clan Games. But then, it would be humiliating to see how low the numbers actually are.

I posted Total Game Numbers Site Wide a few posts ago on this Forum.

And I see we are back to the, it's Nobody's Fault. It's because the Members are falling on the Site. That is complete nonsense, otherwise the Super League would be declining also. And it isn't. It is growing.

Sorry to Labour the point, but if we accept this from Clan Mods then it is NEVER GOING TO IMPROVE!

Look Mods, I don't want this site to die. But it will. Within 1 Year is my Prediction.

GOOD LUCK! I hope I am proved wrong.


I actually offered the Clan Mods to Collaborate Years ago to get Super League Players into Clans and Vice Versa. It was REFUSED. And look what's happened. Super League has GROWN to the extent it is responsible for 1 in EVERY 10 Games Set Up on CC. The Clan scene is now a BURNING BIN FIRE.

There is maybe an opportunity to re-visit this? But then Keefie, I don't think some Mods could handle that :D

Again you said absolutely nothing.

Clan Scene is not about having more active games. You cannot compared 1v1 games to teamgames and expect similar numbers. that's stupid

Lmao. u clearly know nothing about clans. Like who was CD before and when everyone joined and what has been done.

But hey hopefully SL can bring world peace as well
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Re: CC is declining again!

Postby xroads on Sat Mar 15, 2025 9:21 pm

Am I the only one who calls bullshit on the claim that 1 out of every 10 games on CC is in super league?

I would like to see some real numbers backing that up.

Especially considering this minute there are 7700 active games on CC. Does that mean there are 770 active super league games going on?
Major xroads
Posts: 1484
Joined: Thu May 10, 2007 9:29 am


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