Swimmerdude99 wrote:Just gonna throw this out there - everything I know of mods is not that they are passive. They are passionate, want changes and wish they could provide more to the end-user. The problem is not with the mods, who have
1) no way to change the site's interface or programming
2) Literally all but one or two? get paid a premium membership so are probably making like 10 cents an hour.
3) Ungrateful posts and actions aimed at mods will continue to make CC decline. Move your feedback at the owner, generally - and not the mods.
4) If you want to see this place fall apart, wear the mods down a little more.
I know I suck at math, but I guess point 2 above is inaccurate. It's more like 10 cents a day, probably even less than 10 a day.
Years ago, when Lack was still around and running the site, I suggested that it was time for CC to become more professional and start paying its mods. The voluntary work is cool, but it cannot be reliable. Look at the official monthly challenge now, it used to be the biggest (and for some people the only) source of fun on CC. We are having it once every three or four months now.
I also suggested that CC should allow new recruits two free speeders because it was the only way to get them hooked; otherwise, they will just get bored when they find out that they got themselves stuck in the limited never-ending four games. People sign up for action, not for getting stuck in slow to dead 24-hour round games.
It's crazy to know that CC has had 901907 sign-ups in total, but only few are retained and remain active now. If 10-20% of that number were multis, we still have plenty of people who signed up and ditched. CC sucks at retention and it has always needed a solid retention policy.
P.S. Funny but sad fact, the forum page says that
Gabriel lord is the newest member of CC at the time I looked (the time of this post) - his/her profile says:
"Joined:13 Mar 2025, 20:16. Last visited:13 Mar 2025, 20:19."
He only stayed for 3 minutes then left.