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Dukasaur wrote: That was the night I broke into St. Mike's Cathedral and shat on the Archibishop's desk
mookiemcgee wrote:How's Saxi feeling about Dr. Oz?
Pack Rat wrote:if it quacks like a duck and walk like a duck, it's still fascism
Bruceswar » Tue Aug 28, 2012 8:59 pm wrote:We all had tons of men..
kentington wrote:Yes, doctor Oz is a quack. He has long been known for that.
Back to the topic at hand. I really wish the DOJ would release their findings. Can't you use the Freedom of Information Act to view them? I mean they were voting on whether to release them right before he resigned. Would he have been resigning even without the appointment?
Sunny Hostin was commenting on it and overstepped the bounds of what you can say. He wasn't convicted and the case was closed with no charges made against Gaetz. I'm not in favor of a witch hunt by any means. The allegations that one prostitute/escort made was that she witnessed her friend and Gaetz having sex. She said her friend was 17 at the time. That seems to be easily verifiable information. (At least up until the sex)
Let's say that they can say beyond a shadow of a doubt that he didn't engage with minors. Why is anyone defending him? If we get caught as a 'John', then we get in trouble. I have seen a lot of conservatives say 'Rules for thee but not for me.' So far I have agreed with them. When Newsom and Pelosi disobeyed their own rules for Covid. But now we have this.
Pack Rat wrote:if it quacks like a duck and walk like a duck, it's still fascism
kentington wrote:The allegations that one prostitute/escort made was that she witnessed her friend and Gaetz having sex. She said her friend was 17 at the time. That seems to be easily verifiable information. (At least up until the sex)
Pack Rat wrote:if it quacks like a duck and walk like a duck, it's still fascism
saxitoxin wrote:kentington wrote:The allegations that one prostitute/escort made was that she witnessed her friend and Gaetz having sex. She said her friend was 17 at the time. That seems to be easily verifiable information. (At least up until the sex)
At the end of the day, there's zero physical evidence. There is only the testimony of two anonymous prostitutes. In the Duke lacrosse rape and the Uva fraternity gang rape, the cases only unraveled once we knew the identity of the accusers and their suspicious patterns of behavior could be independently confirmed.
I would have no problem believing enough veracity of the Gaetz allegations that he should be disqualified if --(a) The identity of the prostitutes were revealed so they could be fully backgrounded (Have they previously made accusations of this type against celebrities? Have they had deposits to their bank accounts from foreign governments? Is there any documentary proof they were either living in Florida or traveling through Florida on the date in question? Is there anyone else at the party who can recall seeing them there?)
(b) Venmo records were pulled to see if there was a transfer from Gaetz to one of the accusants on the night in question as they allege
The DOJ did both of these things (check the background of the accusants and check Venmo records). After doing that, they decided not to bring charges.
High profile people are frequently targets of fixated persons, blackmail schemes, etc. A bare minimum of evidence should be required before we believe any random accusation.
Bruceswar » Tue Aug 28, 2012 8:59 pm wrote:We all had tons of men..
kentington wrote:saxitoxin wrote:kentington wrote:The allegations that one prostitute/escort made was that she witnessed her friend and Gaetz having sex. She said her friend was 17 at the time. That seems to be easily verifiable information. (At least up until the sex)
At the end of the day, there's zero physical evidence. There is only the testimony of two anonymous prostitutes. In the Duke lacrosse rape and the Uva fraternity gang rape, the cases only unraveled once we knew the identity of the accusers and their suspicious patterns of behavior could be independently confirmed.
I would have no problem believing enough veracity of the Gaetz allegations that he should be disqualified if --(a) The identity of the prostitutes were revealed so they could be fully backgrounded (Have they previously made accusations of this type against celebrities? Have they had deposits to their bank accounts from foreign governments? Is there any documentary proof they were either living in Florida or traveling through Florida on the date in question? Is there anyone else at the party who can recall seeing them there?)
(b) Venmo records were pulled to see if there was a transfer from Gaetz to one of the accusants on the night in question as they allege
The DOJ did both of these things (check the background of the accusants and check Venmo records). After doing that, they decided not to bring charges.
High profile people are frequently targets of fixated persons, blackmail schemes, etc. A bare minimum of evidence should be required before we believe any random accusation.
Agreed. I am not calling him guilty. I am saying that all of that information is verifiable and that if any of it was true that is pretty damning. Not just the sex with a minor part.
They already did the investigation, they could have released the information but he resigned first. If he is not guilty at all, then it would have benefited him to wait a small amount of time before resigning.
Also, if people feel there really is evidence they should use the FOIA and release the report. It would clear the air completely. I am guessing he may not have been found guilty of the big thing, but that there were smaller things that looked bad and he doesn't want even that out. (Total speculation on my part)
Lee Fang wrote:Gaetz was the most pro-consumer, anti-big tech, anti-surveillance, pro-FTC House Republican by far and ofc libs cheer for his removal and we instead get a former Silicon Valley lobbyist for AG. On every corporate power issue at stake Bondi has a less progressive record. ... 0Vqhw&s=19
Pack Rat wrote:if it quacks like a duck and walk like a duck, it's still fascism
saxitoxin wrote:Gaetz is gone and that means Kahn is probably out at the FTC. Liberals don't want what they tell their voters they want ...Lee Fang wrote:Gaetz was the most pro-consumer, anti-big tech, anti-surveillance, pro-FTC House Republican by far and ofc libs cheer for his removal and we instead get a former Silicon Valley lobbyist for AG. On every corporate power issue at stake Bondi has a less progressive record. ... 0Vqhw&s=19
Dukasaur wrote: That was the night I broke into St. Mike's Cathedral and shat on the Archibishop's desk
For years it was Ralph Nader against General Motors, who went so far as to hire private detectives to discredit him. They sent a prostitute to try to seduce him at a food counter at Safeway's but he turned her away. So the gumshoes tried to prove he was homosexual but were caught as they tried to follow him into Congress. ... ns2004.usa
Pack Rat wrote:if it quacks like a duck and walk like a duck, it's still fascism
Gaetz’ then-girlfriend “appeared to act as an intermediary” between Gaetz and women he paid for sex, the committee found, citing text messages it obtained. The committee said it found evidence that “Representative Gaetz’s then-girlfriend sometimes participated with him in sexual encounters with other women who were active on the website or otherwise involved in sex-for-money arrangements.”
The committee bolstered its findings by citing those text messages, including when Gaetz’s then-girlfriend wrote to women that “the guys (Representative Gaetz and Mr. Greenberg) ‘wanted me to share that they are a little limited in their cash flow this weekend … (M)att was like(,) if it can be more of a customer appreciation week… .”
In another text message exchange cited by the committee, Greenberg exchanged messages with a woman in September 2018, writing, “If you have a friend that is down, perhaps all four of us can meet up later.”
The woman responded she did have a friend who could meet up, adding, “I usually do $400 per meet.”
Greenberg responded by sending a photo of Gaetz holding out a phone and taking a selfie. “Oooh my friend thinks he’s really cute!” the woman responded.
“Well, he’s down here only for the day, we work hard and play hard,” Greenberg wrote. “Have you ever tried molly.”
Dukasaur wrote: That was the night I broke into St. Mike's Cathedral and shat on the Archibishop's desk
mookiemcgee wrote: ... ics-report
One of the sexual encounters involved a 17-year-old girl, the committee said. The woman told the committee she had sex with Gaetz twice at a July 2017 party when she was 17.
“The Committee received testimony that Victim A and Representative Gaetz had sex twice during the party, including at least once in the presence of other party attendees,” the committee wrote. “Victim A recalled receiving $400 in cash from Representative Gaetz that evening, which she understood to be payment for sex. At the time, she had just completed her junior year of high school.” The then-17-year-old did not tell Gaetz she was a minor at the time, and he did not ask her age, the committee found. The committee did not receive any evidence Gaetz was aware of her age. The woman told congressional investigators she was under the influence of ecstasy at the party and that she recalled seeing Gaetz use cocaine at the party.
Pack Rat wrote:if it quacks like a duck and walk like a duck, it's still fascism
saxitoxin wrote:ok fine he's a pedo, but that shouldn't even be illegal. It's not illegal in some place if you pretend you didn't know
Dukasaur wrote: That was the night I broke into St. Mike's Cathedral and shat on the Archibishop's desk
mookiemcgee wrote:saxitoxin wrote:ok fine he's a pedo, but that shouldn't even be illegal. It's not illegal in some place if you pretend you didn't know
lol... Ralf has been rubbing off on you Saxi
mookiemcgee wrote:Ralf has been rubbing off on you Saxi
Pack Rat wrote:if it quacks like a duck and walk like a duck, it's still fascism
Dukasaur wrote:Whilst I enjoy seeing right-wing assholes get hoisted by their own hypocrisy, we do have to be honest: a 17-year old hooker is not a child by any sane measure. The "pedo" term is really an opportunistic misnomer here.
Dukasaur wrote: That was the night I broke into St. Mike's Cathedral and shat on the Archibishop's desk
Dukasaur wrote:Whilst I enjoy seeing right-wing assholes get hoisted by their own hypocrisy, we do have to be honest: a 17-year old hooker is not a child by any sane measure. The "pedo" term is really an opportunistic misnomer here.
Pack Rat wrote:if it quacks like a duck and walk like a duck, it's still fascism
mookiemcgee wrote:Dukasaur wrote:Whilst I enjoy seeing right-wing assholes get hoisted by their own hypocrisy, we do have to be honest: a 17-year old hooker is not a child by any sane measure. The "pedo" term is really an opportunistic misnomer here.
Do you feel that way about the girls Epstein hired for massage?
The internet has made defining what a prostitute is into a super grey area imo... most of these girls were recruited/found on which is a sugar baby website which is kinda like the diet coke/light beer version of prostitution. Sometimes things are explicitly laid out, sometimes its more like dating with nothing explicitly agreed to beyond she's pretty and he has money and they are otherwise just dating because that is what both of them are looking for. I guess gates also had this 'girlfriend' who basically acted like Gaetz's own Ghislaine Maxwell.
At the end of the day, I think you have to look at laws where this stuff happened (FL in this case) and use that as the basis for determining if someone is a pedo. Sure a 17 year old girl isn't maybe all that different from a 18 year old girl, but when the congressman banging either is almost 40 I don't think pedo is really pushing the limit either way. I don't love the word grooming, but the right has used it a ton over the last few years accusing democrats of protecting 'groomers'. Maybe that is more appropriate here? I can change the thread name to Trump's AG pick is a groomer of young and underage girls if you prefer?
saxitoxin wrote:yeah, tbh it's gonna be hard to get anyone who isn't watching reruns of The View 24/7 or married to the governor of Minnesota up in arms about this ... there is a certain minority in America comprised of middle aged ladies and estrogen-gifted men who scream about their joy until their eyes are bloodshot, their faces are flushed red, and saliva is dripping out of their mouths -- and they will be very loud about their outrage
as they're loud about everything
Pack Rat wrote:Here's the latest findings/evidence of Gaetz drug fueled sex parties.
Gaetz is guilty as hell for giving underage girls alcohol and drugs, not to mentioned having sex with a minor, which Gaetz paid to fly her across State lines.
Pack Rat wrote:if it quacks like a duck and walk like a duck, it's still fascism
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