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[CC 2010 Semis] TOFU vs KoRT [20-40 of 60]

Finished challenges between two competitive clans.

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Re: C.C. TOFU vs KoRT [0-2 of 60]

Postby Bruceswar on Tue Aug 31, 2010 10:42 pm

the.killing.44 wrote:Cows seriously bringing their A game.

We always have the A game ready. I was counting today I counted 6-3 in favor of KORT with 11 to early to call. Obviously not all those games are finished but the called games seem decided. Lets see how it pans out. Gonna be close is what I think.
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Re: C.C. TOFU vs KoRT [0-2 of 60]

Postby Chariot of Fire on Tue Aug 31, 2010 11:20 pm

I'd be hard-pressed to pick a clan that is playing a superior strategy - this is what happens when seasoned pros face-off - but I'll be bold enough to say we drew the short straw in the good fortune department (someone had to I guess, so I'm not bitching about it and I also believe what goes around comes around.....and there's a way to go yet).

But a majority of starts to KoRT (esp in the games where 1st turn is very beneficial, e.g. the 1v1s, Iraq, 2 x Supermax, New World, D-Day) and some truly awful dice (Benelux & East Hemi) have swung this first rubber 13-7 in KoRT's favour by my reckoning.

But hey, that's just a three game swing in a worst-case scenario, so I remain optimistic :D

Agree with Bruce.....I think it's gonna be close as we approach the finish line.
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Re: C.C. TOFU vs KoRT [0-2 of 60]

Postby White Moose on Wed Sep 01, 2010 2:33 am

KoRT increases their early lead with another win.

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Re: C.C. TOFU vs KoRT [0-2 of 60]

Postby josko.ri on Wed Sep 01, 2010 2:51 am

Chariot of Fire wrote:I'd be hard-pressed to pick a clan that is playing a superior strategy - this is what happens when seasoned pros face-off - but I'll be bold enough to say we drew the short straw in the good fortune department (someone had to I guess, so I'm not bitching about it and I also believe what goes around comes around.....and there's a way to go yet).

But a majority of starts to KoRT (esp in the games where 1st turn is very beneficial, e.g. the 1v1s, Iraq, 2 x Supermax, New World, D-Day) and some truly awful dice (Benelux & East Hemi) have swung this first rubber 13-7 in KoRT's favour by my reckoning.

But hey, that's just a three game swing in a worst-case scenario, so I remain optimistic :D

Agree with Bruce.....I think it's gonna be close as we approach the finish line.

lol, again fortune comments, btw you have 11 starts and we have 9 starts, so that comment really wasnt needed. you didnt mention other 1v1 where dako had 3 starts while masli had 2, feudal epic where 1st start is probably the biggest advantage than any other map, and the games where we had awful dice (AoM, FC). you only mention your bad luck (which is not so bad), but NOBODY ever mentioned your playing mistakes and commented critical about yourselves playing. for example, Game 7511960, my comment about bad turn from red, or last one turn from blue- especially bad fort and left me with 12 regions when it was possible to put me down to 11. that is only example from my game as I noticed that, but probably similar mistakes happens in other games also. nobody speaks about that, but everybody likes to speak about fortune.
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Re: C.C. TOFU vs KoRT [0-2 of 60]

Postby Chariot of Fire on Wed Sep 01, 2010 4:18 am

josko.ri wrote:lol, again fortune comments, btw you have 11 starts and we have 9 starts, so that comment really wasnt needed. you didnt mention other 1v1 where dako had 3 starts while masli had 2, feudal epic where 1st start is probably the biggest advantage than any other map, and the games where we had awful dice (AoM, FC). you only mention your bad luck (which is not so bad), but NOBODY ever mentioned your playing mistakes and commented critical about yourselves playing. for example, Game 7511960, my comment about bad turn from red, or last one turn from blue- especially bad fort and left me with 12 regions when it was possible to put me down to 11. that is only example from my game as I noticed that, but probably similar mistakes happens in other games also. nobody speaks about that, but everybody likes to speak about fortune.

I tell you what people don't like to speak about (at least people from TOFU).....and that is to speak of flaws in another's gameplay in a public thread. You crtiticize red's move when in fact what he tried was no different from the opening move made by a member of your team (a move that succeeded no less). You can say the necessity was lessened due to turn order, and that red had alternatives, but as far as odds go his chance was equal to that of pink's first turn. The difference was pink got the dice, red didn't. I doubt you'd have found fault with the move had he had the same degree of good fortune.

As for's a rather equitable 14-14 (11-9 if you consider points) though first turn in singles esc is a negligible advantage, if any. And I think first turn in New World is far better than in Feudal Epic, where the amount of neuts and distance between castles negates first strike advantage. As for AoM and FC...what poor dice? You guys are just -8 in both of them (and in AoM a lot of deploys have gone on team mates rather than attack, so what to expect?) and both are esc so such a small disparity means very little. Quite how you can say Benelux, where it's 23-47 after Round 3 is "not so bad" is beyond me.

Anyway. I was prompted to post as I found it interesting that so soon after games had started both Bruce and I were able to determine the progress (and likely outcome) of quite a few games. I merely tried to make sense of it and apply some rationale, taking the opportunity at the same time to sing the praises of your clan's gameplay.

Pity you didn't read it that way and chose instead to denigrate the abilities of your opponents.

Pride comes before a fall, and in this respect you've set yourself up rather nicely :D

Have a nice day.
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Re: C.C. TOFU vs KoRT [0-2 of 60]

Postby josko.ri on Wed Sep 01, 2010 4:56 am

Chariot of Fire wrote:
josko.ri wrote:lol, again fortune comments, btw you have 11 starts and we have 9 starts, so that comment really wasnt needed. you didnt mention other 1v1 where dako had 3 starts while masli had 2, feudal epic where 1st start is probably the biggest advantage than any other map, and the games where we had awful dice (AoM, FC). you only mention your bad luck (which is not so bad), but NOBODY ever mentioned your playing mistakes and commented critical about yourselves playing. for example, Game 7511960, my comment about bad turn from red, or last one turn from blue- especially bad fort and left me with 12 regions when it was possible to put me down to 11. that is only example from my game as I noticed that, but probably similar mistakes happens in other games also. nobody speaks about that, but everybody likes to speak about fortune.

I tell you what people don't like to speak about (at least people from TOFU).....and that is to speak of flaws in another's gameplay in a public thread. You crtiticize red's move when in fact what he tried was no different from the opening move made by a member of your team (a move that succeeded no less). You can say the necessity was lessened due to turn order, and that red had alternatives, but as far as odds go his chance was equal to that of pink's first turn. The difference was pink got the dice, red didn't. I doubt you'd have found fault with the move had he had the same degree of good fortune.

As for's a rather equitable 14-14 (11-9 if you consider points) though first turn in singles esc is a negligible advantage, if any. And I think first turn in New World is far better than in Feudal Epic, where the amount of neuts and distance between castles negates first strike advantage. As for AoM and FC...what poor dice? You guys are just -8 in both of them (and in AoM a lot of deploys have gone on team mates rather than attack, so what to expect?) and both are esc so such a small disparity means very little. Quite how you can say Benelux, where it's 23-47 after Round 3 is "not so bad" is beyond me.

Anyway. I was prompted to post as I found it interesting that so soon after games had started both Bruce and I were able to determine the progress (and likely outcome) of quite a few games. I merely tried to make sense of it and apply some rationale, taking the opportunity at the same time to sing the praises of your clan's gameplay.

Pity you didn't read it that way and chose instead to denigrate the abilities of your opponents.

Pride comes before a fall, and in this respect you've set yourself up rather nicely :D

Have a nice day.

I ll tell you that you would be more constructive/better for your clan if speak about your mistakes and improving your gameplay rather than speaking about fortune. reason - fortune cant be changed and your gameplay can be improved. you are not the only who speak about fortune, that s why I reacted. all 3 games what we won until now it was comments about our luck by someone from tofu. feudal and new world are not only plain first turn difference, it s also difference about spoils, as feudal+flat rate make advantage of feudal start more than new world+no spoils.
about D-Day, difference between my mate attacking in 1st turn and that one attack from your player was huge, for us it was the only chance to attack, as nobody else could break bonus. for your team, it was chance (with more odds) to break bonus in next turn. I also dont want to speak about games on public forum, but your team's attitude (written in comments) that all our wins are due to our great luck forced me to do that, to show you that it s not always in bad luck with real example.

I am critical also about my gameplay (what you probably will never be, with attitude that tofu plays the best and only bad luck can cause tofu's loose-written in comments for every of 3 finished games) and I know that we missed strategy in AoM, but also, dices were in great favour to tofu's side in that game especially in 1st turn, which caused our way of playing.

if anyone was offended I am really sorry but you started with that, 3 looses and 3 comments about our great luck (knight's- page 8 for route 66, and in gamechats of new world, monsters, connected with your mentioning of kort's fortune) really forced me to show you that it s not all about bad luck by an real example.
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Re: C.C. TOFU vs KoRT [0-2 of 60]

Postby josko.ri on Wed Sep 01, 2010 5:03 am

Chariot of Fire wrote:Anyway. I was prompted to post as I found it interesting that so soon after games had started both Bruce and I were able to determine the progress (and likely outcome) of quite a few games. I merely tried to make sense of it and apply some rationale, taking the opportunity at the same time to sing the praises of your clan's gameplay.

Pity you didn't read it that way and chose instead to denigrate the abilities of your opponents.

Chariot of Fire wrote:I'd be hard-pressed to pick a clan that is playing a superior strategy - this is what happens when seasoned pros face-off - but I'll be bold enough to say we drew the short straw in the good fortune department (someone had to I guess, so I'm not bitching about it and I also believe what goes around comes around.....and there's a way to go yet).

But a majority of starts to KoRT (esp in the games where 1st turn is very beneficial, e.g. the 1v1s, Iraq, 2 x Supermax, New World, D-Day) and some truly awful dice (Benelux & East Hemi)
have swung this first rubber 13-7 in KoRT's favour by my reckoning.

But hey, that's just a three game swing in a worst-case scenario, so I remain optimistic :D

Agree with Bruce.....I think it's gonna be close as we approach the finish line.

I read very good what you commented,. and all that bolded (more than 50% of your post) were comment about tofu's bad fortune.
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Re: C.C. TOFU vs KoRT [0-3 of 60]

Postby Dako on Wed Sep 01, 2010 5:04 am

Legion should consider you as their new member.
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Re: C.C. TOFU vs KoRT [0-3 of 60]

Postby josko.ri on Wed Sep 01, 2010 5:23 am

Dako wrote:Legion should consider you as their new member.

hehe, russian sense of humor. well, I never played vs legion and dont know them so dont really understand your point.
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Re: C.C. TOFU vs KoRT [0-2 of 60]

Postby jpeter15 on Wed Sep 01, 2010 5:53 am

josko.ri wrote:about D-Day, difference between my mate attacking in 1st turn and that one attack from your player was huge, for us it was the only chance to attack, as nobody else could break bonus. for your team, it was chance (with more odds) to break bonus in next turn. I also dont want to speak about games on public forum, but your team's attitude (written in comments) that all our wins are due to our great luck forced me to do that, to show you that it s not always in bad luck with real example.

You are wrong about increased odds on the next turn. You suggested I take 2 troops away from the attack for the bonus while next guy up from your team could put down 3 or 4 in defense depending on if I got him below 12. So.... I attempted an 8v3,2 which of course failed. Next player on my team had a -1 bonus so he gets a 2 deploy. Your suggestion would have had

10v6(or 7),2

what I did was 8v3,2

Which are better odds?

Also, you fail to take into account we were in a huge hole in the game since my partner started with a -1 bonus, you guys got the start in a 12-territory-start game and started by rolling something like 6-2.

I am not suggesting you guys are only doing well due to luck or fortune, but I think its pretty ridiculous to say that you are winning the game due to our incompetence.

Also, calling me out multiple times for poor play in a public thread (when you are wrong, no less) is pretty low-class. Especially after I sent you a PM explaining my thought on that move, said that your logic had merit and in retrospect could have been the better play, and then commented on how tough KORT has been and how you have all handled yourselves with class.... Speaks volumes, josko.ri
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Re: C.C. TOFU vs KoRT [0-3 of 60]

Postby Blitzaholic on Wed Sep 01, 2010 7:32 am

Nice to see Tofu finally playing around a top 5 clan.
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Re: C.C. TOFU vs KoRT [0-3 of 60]

Postby trapyoung on Wed Sep 01, 2010 7:34 am

Josko, I am so disappointed in you. Where the f*ck am I in the D-Day analysis? I know I'm not above 3,000 points but for Christ's sake how am I ever going to improve without this type of criticism? Maybe I'm not playing loose enough for you to notice... You even laughed at Dako's Russian humor even though the punchline, reference, and words in general meant nothing to you! Do I get no recognition here? I expected members of KoRT to publicly denounce the playing style of Tofu members, but one of the reasons I joined Tofu was for me to be one of those members publicly denounced. Instead I've got to run to General Discussion or a private forum for some kids to attack me (AND NOT EVEN BASED ON PLAYING ABILITY!) This is quite unacceptable.

I'd like criticisms of me in the following games as soon as possible:
Game 7508977
Game 7512090
Game 7508973
Game 7511960
Game 6873510
Game 6873508
Game 6873506
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Re: C.C. TOFU vs KoRT [0-3 of 60]

Postby Chariot of Fire on Wed Sep 01, 2010 8:13 am

Blitzaholic wrote:Nice to see Tofu finally playing around a top 5 clan.

Nice to see you care :D
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Re: C.C. TOFU vs KoRT [0-3 of 60]

Postby danryan on Wed Sep 01, 2010 8:17 am

Nice to see the heavyweights landing punches instead of trying for points. I say TKO in round 5. By someone.
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Re: C.C. TOFU vs KoRT [0-2 of 60]

Postby josko.ri on Wed Sep 01, 2010 8:34 am

jpeter15 wrote:You are wrong about increased odds on the next turn. You suggested I take 2 troops away from the attack for the bonus while next guy up from your team could put down 3 or 4 in defense depending on if I got him below 12. So.... I attempted an 8v3,2 which of course failed. Next player on my team had a -1 bonus so he gets a 2 deploy. Your suggestion would have had

10v6(or 7),2

what I did was 8v3,2

Which are better odds?

abuot rolls, you started attack 4+3 = 7 ( not 8 ) vs 3,2 becasue I killed 1 your stack the turn before. 7 vs 3,2 = 55% , if you dropped 1 on easy beach 1, easy beach 4, german grenadiers 3, then you would have 2 times 4 v2 to reduce moonchild on 11 and green would have 4 (from fort) plus 3 already on his region plus 2 from drop = 9 vs 6,2 = 47%. or, you should just drop fort green and left moon with 12. in that case you would have 6 (your drop/fort)+3(on his region)+2(his drop) = 11 vs 7,2 = 59%.
so, you had solution with 59% (more than 55) without reducing moon on 11, or other one solution wuth 47% but with benefit that you reduced moon to 11.

jpeter15 wrote:Also, you fail to take into account we were in a huge hole in the game since my partner started with a -1 bonus, you guys got the start in a 12-territory-start game and started by rolling something like 6-2.

I am not suggesting you guys are only doing well due to luck or fortune, but I think its pretty ridiculous to say that you are winning the game due to our incompetence.

Also, calling me out multiple times for poor play in a public thread (when you are wrong, no less) is pretty low-class. Especially after I sent you a PM explaining my thought on that move, said that your logic had merit and in retrospect could have been the better play, and then commented on how tough KORT has been and how you have all handled yourselves with class.... Speaks volumes, josko.ri

I already explained reasons why I put it into public thread- wanted to prove that it is not all about bad dices (like it was commented by tofu members for EVERY games which ended until now-noone commented any mistake in playing, but everyone like to comment bad dices), but is also about some playing mistakes you did. in the case of D-Day your probably lost game is connection bad drop+mistakes in playing, not only bad drop. maybe you didnt realized, but moon and me lost 6 stacks by attacking 2 times 5 vs 1 uss arkansas 3, so it s not that only you had bad dices.

the reason why I used D-Day for example of playing mistakes is that I am in this game and can see that mistakes. how can I comment playing style of some games that I am not in? of course that I can only comment the games I am in because in these games I know what is going on. if I noticed mistakes in some other games, I would public these games, not D-Day, just for PROVE that it is not all in bad dices, like tofu's comments are intended.
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Re: C.C. TOFU vs KoRT [0-3 of 60]

Postby Dako on Wed Sep 01, 2010 8:40 am

Ahahaha, now TOFU were chatting in games with intention to shame their opponents and proclaim that the win were due dice only.

I mean, seriously, you are imagining too much.
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Re: C.C. TOFU vs KoRT [0-3 of 60]

Postby josko.ri on Wed Sep 01, 2010 8:40 am

trapyoung wrote:Josko, I am so disappointed in you. Where the f*ck am I in the D-Day analysis? I know I'm not above 3,000 points but for Christ's sake how am I ever going to improve without this type of criticism? Maybe I'm not playing loose enough for you to notice... You even laughed at Dako's Russian humor even though the punchline, reference, and words in general meant nothing to you! Do I get no recognition here? I expected members of KoRT to publicly denounce the playing style of Tofu members, but one of the reasons I joined Tofu was for me to be one of those members publicly denounced. Instead I've got to run to General Discussion or a private forum for some kids to attack me (AND NOT EVEN BASED ON PLAYING ABILITY!) This is quite unacceptable.

you are not in D-Day analysis because from my opinion you didnt do any mistake in that game :)
it s not playing ability, it s playing mistakes mentioned. ability and mistakes are not the same thing.
also, didnt I said that my team missed strategy in AoM? so I didnt denounce only tofu, but also denounced myself when recognized some my playing mistakes.
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Re: C.C. TOFU vs KoRT [0 of 60]

Postby josko.ri on Wed Sep 01, 2010 8:46 am

@ Dako:

Knight2254 wrote:Yes, congrats on winning - Route 66 singles -- where the drop and dice attacking neutrals sway 90% of the games. Still not sure why we picked that one

from Monsters:
Dako wrote:well, 3-carder. what can i say to this.

from new world:
Kiwi123 wrote:lol. 10 neuts + a stack and had 13 left over! gg

Chariot of Fire wrote:but I'll be bold enough to say we drew the short straw in the good fortune department (someone had to I guess, so I'm not bitching about it and I also believe what goes around comes around.....and there's a way to go yet).

But a majority of starts to KoRT (esp in the games where 1st turn is very beneficial, e.g. the 1v1s, Iraq, 2 x Supermax, New World, D-Day) and some truly awful dice (Benelux & East Hemi)

all that written above is my imagination?
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Re: C.C. TOFU vs KoRT [0-3 of 60]

Postby Dako on Wed Sep 01, 2010 8:53 am

Forget it, it's pointless.
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Re: C.C. TOFU vs KoRT [0-3 of 60]

Postby josko.ri on Wed Sep 01, 2010 9:04 am

as I wrote before, I regret if I offended someone by my posts, I just want to play games and have fun in that. I think I explained my reasons and someone will maybe understand it, someone wont. I dont want to still be involved in this and lower KORT reputation with that.

to anyone who feel offend with my writing - sorry about that, I will not do it again as it is declared like bad sportmanship from me. in future, I will not take care about your luck comments.
finally, I wouldnt complain if we will win 31 games by lucky rolls while you win 29 by excellent playing :)
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Re: C.C. TOFU vs KoRT [0-3 of 60]

Postby Chariot of Fire on Wed Sep 01, 2010 9:26 am

I think you are reading far too much into it josko.ri

- Knight's comment was aimed at the map selection, not whether someone in that particular best-of-5 was lucky or unlucky. Just in general, Route 66 boils down to a dice game, simple as that.

- Dako's comment in Monsters bore no malice so I really don't know where you are coming from by choosing this as an example. If anything the five games were played in great spirit until you entered the chat and stirred the pot.

- Kiwi's comment in New World was nothing more than an exclamation. Estimates were that 41 took out 4,6,27,1. Nobody said "lucky dice" or anything like that, so who's blaming dice for the loss? It was a bold move by red which paid off handsomely - good for him.

- My own statement about the good fortune was based on predictions which are able to be made at an early stage in many of the games. I can't predict future ability, but I can make a good assessment based on drop/start/dice in the games I've seen to date. How else would Bruce predict 6-3, or me 13-7? Have so many mistakes been made that we're already liable to lose 6 (or 13) games, or is it simply that the rub of the dice or a bit of good fortune have already made an impact? Pretty simple answer isn't it really.
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Re: C.C. TOFU vs KoRT [0-3 of 60]

Postby niMic on Wed Sep 01, 2010 9:28 am

Guys, this is just josko's style. He's very aware and always fussing about strategy and tactics. He's never intentionally rude, he just voices his opinion when it comes to tactics and mistakes. That includes his own mistakes and teammates mistakes. He's no harder on you than he is on us or himself - himself in particular.

And we love him for it :twisted:
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Re: C.C. TOFU vs KoRT [0-3 of 60]

Postby Chariot of Fire on Wed Sep 01, 2010 9:35 am

Thanks niMic. In that respect then he's a lot like HardAttack, a player I greatly respected for his self-effacing manner and strategic thinking.

I think we were getting upset because josko was getting upset, though it seemed for all the wrong reasons.

Glad it's all resolved and we're now all more familiar with each other. One of the many benefits to come out of challenges such as these.

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Re: C.C. TOFU vs KoRT [0-3 of 60]

Postby sjnap on Wed Sep 01, 2010 10:11 am

Dako wrote:Legion should consider you as their new member.


Nobody can pay as much our Josko costs. Besides that, the transferdeadline ended yesterday :P
Yosko is a cow and stays a cow ! KORT is very proud of him and his dedication to this game.

respects sjnap
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Re: C.C. TOFU vs KoRT [0-3 of 60]

Postby happy2seeyou on Wed Sep 01, 2010 10:21 am

all these TOFU anti KoRT siggys are funny. Just curious who made them..

Hope your war is going well
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