IcePack wrote:I’m pretty sure REP has the win vs LOW
Yes, I have them marked on the bracket. You're waiting on A^ v RET to finish now.
Moderator: Clan Directors
IcePack wrote:I’m pretty sure REP has the win vs LOW
The format and the rules are subject to change if deemed appropriate by the CD Team.
If one suspects any game abuse (in any form) that would result in the remake of a game, it must be reported to the TOs BEFORE the next player takes his/her turn. It is NOT considered reporting to complain or remark in game chat or the public forum.
Donelladan wrote:If one suspects any game abuse (in any form) that would result in the remake of a game, it must be reported to the TOs BEFORE the next player takes his/her turn. It is NOT considered reporting to complain or remark in game chat or the public forum.
That's a bit harsh imo.
I am sure at least half of the players engaged in the CC cup didn't read the entire rule thread.
And among those who read it I am not sure most of them know every rule of the section.
It's very possible the next player playing doesn't even know it was a broken rule but just assume it's just a shitty move, and therefore would proceed with his turn without warning other clanmates right away.
I've seen people complain in our internal clan discussion about a move of someone that could've been breaking a rule but still played their turn before any of the people that knew it was a broken rule could've responded.
Also one may not have so much time to wait before playing this next turn.
Player A breaks a rule. ~12h later player B see the turn, but only got 1-2h to play before he needs to go to work/life event/whatever and therefore cannot wait to discuss what happened otherwise he risks to miss his turn. He plays and then the player A gets away with it. That's not an uncommon situation for many people to not have tons of time to wait before player their turn.
I would rather that the CD examine the situation and the impact of the game rather than just have such a restrictive written rule.
I understand the reasoning that you to prevent that a clan could see a broken rule, play a few turns to see how the game turns, and then decide to ask for a remake.
That's why I think having a fixed rule like the one you just wrote isn't such a good idea and CD should just judge on a case to case basis. CD know should know enough of the game to see the difference between a meaningless running out of a time in the beginning of the game, and one with a decisive impact on the end of the game, to be able to judge fairly.
If you think it's not possible, I would think giving at least 24h for the other team to make a request for a game to be remade is much better than asking "before next player plays" since, there is always less than 24h remaining when next player see the game after someone played. ( and sometimes less than 12h).
groovysmurf wrote:REP has officially defeated A^.
REP will now face TOFU in the semi-finals. The 6-week deadline starts this Sunday, June 23rd and goes until Sunday, August 4th.
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