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[CC14] Conquerors Cup XIV - Winner: LHDD, MVP: _Untouchable

Finished challenges between two competitive clans.

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Re: [CC14] Conquerors Cup XIV - Round 1 starts Jan 14th

Postby Caymanmew on Fri Mar 15, 2024 3:11 pm

IcePack wrote:I’m pretty sure REP has the win vs LOW

Yes, I have them marked on the bracket. You're waiting on A^ v RET to finish now.
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Re: [CC14] Conquerors Cup XIV - Round 1 starts Jan 14th

Postby rockfist on Fri Mar 15, 2024 4:56 pm

The other side of that bracket is still in doubt though.
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Re: [CC14] Conquerors Cup XIV - Round 1 starts Jan 14th

Postby Caymanmew on Thu Mar 21, 2024 9:09 am

A^ has officially defeated RET.

A^ will now face REP in the next round. The 6-week deadline starts this Sunday, March 24th, and goes until Sunday, May 5th.

6-week deadline extended to May 9th, 5 week deadline moved forward 4 days as well to May 2nd
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Re: [CC14] Conquerors Cup XIV - Round 2

Postby Caymanmew on Wed May 01, 2024 9:15 pm

Hey all,

Due to the situation that occurred in the ACES vs FALL war, we have had to make some changes to the wording of the rules. We are doing so based on the following disclaimer currently in the rules.

The format and the rules are subject to change if deemed appropriate by the CD Team.

Overall the rules haven't significantly changed and the spirit of the rules has stayed the same. What has changed is some of the procedural elements, such as the timing of the reporting and some of the wording to bring clarity and to align with the spirit of the rules.

The following are the newly written rules, which are effective immediately.

General Rules & Comments
All the Conquer Club standard rules will be in effect, including the unwritten game abuse rules of CC. If anyone suspects a site rule has been broken, a C&A report must be filed. Should a player be found to have broken a site rule in clan games by C&A, any consequences as it pertains to the tournament will be determined by the CD team on a case by case basis, depending on the severity, repetitiveness, timing of the report and possible effects on the results of this tournament. The consequences can vary from a warning to the remaking of a game, forfeits, point deductions or in the worst case, expulsion of a player and/or disqualification of a clan.

In regards to clan rules and tournament rules, the CD team will do investigations and make determinations once again on a case by case basis. Conquences will be made depending on the severity, repetitiveness, timing of the report and possible effects on the results of this tournament. The consequences can vary from a warning to the remaking of a game, forfeits, point deductions or in the worst case, expulsion of a player and/or disqualification of a clan.

If you notice a player from the other clan has violated the number of games they are allowed to participate in, please bring it to the TOs attention immediately. If the clan/player is found in violation, the opposing clan will get to pick any game(s) that the offending player is/was in from the last batch played, equal to the number of games that went over the limit, to be re-made without that player participating. The selected games must still be in round 1 at the time they are requested to be remade.

Timing out in a game that leads to an advantage for your team (whether deliberately or not) will not be tolerated by any players. This is not a common occurrence and we do not expect to see it happen at all but a rule should be in place to prevent abuse. If a player breaks this rule, the opposing clan must make a request to remake the game to the TOs within 24 hours BEFORE the next player takes his/her turn. The TOs will then investigate and determine if the game should be remade. If a clan repeatedly breaks this rule than an escalating scale of punishment will apply.

If one suspects any game abuse (in any form) that would result in the remake of a game, it must be reported to the TOs BEFORE the next player takes his/her turn. It is NOT considered reporting to complain or remark in game chat or the public forum.

If a clan is disqualified from CC14, or leaves CC14 for whatever reason(s) the clan will not be eligible to enter CC15.


Clans are encouraged to solve minor issues between themselves. However, if you feel that a clan or a player has broken a rule, please report this to the TOs immediately. Same goes for any other problem you encounter during this clan event.

By signing up your clan, you, your clan and your players express agreement with all the rules mentioned in this post.



The format and the rules are subject to change if deemed appropriate by the CD Team.
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Re: [CC14] Conquerors Cup XIV - Round 2

Postby Donelladan on Thu May 02, 2024 2:32 am

If one suspects any game abuse (in any form) that would result in the remake of a game, it must be reported to the TOs BEFORE the next player takes his/her turn. It is NOT considered reporting to complain or remark in game chat or the public forum.

That's a bit harsh imo.
I am sure at least half of the players engaged in the CC cup didn't read the entire rule thread.
And among those who read it I am not sure most of them know every rule of the section.
It's very possible the next player playing doesn't even know it was a broken rule but just assume it's just a shitty move, and therefore would proceed with his turn without warning other clanmates right away.
I've seen people complain in our internal clan discussion about a move of someone that could've been breaking a rule but still played their turn before any of the people that knew it was a broken rule could've responded.

Also one may not have so much time to wait before playing this next turn.
Player A breaks a rule. ~12h later player B see the turn, but only got 1-2h to play before he needs to go to work/life event/whatever and therefore cannot wait to discuss what happened otherwise he risks to miss his turn. He plays and then the player A gets away with it. That's not an uncommon situation for many people to not have tons of time to wait before player their turn.

I would rather that the CD examine the situation and the impact of the game rather than just have such a restrictive written rule.
I understand the reasoning that you to prevent that a clan could see a broken rule, play a few turns to see how the game turns, and then decide to ask for a remake.
That's why I think having a fixed rule like the one you just wrote isn't such a good idea and CD should just judge on a case to case basis. CD know should know enough of the game to see the difference between a meaningless running out of a time in the beginning of the game, and one with a decisive impact on the end of the game, to be able to judge fairly.

If you think it's not possible, I would think giving at least 24h for the other team to make a request for a game to be remade is much better than asking "before next player plays" since, there is always less than 24h remaining when next player see the game after someone played. ( and sometimes less than 12h).
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Re: [CC14] Conquerors Cup XIV - Round 2

Postby groovysmurf on Thu May 02, 2024 12:29 pm

Donelladan wrote:
If one suspects any game abuse (in any form) that would result in the remake of a game, it must be reported to the TOs BEFORE the next player takes his/her turn. It is NOT considered reporting to complain or remark in game chat or the public forum.

That's a bit harsh imo.
I am sure at least half of the players engaged in the CC cup didn't read the entire rule thread.
And among those who read it I am not sure most of them know every rule of the section.
It's very possible the next player playing doesn't even know it was a broken rule but just assume it's just a shitty move, and therefore would proceed with his turn without warning other clanmates right away.
I've seen people complain in our internal clan discussion about a move of someone that could've been breaking a rule but still played their turn before any of the people that knew it was a broken rule could've responded.

Also one may not have so much time to wait before playing this next turn.
Player A breaks a rule. ~12h later player B see the turn, but only got 1-2h to play before he needs to go to work/life event/whatever and therefore cannot wait to discuss what happened otherwise he risks to miss his turn. He plays and then the player A gets away with it. That's not an uncommon situation for many people to not have tons of time to wait before player their turn.

I would rather that the CD examine the situation and the impact of the game rather than just have such a restrictive written rule.
I understand the reasoning that you to prevent that a clan could see a broken rule, play a few turns to see how the game turns, and then decide to ask for a remake.
That's why I think having a fixed rule like the one you just wrote isn't such a good idea and CD should just judge on a case to case basis. CD know should know enough of the game to see the difference between a meaningless running out of a time in the beginning of the game, and one with a decisive impact on the end of the game, to be able to judge fairly.

If you think it's not possible, I would think giving at least 24h for the other team to make a request for a game to be remade is much better than asking "before next player plays" since, there is always less than 24h remaining when next player see the game after someone played. ( and sometimes less than 12h).

This is a very good and valid point. We will discuss and either come up with a compromise or put a vote in CAT.
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Re: [CC14] Conquerors Cup XIV - Round 2

Postby rockfist on Thu May 02, 2024 1:04 pm

For whatever it’s worth I agree with Don here, about timing.
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Re: [CC14] Conquerors Cup XIV - Round 2

Postby Caymanmew on Sun May 26, 2024 1:07 pm

Hey Folks,

We have talked to the clans still active in CC14 and the majority want to switch the timeline for requesting a remake from "before the next turn" to "24 hours".

As such we will make this switch for the remainder of CC14.

For CC15, we will have a CAT poll to determine what the timing of the rule will be going forward.
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Re: [CC14] Conquerors Cup XIV - Round 2

Postby Caymanmew on Thu May 30, 2024 10:55 am

LHDD has beaten S&M, LHDD will now play ACES.

The 6-week deadline starts Sunday, June 2nd and goes through Sunday, July 14th.
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Re: [CC14] Conquerors Cup XIV - Round 2

Postby groovysmurf on Sat Jun 22, 2024 11:04 pm

REP has officially defeated A^.

REP will now face TOFU in the semi-finals. The 6-week deadline starts this Sunday, June 23rd and goes until Sunday, August 4th.
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Re: [CC14] Conquerors Cup XIV - Semi-Finals

Postby queen victorious on Sun Jun 23, 2024 8:08 am

well done all clans in the semis! =D>
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Re: [CC14] Conquerors Cup XIV - Round 2

Postby IcePack on Thu Aug 01, 2024 10:21 am

groovysmurf wrote:REP has officially defeated A^.

REP will now face TOFU in the semi-finals. The 6-week deadline starts this Sunday, June 23rd and goes until Sunday, August 4th.

Bracket needs an update

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Re: [CC14] Conquerors Cup XIV - Finals starting soon!

Postby groovysmurf on Wed Oct 16, 2024 3:09 pm

REP has officially defeated TOFU.

REP will now face LHDD in the finals. The 6-week deadline starts this Sunday, October 20th and goes until Sunday, December 1st.
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Re: [CC14] Conquerors Cup XIV - Winner: LHDD, MVP: tbd

Postby groovysmurf on Sat Feb 15, 2025 10:49 pm

Congratulations to LHDD!!! MVP coming soon.
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Re: [CC14] Conquerors Cup XIV - Winner: LHDD, MVP: _Untoucha

Postby donche64 on Thu Feb 20, 2025 4:55 am

Hello CC Community,

I'm pleased to announce that _Untouchable is the Conquerors Cup XIV MVP !!

Spectacular results throughout the competition (75% win rate) and a staggering 14/16 during the Finals, congratz dude !

You have been awarded the medal "Clan Achievement"

For being named MVP of the Premier Division of [CL7] Clan League VII

...thus being better than Mishalex!
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Re: [CC14] Conquerors Cup XIV - Winner: LHDD, MVP: _Untoucha

Postby groovysmurf on Wed Feb 26, 2025 8:19 pm

Congratulations again to LHDD for winning the Cup and to _Untouchable for being voted as MVP!

Tournament completed.

All awards have been issued, including clan achievements for all members of the 1st and 2nd place clans, LHDD and REP, that played a minimum of 14 games over at least 2 rounds, 1500 credits and an additional clan achievement to the MVP: _Untouchable, the organizer achievements and the Clan Plaques.

Topic moved.

War Page Links and Final Results for All Rounds

Round One
ACES (30) vs LION (13) - Clan War Page
ATL (28) vs FOED (15) - Clan War Page
REP (26) vs LOW (17) - Clan War Page
S&M (28) vs AFOS (15) - Clan War Page
LHDD (33) vs KNT (10) - Clan War Page
A^ (33) vs RET (10) - Clan War Page

Round Two
ACES (28) vs FALL (21) - Clan War Page
LHDD (28) vs S&M (21) - Clan War Page
REP (28) vs A^ (21) - Clan War Page
TOFU (27) vs ATL (22) - Clan War Page

Round Three - Semi-Finals
LHDD (29) vs ACES (26) - Clan War Page
REP (28) vs TOFU (27) - Clan War Page

Round Four - Finals
LHDD (44) vs REP (17) - Clan War Page
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