GoranZ wrote:1-st Missed agreed deadline (Sent: 05 Sep 2022 08:17)
fishydance wrote:I'll give him a nudge to get them up ASAP
This deadline was also missed by FALL, rules state that set 1 games should be created and posted in the game making thread by Sep 4 23:59 CCT, yet they were posted in the thread by FALL 6 hours later, as can be seen here:
viewtopic.php?f=441&t=196991&start=2625#p5258565Posted by GoranZ at Sep 5 05:59 CCT
Any person with a little dignity would shut up of opponents being late, if his clan was late at the first place.
GoranZ wrote:2-nd (Sent: 05 Sep 2022 08:49)
josko.ri wrote:I can follow up with our home games by Wednesday 23:59 CCT
3-rd (Sent: 07 Sep 2022 07:13)
josko.ri wrote:I would be grateful if you allow me slight extension of set 1 deadline for 12 more hours.
Previous deadline: Wednesday 23:59 pm CCT
New deadline: Thursday 11:59 am CCT
This was a delay of 12 hours due to real life circumstances, informed to you very well in advance.
For each of your delays (late sending home set 1, late sending home set 2, late filling home set 1) there was literally no notification to us.
For that one lateness to deadline from S&M side, you asked for compensation (12 hours earlier sending home set 2) and I gave you the compensation as requested.
For your late sending home set 1, home set 2 and late filling away set 1, we have never received neither being offered any compensation.
GoranZ wrote:4-th (Sent: 08 Sep 2022 08:24)
josko.ri wrote:My next steps are as follows:
By Friday 23:59 pm CCT: invite all players to home set 1
You sent R1 invites after/or on September 11-th(Sunday CC time)
This was just an intention, NOT an obligation, which I failed to meet.
Strictly speaking of obligation requirements, obligation is to send all game invites of set 1 in deadline 7 days after you sent us games, which was Sep 5 5:59 CCT, and indeed all our round 1 game invites (home and away) were sent before Sep 12 5:59 CCT.
GoranZ wrote:Bonus:
josko.ri wrote:you filled my round 1 games 9 days later than when I created them, clearly extending your available time by rules which is 7 days.

(Sent: 07 Sep 2022 14:29)
GoranZ wrote:Create Round 1 and Round 2 games for S&M then... You guys have our games for 7 days(atm) while we have nothing from your side, and we need to plan away games for two rounds in parallel.
(Sent: 07 Sep 2022 21:35)
josko.ri wrote:Sorry for this confusion but you will surely receive our set 2 way before the deadline and have enough time to plan both sets simultaneously.
You delays left us no other option but to plan both of our sets in parallel so all of our games to be accepted until Sept 17-th(which we did). Even you propose the same thing. IDK why are you complaining now

What this "bonus" proves?
Yes, as I told in the quote you indeed received our home set 2 games 12 hours before the deadline, am I at fault here?
My saying that "you have enough time to plan both sets simultaneously" implied that you can plan how to fill set 1 from the set 1 game exchange date Thu Sep 8 until next 7 days, and from the set 2 game exchange date Sun Sep 11 until next 7 days, and the fact that you could fill them "simulataneously" is valid for the overlapping period from Sep 11 to Sep 15, not for the entire period until Sep 18. Literally, you filled both set 1 and set 2 around Sep 17 therefore using 9 days to fill set 1 which is much longer than allowed deadline of 7 days.
Even the TO JPlo64 in his reply to your complaining message clearly told that if we were late in sending home set 1 by 4 days (i.e, we sent it by Thursday instead of by Sunday), that means that you have 4 extra days to fill set, until upcoming Thursday. So it was clear that cannot be clearer from his response that you should fill our home set 1 by Thursday 15 Sep, yet you filled it on Saturday 17 Sep.At the same time, you posted home set 2 with 1 day and 6 hours delay, effectively leaving us 4 and half days to plan how to fill away games, which is much less than how much time should we have by rules:
viewtopic.php?f=441&t=196991&start=2625#p5259297"Posted by GoranZ at Sep 13 06:21 CCT"
Again to repeat, any person with a little dignity would shut up of opponents being late, if his clan was late at the first place.
GoranZ wrote:josko.ri wrote:Please lie down Mr. cheater, we will destroy you on the board, despite your dirty play off the board.
If you have C&A evidence against me please open a case in appropriate section, otherwise apologize. If you do not open a case and you do not apologize I will open a case about your false accusations.
To me "cheater" equals to "liar" when he wants to achieve some bigger benefit with telling his lies.
As for the evidence that you asked that you are indeed a liar, this is a lie that you publicly wrote in shameless way in order to manipulate public opinion, without even apologizing for it, or correcting yourself that you wrote a lie:
GoranZ wrote:In a fact S&M invites were soo late that even some games have started after the September 18 deadline, but we don't have an issue with it.
Your writing that "in fact" some GAMES (plural) started after the deadline is a shameless lie, as there was only one GAME (singular) started 7 minutes after the deadline.
If this is not true, please prove that you are not liar and show links to at least 2 games (to be it plural indeed) which started after the deadline?
If you do not prove that your accusation was not a lie, or do not retract (and apologize for) your "in fact" statement which is not "in fact" but is a shameless lie, then I continue to call you mr. cheater, which is about same as mr. liar.