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Closed riskllama trolling /abuse

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riskllama trolling /abuse

Postby zeus111 on Thu Jul 23, 2020 3:26 pm

this member is right back to trolling and abusing our sites members . in a very recent case one that did not concern him in any way he comes in yet again abusing /harassing our forum posters .

Re: general cod

Postby riskllama on Wed Jul 22, 2020 1:59 pm
b00060 = butthurt loser...

there is zero need for this in a matter that does not concern llama in any way . now he goes so far as too mock evil semp for his decision in that case . these forums are not for opinion no a vessel to abuse members posting on issues that concerns a game or games played.

llama has been given 90 day forum ban just this year for this very thing and ask we extend this till years end to send a clear message trolling bating our members / site mods wont be tolerated, since the ban previous llama has been trolling and harassing posters in this forum quite often . now on a issue yet again with zero to do with him he name calls the op and questions evil semps decision and is out right mocking him for the out come in a situation that does not concern him in any way .

we dont need or want this abuse and as he has been handed down 90 days just a few short months ago i feel a longer posting ban be placed . send this troll the message once and for all a clear message our members posting do not deserve to be harassed our mods deliberating on issues dont and wont stand to be mocked or abused by him in any way especially in matters that do not concern him in any way .

i have tagged several of these forum posts over the last 45 days but if need be i can give the mod looking into this several more instances of him going in to a thread and harassing its poster ,

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Re: riskllama trolling /abuse

Postby Nut Shot Scott on Thu Jul 23, 2020 4:04 pm

so you complain about someone sticking their nose where it doesn't concern them, then immediately do the same thing? this seems to be your modus operandi - go searching for things that bother you, then be bothered by them. what a pain in the ass.

these forums are not for opinion no(r) a vessel to abuse members posting on issues that concerns a game or games played.

so we aren't allowed to give opinions in the forums? good to know. thank you, thought police.
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Re: riskllama trolling /abuse

Postby zeus111 on Thu Jul 23, 2020 4:30 pm

Nut Shot Scott wrote:so you complain about someone sticking their nose where it doesn't concern them, then immediately do the same thing? this seems to be your modus operandi - go searching for things that bother you, then be bothered by them. what a pain in the ass.

these forums are not for opinion no(r) a vessel to abuse members posting on issues that concerns a game or games played.

so we aren't allowed to give opinions in the forums? good to know. thank you, thought police.

it does concern me when we have members abusing others . and no not in c@a cases ... general discussion forums yes feel free but c@a forum is for evidence only , its become lax tho in past years... bans were issued for trolling c@a,

to post flame posts name calling in this forum is.... well was not allowed...members posting issues dont need to be trolled name called or opinions injected in the c@a form un related to the case issue . its to provide evidence to that case only.

so as ya can see llama trolling posting hate speech is a constant ongoing issue one hes been banned from posting just this past year ,

there is zero need for this

Re: general codPostby riskllama on Wed Jul 22, 2020 1:59 pm b00060 = butthurt loser...

one of countless comments like this left by him, zero to do with him what so ever zero input to the matter just same ole llama trolling and abusing members

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Re: riskllama trolling /abuse

Postby Kotaro on Fri Jul 24, 2020 12:04 am

zeus111 wrote:it does concern me when we have members abusing others

Woah, Zeus got the big promotion to Community Defender of the Innocent?

By the way, the guy he is trolling also put this in a post before riskllama 'trolled':

b00060 wrote:Oh yeah and Prick, suck on that loss in the Escalating Extravaganza Tournament, I know that is why you are so bitter.

You shouldn't go into threads that don't concern you and pick/choose which trolls to make a thread about, it just shows a bias.

Oh, and that poor, innocent man you're defending also has these nice quotes to his name:
2020-07-21 15:43:22 - b00060: stacking? What a dick move after CC handed you a fucking win

2020-07-21 20:27:49 - b00060: you are wrong, enjoy the bullshit gift from CC, you didnt fucking earn it

2020-07-22 05:41:51 - b00060: stiull stacking man f*ck you asshole

2020-07-22 08:12:56 - b00060: piece of shit

If trolling someone that acts like a 7 year old kid everytime he's handed a loss is wrong, nobody on this site has a justifiable reason to be right.
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TheJonah wrote:I`m not really that arsed. Just supporting my mucker.
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Re: riskllama trolling /abuse

Postby zeus111 on Fri Jul 24, 2020 12:17 am

this report was not due to just one post m8 its ongoing abuse by a member for no reason . he goes into forums that dont concern him and out right name calls the poster . no justification . the chat excerpts you post are not my issue nor gives a reason to troll our members , if you have issue with b0060s game chat report it ,

the chat you post is in a game with another member NOT RISKLLAMA!!!!!!! this in no way effects him yet he goes in to a post and name calls the poster be it b0060 or who ever . in the early part of this year he was banned from posting for this very reason and is the reason this was posted , its just abuse to site members ongoing . i have to say its just not needed in any way.

least ya can see he is in fact trolling our members i guess . c@a forums shouldnt be this way players posting are already pissed off last thing needed is some body flaming the fire with comments like above its not needed,adds to the info mods sift through and for what gain ?

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Re: riskllama trolling /abuse

Postby Kotaro on Fri Jul 24, 2020 12:38 am

zeus111 wrote:the chat you post is in a game with another member NOT RISKLLAMA!!!!!!! this in no way effects him yet he goes in to a post and name calls

So what you're saying a member shouldn't react to another member's posts? Sort of like Riskllama calling b00060 a name does not involve you, so you shouldn't butt your nose in?

Weird how that only works like that when you don't like a member. Bias poster is bias.

And if you're going to make a thread about someone trolling, then continuously claim it's an ongoing issue with many posts involved, you should be at least linking, if not quoting, those posts. Saying 'oh he does this all the time' but giving no examples is just bad reporting, and probably just attention grabbing.

Evidence or it didn't happen, welcome to the internet.

least ya can see he is in fact trolling our members i guess . c@a forums shouldnt be this way players posting are already pissed off last thing needed is some body flaming the fire with comments like above its not needed,adds to the info mods sift through and for what gain ?

You have 457 posts in C&A; are you saying that every single 1 added evidence (not an opinion or your take on an issue, but actually contributed facts), and absolutely 0 of them had any trolling statements or tones in them? If you truthfully think that's the case, you're wrong.
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TheJonah wrote:I`m not really that arsed. Just supporting my mucker.
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Re: riskllama trolling /abuse

Postby zeus111 on Fri Jul 24, 2020 1:29 am

lol just lol ....what i am saying is simple sorry ya just cant grasp it but will try yet again . yes all my posts in this forum are relevant to the issue . llamas are not the posts if you read have all been tagged for admin over the past 45 days, and this post is a follow up to all of them as we can see the 90 day vacation had zero effect on his trolling abusing site members . its tolerated in game chat general chat even as long as it does not break gc rules, but to continuously flame the c@a posters is the issue over and over again , its abusive to say the least . trolling/stocking /harassing/ posters who just want to post there case should not be ridiculed by anyone but this guy just cant get it leave the members posting on a issue alone . the issues posted do not concern him in any way yet its this guys a loser or when ya quitting caff and so on and so on . perhaps a warning may work again but after 90 days his last ban it may take another 90 days to get it c@a forum is not the place to add fuel to members already pissed off , go into gc and bash away or pm s but this isnt the place for it

thanks for stopping by tho always a pleasure

have a great summer all

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Re: riskllama trolling /abuse

Postby Shannon Apple on Sat Jul 25, 2020 7:18 am

This makes me wonder if this section of the site should be made semi-private in that everyone can read and create threads, but only Team CC and the topic starter can respond to the topics. Then, if anyone has any other evidence, they can just PM the mod who has taken charge of the case.

I dunno. There seems to be a lot of asshattery going on in this section, and it's not just Llama (and to be honest, I'm not sure why he's been singled out here). I remember a time when people would make spurious complaints over someone being mean to them in game chat. The community might respond "Oh, just foe and move on." Now, instead of saying FAMO, it's gotten a lot meaner to a point where "Suck it up, cupcake" would be a kind thing to say. People have become super mean-spirited on this site over the last few years.
Last edited by Shannon Apple on Sat Jul 25, 2020 2:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
00:33:53 ‹riskllama› will her and i ever hook up, LLT???
00:34:09 ‹LiveLoveTeach› You and Shannon?
00:34:20 ‹LiveLoveTeach› Bahahahahahaha
00:34:22 ‹LiveLoveTeach› I doubt it
00:34:30 ‹LiveLoveTeach› I don't think she's into farm animals
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Re: riskllama trolling /abuse

Postby Machieavellian on Sat Jul 25, 2020 1:41 pm

not my experience at all. I find everyone helpful and super friendly......especially Llama. When I was up for some C@A recently it was his 'trolling' which dropped a little gem of support for me that honestly gave me a reflaming attitude and some needed gusto towards the game. Since, he, and a few others, have been excellent teachers in helping me learn and play team games. Llama has never, to me, ever been anything other than courteous, friendly and at times a delight. But mostly a good, fair and sometimes challenging teacher. I cant say fairer than that. I get the complaints. But you need to balance out the Llama = helping....and a little skin toughening.
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Re: riskllama trolling /abuse

Postby zeus111 on Sat Jul 25, 2020 2:31 pm

Shannon Apple wrote:This makes me wonder if this section of the site should be made semi-private in that everyone can read and create threads, but only Team CC and the topic starter can respond to the topics. Then, if anyone has any other evidence, they can just PM the mod who has taken charge of the case.

I dunno. There seems to be a lot of asshattery going on in this section, and it's not just Llama. I remember a time when people would make spurious complaints over someone being mean to them in game chat. The community might respond "Oh, just foe and move on." Now, instead of saying FAMO, it's gotten a lot meaner to a point where "Suck it up, cupcake" would be a kind thing to say. People have become super mean-spirited on this site over the last few years.

you have some good ideas and no its not just him doing it . however he is by far one the worst . constant belittling of site members in the past he has stated he is part of a secret group allowed to do as he wishes i kid you not , he has had more bans for things on here then most but continues on the same path .

c@a posters should be able to post with out being called names or derogatory remarks being tossed there way some have left not many but a few . whats clear here is a troll needs to just stop . log on chit chat and play leave the hate trolling of our members be it enough already .

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Re: riskllama trolling /abuse

Postby zeus111 on Sat Jul 25, 2020 2:44 pm

Machieavellian wrote:not my experience at all. I find everyone helpful and super friendly......especially Llama. When I was up for some C@A recently it was his 'trolling' which dropped a little gem of support for me that honestly gave me a reflaming attitude and some needed gusto towards the game. Since, he, and a few others, have been excellent teachers in helping me learn and play team games. Llama has never, to me, ever been anything other than courteous, friendly and at times a delight. But mostly a good, fair and sometimes challenging teacher. I cant say fairer than that. I get the complaints. But you need to balance out the Llama = helping....and a little skin toughening.

thats nice to hear but can assure you its not the case for so many on here and is why he has a past 90 day post ban applied to his membership . he trolls our members for no good reason constantly and its just out right mean hateful abusive conduct . this report is made in hopes to put an end to it once and for all . via a verbal final warning or another 90 posting ban .

its refreshing to read your post but over the time i have spent on site safe to say llama =not helping more so llama = nasty bitter troll .
i will update this post with a lot of it if need be but think its just an issue that needs to be addressed ,
thanks for your input it was a pleasant surprise !

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Re: riskllama trolling /abuse

Postby Nut Shot Scott on Sat Jul 25, 2020 6:14 pm

I do enjoy a good cupcake.

Where does "jackass" rank on your list of hateful things to say, Zeus?
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Re: riskllama trolling /abuse

Postby mrswdk on Sat Jul 25, 2020 7:23 pm

Isn't the usual mod response to nonsense threads like this to say that this is a forum issue and C&A is meant for gameplay issues?
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Re: riskllama trolling /abuse

Postby TeeGee on Sat Jul 25, 2020 11:10 pm

This is a Global mod issue, not C&A

If the post is against Community Guidelines then please report it by clicking on the upside down triangle with the exclamation mark in that post

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