this member is right back to trolling and abusing our sites members . in a very recent case one that did not concern him in any way he comes in yet again abusing /harassing our forum posters .
Re: general cod
Postby riskllama on Wed Jul 22, 2020 1:59 pm
b00060 = butthurt loser...
there is zero need for this in a matter that does not concern llama in any way . now he goes so far as too mock evil semp for his decision in that case . these forums are not for opinion no a vessel to abuse members posting on issues that concerns a game or games played.
llama has been given 90 day forum ban just this year for this very thing and ask we extend this till years end to send a clear message trolling bating our members / site mods wont be tolerated, since the ban previous llama has been trolling and harassing posters in this forum quite often . now on a issue yet again with zero to do with him he name calls the op and questions evil semps decision and is out right mocking him for the out come in a situation that does not concern him in any way .
we dont need or want this abuse and as he has been handed down 90 days just a few short months ago i feel a longer posting ban be placed . send this troll the message once and for all a clear message our members posting do not deserve to be harassed our mods deliberating on issues dont and wont stand to be mocked or abused by him in any way especially in matters that do not concern him in any way .
i have tagged several of these forum posts over the last 45 days but if need be i can give the mod looking into this several more instances of him going in to a thread and harassing its poster ,