Conquer Club

[AT] Conquer Map Marathon Cup - Completed

Tournaments Completed in 2018.

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Re: [AT] Conquer Map Marathon Cup - Round 21

Postby Mad777 on Tue Jun 19, 2018 12:14 pm

xroads wrote:Now that the tournament is winding down, it will take approx 16 months.

What does everyone think, run it again?

Perhaps with less entries (from 100 to 50)? this will take less than 16 months not dealing with deadbeat, I can add 99% turn taken to prevent to get player who more than once miss turn...
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Re: [AT] Conquer Map Marathon Cup - Round 21

Postby xroads on Tue Jun 19, 2018 12:29 pm

that is a good idea.

Maybe also have a min number of games played, or time on the site.
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Re: [AT] Conquer Map Marathon Cup - Round 21

Postby MTIceman41 on Tue Jun 19, 2018 4:26 pm

xroads wrote:that is a good idea.

Maybe also have a min number of games played, or time on the site.

Generator seems off...I have had multiple times playing same player...3x against ABR...a very good player so that skews results somewhat. Also over 65% going second on maps. Things can be cleaned up; but the tourney was fun and thanks for the hard work and setting things up
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Re: [AT] Conquer Map Marathon Cup - Round 21

Postby Mad777 on Tue Jun 19, 2018 4:34 pm

MTIceman41 wrote:
xroads wrote:that is a good idea.

Maybe also have a min number of games played, or time on the site.

Generator seems off...I have had multiple times playing same player...3x against ABR...a very good player so that skews results somewhat. Also over 65% going second on maps. Things can be cleaned up; but the tourney was fun and thanks for the hard work and setting things up

I think I can found a way to straight the opponent generator, it may cost me extra time to brainstorm the way to code the tournament...Unfortunately I cannot Control the start position, 65% isn’t too bad though.
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Re: [AT] Conquer Map Marathon Cup - Round 21

Postby grt on Wed Jun 20, 2018 5:10 am

You could do Round 1 is random. After that players in 1st and 2nd play each other, 3rd and 4th play each other etc.

This means that you will be getting harder opponents if you are doing well. Not sure how it would work throughout the tournament but could make it more balanced.
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Re: [AT] Conquer Map Marathon Cup - Round 21

Postby Mad777 on Wed Jun 20, 2018 9:41 am

grt wrote:You could do Round 1 is random. After that players in 1st and 2nd play each other, 3rd and 4th play each other etc.

This means that you will be getting harder opponents if you are doing well. Not sure how it would work throughout the tournament but could make it more balanced.

That would be awesome and there is a way to code the tournament to rank player by score (seeding by score) but the unfortunate part is the engine don’t have an option to chose 1st vs 2nd, 3rd vs 4th other than using the semi auto mode (it can be done, just more work for me each round).
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Re: [AT] Conquer Map Marathon Cup - Round 21

Postby josko.ri on Wed Jun 20, 2018 10:04 am

grt wrote:You could do Round 1 is random. After that players in 1st and 2nd play each other, 3rd and 4th play each other etc.

This means that you will be getting harder opponents if you are doing well. Not sure how it would work throughout the tournament but could make it more balanced.

I was going to tell this!

Use pairing system like in chess, where top ranked players always play each other. If someone is the best he need to prove it vs the same leveled players.
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Re: [AT] Conquer Map Marathon Cup - Round 21

Postby Mad777 on Wed Jun 20, 2018 10:27 am

josko.ri wrote:
grt wrote:You could do Round 1 is random. After that players in 1st and 2nd play each other, 3rd and 4th play each other etc.

This means that you will be getting harder opponents if you are doing well. Not sure how it would work throughout the tournament but could make it more balanced.

I was going to tell this!

Use pairing system like in chess, where top ranked players always play each other. If someone is the best he need to prove it vs the same leveled players.

Let me brainstorm something....Since I plan on reborn the Championship (but using the casual way, not the Auto Tournament style), I will see how much time I can invest in this 2nd version CMMC (Conquer Map Marathon Cup).

Please all other player, don't hesitate to give more input in initial goal was to get an Auto Tournament like this to be run on an annual basis...I think we can make this to happen and ask for bigger prizes to admin as well 8-)
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Re: [AT] Conquer Map Marathon Cup - Round 18

Postby agentcom on Thu Jun 28, 2018 10:36 pm

evetobl13 wrote:
agentcom wrote:...I was hoping that somebody else had this experience because if it's only affecting me ... well, I just can't think of anything that could/should be happening that would cause that.

You're def not the only one. I was going to ask about it at one point but figured after so many rounds it was just something to put up with. I guess it's better than the alternative! (Losing)

Ironically, I did have a game where the delay from winning could have cost me a different game. I had loaded the whole set in different tabs to get an overview. I won a game, moved to the next tab, started that turn and hit the delay. I closed the tab, but the signal must've gotten through to CC first because when I came back to my computer I had the worst kind of "missed turn" where you don't get the deferred troops!

The lag was easily biggest issue that I had with this tourney.

I'm not sure you can ever run a huge tourney and not have deadbeats. Anyone remember HA's 200th? Great tourney, but even the the TO had to be replaced by the end of that one haha. I think the best thing to do is try to get it filled as quick as possible to minimize attrition. The minimum games and attendance are also good ideas. Of course, any of these solutions will probably decrease the size of the tourney, so it's a trade off.

The lopsided first turns and duplicate matches are random, so it sucks when it hurts you, but I wouldn't burn too many calories trying to "fix" those things. I may not have gone 2nd 65% of the games, and I'm not gonna count, but I did feel like I had noticeably less than 50% overall. Of course, it's not hard to feel that way even if it's not true, and even if you're trying it's hard to keep track of in such a long tourney.

The idea of facing 1v2, etc. is interesting, but will probably only add to the number of sets with same players. The players will be closer in skill/score, so it would be interesting to see how it works out. With the sets so large, you probably won't have players facing same opponents in consecutive rounds. But I would guess that most players would end up with multiple sets against at least 1 other player who's in the same region of the scoreboard.
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Re: [AT] Conquer Map Marathon Cup - Round 21

Postby Fyrdraca on Fri Jul 13, 2018 1:54 pm

Congrats to grt on winning this race!

I’m likely going to finish with 179, so josko will need to win 10/11 to secure 2nd. Been a fun ride!

Would be interesting to somehow analyze the degree of difficulty for each of the top 20 finishers or so to see if over 242 games luck still played a role (i.e., faced deadbeat opponents, faced low score opponents, etc.)

Only way this could be improved is if there was a way to ensure a more equal distribution of games for and against everyone.
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Re: [AT] Conquer Map Marathon Cup - Round 21

Postby xroads on Fri Jul 13, 2018 5:32 pm

I really enjoyed it, would like 50 players with some restrictions on entrance.
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Re: [AT] Conquer Map Marathon Cup - Round 21

Postby Mad777 on Fri Jul 13, 2018 6:36 pm

I still haven’t heard back from BW and getting the auto tournament privileges back :(
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Re: [AT] Conquer Map Marathon Cup - Round 21

Postby xroads on Fri Jul 13, 2018 6:41 pm

Mad777 wrote:I still haven’t heard back from BW and getting the auto tournament privileges back :(

Its because he really doesnt give a shit
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Re: [AT] Conquer Map Marathon Cup - Round 21

Postby Dukasaur on Sat Jul 21, 2018 10:21 pm

xroads wrote:
Mad777 wrote:I still haven’t heard back from BW and getting the auto tournament privileges back :(

Its because he really doesnt give a shit

It's because he was waiting for the opinion of the new Tournament Commissioner, and it was unclear who that would be.

Now that a new Commish has been appointed, I expect that situation will be clarified within the next day or two.
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Re: [AT] Conquer Map Marathon Cup - Round 21

Postby Mad777 on Thu Jul 26, 2018 11:17 am

good news, I received the access to the Auto Tournament tool back, I will brainstorm another version of this tournament.

EDIT: this 1st edition last 17 months...counting on all deadbeat and Premium loss I'm sure ther eis a way to squeeze those 5 extra months ;)
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Re: [AT] Conquer Map Marathon Cup - Round 21

Postby xroads on Thu Jul 26, 2018 12:35 pm

Why not automatically start a round every sunday with 5 games? More opponents, faster tourny
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Re: [AT] Conquer Map Marathon Cup - Round 21

Postby Mad777 on Thu Jul 26, 2018 1:11 pm

xroads wrote:Why not automatically start a round every sunday with 5 games? More opponents, faster tourny

No, I don't want automated round, I need to have control round after round to maintain the tournament smooth...
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Re: [AT] Conquer Map Marathon Cup - Last round

Postby Mad777 on Sat Jul 28, 2018 9:52 am

Hi all, few more game before officially announce the winner, grt =D>

After reviewing the scoreboard, no change will occur about the list of the "150 wins", the following player received a GA medal for achieving 150 wins =D> =D> =D>

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Re: [AT] Conquer Map Marathon Cup - Last round

Postby grt on Sat Jul 28, 2018 12:07 pm

Slightly surprised by the number - I thought 150 was quite an easy target but appears you had that number of games about right for the medal. I seem to remember teasing josko about getting 150 wins was going to be easy :?
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Re: [AT] Conquer Map Marathon Cup - Last round

Postby Mad777 on Sat Jul 28, 2018 12:33 pm

grt wrote:Slightly surprised by the number - I thought 150 was quite an easy target but appears you had that number of games about right for the medal. I seem to remember teasing josko about getting 150 wins was going to be easy :?

Well...if you remove the "deadbeat" wins:

grt -11
Fyrdraca -22
evetobl13 -11
MTIceman41 -11
Ukey -11
agentcom -11
Jurasu -11
updalions -11
fc1966 -11
Keefie -22
osman76 -33
Googilibear -11
overlander -11

Only 7 would have recweive the GA ;)
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Re: [AT] Conquer Map Marathon Cup - Last round

Postby Fyrdraca on Sat Jul 28, 2018 2:50 pm

Can’t just remove the total number of deadbeat wins though, because you have to assume each of those players would have won at least 50% of that number.
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Re: [AT] Conquer Map Marathon Cup - Last round

Postby Mad777 on Sat Jul 28, 2018 3:59 pm

Fyrdraca wrote:Can’t just remove the total number of deadbeat wins though, because you have to assume each of those players would have won at least 50% of that number.

True...that is why I let the count from the Auto Tournament scoreboard, I was only answering what grt mentioned about the 150 count ;)
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Re: [AT] Conquer Map Marathon Cup - Last round

Postby kizkiz on Sun Jul 29, 2018 4:34 pm

Mad777 wrote:
grt wrote:Slightly surprised by the number - I thought 150 was quite an easy target but appears you had that number of games about right for the medal. I seem to remember teasing josko about getting 150 wins was going to be easy :?

Well...if you remove the "deadbeat" wins:

grt -11
Fyrdraca -22
evetobl13 -11
MTIceman41 -11
Ukey -11
agentcom -11
Jurasu -11
updalions -11
fc1966 -11
Keefie -22
osman76 -33
Googilibear -11
overlander -11

Only 7 would have recweive the GA ;)

Yeah, some of us clearly had to work harder for it :P
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Re: [AT] Conquer Map Marathon Cup - Last round

Postby benga on Mon Jul 30, 2018 2:18 am

Mad777 wrote:Hi all, few more game before officially announce the winner, grt =D>

After reviewing the scoreboard, no change will occur about the list of the "150 wins", the following player received a GA medal for achieving 150 wins =D> =D> =D>


so this is the final list or?
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Re: [AT] Conquer Map Marathon Cup - Last round

Postby Mad777 on Mon Jul 30, 2018 7:57 am

benga wrote:
Mad777 wrote:Hi all, few more game before officially announce the winner, grt =D>

After reviewing the scoreboard, no change will occur about the list of the "150 wins", the following player received a GA medal for achieving 150 wins =D> =D> =D>


so this is the final list or?

Awaiting few games to complete, but you won't have to do anything else but only moving this thread to "Completed 2018" database to play with ;)
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