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[CR@W] Homeworld [Cancelled]

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[CR@W] Homeworld [Cancelled]

Postby IcePack on Wed Sep 20, 2017 6:42 pm


show: Episode III Homeworld

General Concept
It started last year as a celebration for 10 years of Clans on Conquer Club, as a trial game for a new concept and grew into something much more than I ever expected! I'm happy to announce the Second Edition of the Clan Realms at War: Homeworld!

Some of you maybe familiar with Sid Meiers "Civilization" game. CR@W is the Clan Worlds version of Civ, with a twist from somewhere deep down in IcePack's imagination. It takes its inspiration from multiple games IcePack has played over his 33 years of roaming the Realm...

Clans will travel the expanse of space on an unknown "meta" map from their starting homeworlds. They will have to explore, battle, react, solve mysteries, engage in diplomacy and learn about the universe around them! Clans and players will continue to have a level of anonymity; when exploring space, players will all play under pseudonyms, as well as different Clan (Realm) names in order to disguise the true peoples you encounter.

Clans will have to interact indirectly through IcePack until such time as they learn the true identities of the space explorers around them. Clans may choose to identify themselves through diplomacy. Clans may use diplomacy to gain intel on other groups, declare alliances, seek non aggression pacts and exchange resources of credits and ore with one another. As we learned in CR@W v1 - there will likely be a few unexpected twists and turns as you explore the deep dark mystery of've been warned

Battle, diplomacy, intrigue, secrecy and the unknown await you in...Clan Realms @ War: Homeworld!

If you are keen to help promote CR@W Homeworld, you can use this signature (copy and paste from the code section below)
On your left menu, go to: Control Panel > Profile > Edit Signature


Code: Select all

Deadline to Sign Up is Jan 7th 2018
Scheduled for Jan 21st 2018 Start

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Support Info

Postby IcePack on Wed Sep 20, 2017 6:46 pm

Sign Up Requirements
Maj. Differences and Quick Reference Guide
Quick Start Guide Instructions
Turn Phasing and Realm Management
Starship Construction and Management
Meta Map Info
Power / Fame and Winning Condition Info
Prizes Info
Realm FAQ
Starship FAQ
General FAQ

General Game Info & Links
- Clans must sign up to participate
- Clans that do not sign up will not be able to participate at all
- Clans will be assigned a starting Homeworld
- Higher ranked clans will be assigned more difficult starting positions

Meta Map Link
Alien Race Start Up Info Link
Public Info of the Realm Link

How To Join / Sign Up Requirements
What do you need to do in order to start / participate?

1. You'll need to send IcePack a PM
The purpose of this secrecy is to hide your clans identity and provide you with a layer of anonymity within the game itself!

Clan Name: (Example: FALL)

CR@W Faction/House Name: (Example: the Federation)
[This is what you will show up on the tables as for anonymity purposes]

CR@W Homeworld Name: (Example: Planet Earth)
[This is what clans / players will see when they find your starting Homeworld, so not as to give away your clan name]

Alien Race: Select an Alien Race from the Start Up Packages and let IcePack know your selection.

MOW: Send a list of all the player(s) within your clan that need access to the controls for automated map. (everyone can view, but moving, adding ships, etc will require special permissions. You'll need to send the list of MOW's to IcePack upon start up)

Optional: A House / Realm Motto: (Examples: To Boldly Go Where No Man Has Gone Before; From the Stars, Knowledge)

Deadline to Sign Up is JAN 7th 2018

Note: If your clan does NOT supply this information, efforts will be made to name Homeworlds etc to still hide what Clan is located where.

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Highlights & Quick Start Guide

Postby IcePack on Wed Sep 20, 2017 6:46 pm

Highlights of Major Differences in v2.0

- New Theme - Space!
- New Meta Map! (Of course)
- You MUST sign up this event (no inactive Factions)
- Semi Co-operative Game!
- Meta Map Wraps @ Edges
- New Alien Races w/ Special House Abilities
- Varying Maximum Player Allowance*
- New Units Types!
- Minefields!
- Jump Gates!
- New Movement Rates!
- New Uses for Currency!
- New Natural Wonders (Relics)!
- Benefits to Declaring Alliances and Wars!
- Removal of Bannermen / Fame Benefits
- Removal of Ages: the game dynamics will be the same from start to finish
- Multiple Units engaging single unit @ once (damage but not dead concept)
- Ability to Stop an Attack after Diplo has taken place

Everything else you loved about CR@W: the Bannermen and more!

Quick Reference Guide (Translated v1 to v2)

Realms = Factions
Castles = Homeworlds
Cities = Outposts
Lords = Captains
Watchtowers = Satellites
Gold/GP = Galactic Credits/GC
Barbarians = Roiders
Nomads = Merchants
Siege = Blockade
Fame = Power

Quick Start Guide
A quick overview of the things you NEED to know

1. The first step is to follow the sign up instructions. You must sign up this time in order to participate.

2. The new system makes it so you have to select one of nine alien races. Each option has its own unique pros and cons. We also expand the economic system with an additional resource, credits (gold) and ore. The alien races also start with differing amounts of credits and ore to start with, so choose carefully. Credits mainly push alien research and tech progress, while the more rare and difficult to find ore is used towards building a successful fleet.

3. Its important to note that the "maximum 15 players" restriction has been lifted. The new system will allow for 10-30 players each clan under a new "Starship Points System". The new system allows flexibility for each clan to tailor it to their own needs. For example, if you only have 10 players that are interested, you can set your game plan to build fewer, larger ships. If you have a large group willing and interested, you can focus on building a higher amount of smaller ships. Your clans player pool size may impact your strategy going into the game, and thus may impact which alien race you may (or may not) want to have guiding you.
Plan accordingly.

4. All Homeworlds start with the same amount of ore on the planet ready to be mined. This is a finite amount, once it runs out you'll need to find a new source.

5. We recommend looking through the three FAQ's (General, Realm Management, and Starship Management.) These will go into greater detail as to how Research & Tech Works, and how that impacts your game plans.

6. There are NO "Inactive Houses" this game. However there will still be a few NPC's (non playing characters) that impact the game...(NPC = Non-Playing Characters; think Barbarians, Nomads, and the like...)

7. As previously announced, the game map and legends including ship movement, purchasing, etc will be automated by the site (this is called the "Meta Map"). You'll be entered into the game by the Gamemaster (IcePack) and find it on a new tab in Central Command once its released. It will take a little bit to learn, but once you do it will save everyone time and greatly reduce errors.

8. There are three types of Starships (Units). Each Realm has a maximum capacity for 30 Starship Points. You must use a minimum of 10 players, but after that players may emulate multiple Starships (one at a time) following the basic rules provided in the Spawning Section.

9. This game is now a semi co-operative game. If you are unfamiliar with what that means, it means that Realms must (at least partially) work together to overcome a common cause (to be learned during the game). You determine your level of involvement (or non involvement) towards that goal. However as time moves on, that goal becomes more difficult to complete. In order to claim victory, this common goal must be achieved. It will be a delicate balance between helping the cause, and making sure your Realm is in position for victory later. If you don't assist, all Realms may fall. If you assist too much, you maybe to weak to claim the throne.

10. Depending on the alien race you selected, you'll have varying resources at your disposal. Instead of starting with 3 Starships or "Lords" as we had v1, you will decide how best to allocate those resources, whether towards Starships, Research, or Tech's. ALL players, regardless of alien race selected must build at least ONE Starship at the start of Turn 1

Just remember, in space no one can hear you scream....


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General Descriptions / Info

Postby IcePack on Wed Sep 20, 2017 6:47 pm

General Descriptions and Info
Start of Game:
How to sign up / what you need to do has already been documented regarding selecting alien races etc.
However unlike the start of Bannermen, Homeworld you do NOT start with any lords. The story picks up from when the Realms all get ready to launch their first Starship.

Depending on the alien race you selected, you'll have varying resources at your disposal. Instead of starting with 3 Starships or "Lords" as we had v1, you will decide how best to allocate those resources, whether towards Starships, Research, or Tech's. ALL players, regardless of alien race selected must build at least ONE Starship at the start.

As with the previous edition, you can name players and units as they enter the game.

Variable Maximum Player - each Faction will have 30 Starship Points allocated to them. They can choose how to best utilize those points for their own group.Each Faction must use a minimum of 10 players.
The first 10 players used need to be unique. As there’s no guarantee anyone survives that long to meet the minimum, it just directs the first ten. From there, you can pick and choose to use new unique players or start repeating players (or a mix of both) until you run out of starship points.
Players may not emulate more then one Starship at a time. A player can also only emulate Starship a maximum of 3 times.

Research Levels - research levels are critical investments in the future. Research levels represent the ease and expenses required in order to develop new ship technologies. A low research level keeps new tech expensive to upgrade, while increasing your research levels doesn't immediately provide a tech boost it allows for easier and cheaper tech level advances in the future. All alien races are able to get all 5 levels of research.

Starship Techs - these advancements will have direct impacts on the Starships stats for construction and upgrades. Advancing your research levels will allow for cheaper tech development. Regardless of your research or tech levels, none of those will overrule your natural alien race abilities / restrictions.

Sensor - the number of hexes your Starships will be able to view while searching the galaxy.
Hull - the amount of hit points your Starships have. When you hit 0, your Starship is destroyed.
Weapon - the amount of potential damage the Starship can impose on enemies.
Warp - the number of hexes your Starships can travel each turn
Economy - One of two core factors in your income growth. Impacts your Galatic Credits Income per Homeworld
Mining - The second core factor in your income growth. Impacts your mining per Turn for Homeworlds and other units.
Alien Bonus - Different alien races have bonuses, some allow you an additional tech level to Tech Level 6 or reduces it to 4 as a penalty in an area.

Alien Races:
There are a variety of races to select from. Each comes with different starting abilities, startings credits and ores, and pros / cons. You can find them here

Specials Abilitys:
Some of the alien races have special abilities or detractions. You'll find those on each of the alien races card when reviewing them to decide on your starting race.

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Turn and Realm Management

Postby IcePack on Wed Sep 20, 2017 6:48 pm

Realm Management Rules

Homeworld Ore Levels:
In addition to your starting funds (that change depending on your alien species and are listed in the starting package info for you) ALL Homeworlds start with 100 ore on them. This resource IS limited, and is what your “mining” tech takes out / mines from your world each turn. Once this Homeworld stat reaches 0, there is no more ore to be had at this location.

As the intro states, resources are in short supply and you’ll need to explore and find other sources of available ore to be mined.

Also credits are universal, you can spend them wherever you need them. Since it’s electronic, you DONT lose this like you lost gold in v1. You’ll keep this whether you lose a homeworld, outpost, whatever.

However ORE is locational, meaning ore mined on your Homeworld stays on the Homeworld. Ore mined on your outpost, stays at the outpost.
If you want to build a starship on your outpost and it doesn’t have the ore needed, you have to spend the 5 credit to transfer ore on freighters to get it where you want.

Homeworld & NPC Worlds
+1 Credit / Economy Tech Level / Turn
+1 Ore / Mining Tech Level / Turn (Mined from the Ore Deposit Total)

Outposts - cannot be built in same hex as a homeworld / npc world
+2 Credit / Turn (Flat Rate)
No Ore Income* (See Asteriods)

Asteriods - Asteriods are densely constructed ore deposits and have no limits as to production totals like homeworlds
No Credit Income* (See Outpost)
+2 Ore / Turn (Flat Rate) when Outpost are built on Asteroids

Note: moving through asteroids is a slow process, dodging rocks as they move. You’ll use up your movement to go thru 1 Hex of asteroids

Galactic Trading - Alien race may affect this income amount
Galactic Trade Exchange (GTE)
1 Ore Sold = 2 Credits Received
4 Credit will Purchase = 1 Ore (can receive this ore at any planet as its a purchase made with local traders on your planet)
note 1: this disparity in prices has created a "black market" target price of 3 credits per ore, if you can find a faction willing to trade
note 2: as noted, Srehctac race cannot participate in the GTE, and must trade between factions only
note 3: GTE is based on homeworlds, so you cannot trade w/ GTE if you do not have a homeworld owned (or NPC)
note 4: GTE is based on homeworld, so ore must be on homeworld

Research Upgrade - see your alien tech tree chart
Tech Upgrade - see your alien tech tree chart
Building a Starship - see your alien starship chart

Building a Outposts 25 Credits / 25 Ore
Building a Satellite 10 Credits / 10 Ore
Building a Jump Gate 10 Credits / 10 Ore
Equipping a Starship w/ Mines 5 Credits / 5 Ore
Bioform a World* 25 Credits / 0 Ore
*note: bioforming a world allows a faction to change its Homeworld defense map, from AYB to something they prefer

Transfer Ore Via Freighters 5 Credits / 0 Ore
Mines - cost 5 credit and 5 ore

- To simplify the diplomatic process, if one side declares war both are considered at war.
- Both parties must agree to alliance status to get benefit
Neutral - For Factions that have yet to meet, or have met and not established any stance towards one another.

Allies - +1 credits per ally per turn you have. Must officially renounce alliance seven days in advance of hostilities.

War - +1 damage to losing side when battle ends during war

Vanquished Clans
- A Faction is vanquished once all ships have been destroyed as well as their Homeworld. Even if they have the capability to bring in an additional Starship at a Space Station, if they at any point reach 0 Starships and 0 Homeworlds they will be considered vanquished regardless of their Space Station or Starship capability status.

- A faction that quits mid game or near end of game, will have their remaining Starships automatically returned to the closest Homeworld they own. If they lose that in the process, the Starships will head towards the closest NPC World, then Space Station.

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Starship Management

Postby IcePack on Wed Sep 20, 2017 6:48 pm

Starship Unit Management Rules
Starship Naming:
You'll be naming your Starships after their Captains.
"Captain Jean Luc" of the House of Awesome
Starship Class: Battle Cruiser
vvv Tech Levels vvv

At time of construction, a Starship maybe designated as the Realms "flagship". This is their lead ship (and generally their most advanced).
At the start of game, one Starship must receive this designation.

If a Flagship is destroyed in combat, all surviving ships receive a -1 damage until a new Flagship can be constructed.
Flagship designation cannot be retired outside of loss of an existing flagship, so designate them accordingly.

- Initiative will be the same as Bannermen, 1d100 rolled for each clan and prioritized high to low to determine movement order.
-Ties will be re rolled until there is a clear higher and lower initiative for all clans.

- Spawning a Starship can ONLY take place on non-engaged Homeworlds, NPC Worlds, or Space Stations.
- Has a total of 30 Starship Points to spend on different units throughout the game.

- ReSpawning follows the same placement guidelines for spawning as well as the following:
- ReSpawned members must be destroyed before coming back
- ReSpawned members still spend Starship Points per usual
- Members can only return a total max of 3 times (the first, and two respawns)

Battle Results:
There are no more kidnapping or ransom results. There is only hit points, and damage given.

Hit Points (HP):
Hit points for each ship is determined by what tech level it was built at. A ship is destroyed when HP hits 0.

Damage is determined by RNG (die roll) based on the weapon tech it was built with.


All battles need to have settings submitted with the action (IE: I attack the home world, here are my settings). If settings are not received within 24 hours of turn submission, NS C F will be used instead. It's encouraged to ALL clans to set up "default" settings for each player for each map, that way it expedites the whole battle process for everyone.
All battles ARE POLY GAMES. While the game count is low, its no longer subject to the maximum 1 game at a time. Its possible for you to be attacked by multiple units now.

Battle for an Occupied Homeworld
- Battles will be held on the "All Your Base" Map with the defending clans settings. The clan must share the same default settings selected at the beginning, it will not vary from player to player as the Bannermen version did. All defense games will be on AYB unless a clan has bioformed the Homeworld, which allows them to select from any of CC's Regular (non Beta) maps.

Battle for an Occupied NPC World
- Battles for NPC World will be on "Lunar" map, NS CH FOG No Trench
- NPC Worlds ARE able to be bioformed as well by the owner

Battle for an Occupied Outpost
- Battles for Outposts will take place on the Space map (defenders settings)

Battle for an Occupied Jump Gate
- Battles for Hyper Gates will take place on Solar System Map (defenders settings)

Battle for an Occupied Satellitte
- Battle for Satellites will be on the Solar System map (defenders settings)

Fleet vs Fleet
- Battles for Fleets will take place on (attackers settings)
1) Trafalaxy Map or
2) Solar System Map or
3) Space Map

If you DESTROY a starship, you gain 1/4 of the ore it took to build the ship as "salvage". It stays with the starship until it docks at a Homeworld or Outpost.

- Movement is related to your Warp Tech Level. Note various Starship Types (Frigate, Battle Cruiser, Dreadnaught) have different Max Warp Tech Levels.

Jump Gates - Similar to "worm holes" where Starships can traverse large expanses of the galaxy, hyper gates allow for space travel much farther and faster then the traditional warp engines. However, Hyper Gates must be built ahead of time by Starships. They are also an interlocked network, so ANY Hyper Gate placed by ANY Faction can be utilized by ANY Faction, not just the one(s) that placed it. They are also limit visibility, where if your sensors allow you to see the hyper gate, you will be able to see the network of hyper gates but even if you have additional left over "hexes" you wont see the other side on the adjacent hexes. Meaning, unless something is ON the hyper gate, you will have to "jump blind" to whats on the other side until you get there.

Mines - cost 5 credit and 5 ore
mines have no limits to # per ship. They are tied to that ship and just get “placed” as your ship travels during your turn submission at the start or end location of your turn. One purchase is one minefield, which does 1d4 damage to any starship that lands on that hex in the future (one time use). It’s a costly resource drain but can be effective in some scenarios without risking ur fleet in battle. It will do damage to any starship that’s in the same hex when it goes off

- Your Starship visibility is based off your Sensor Tech Level.
- Your Homeworld visibility is 3 hex
- Your Outpost visibility is 2 hex
- Satellite visibility is 5 hex
- Jump Gate visibility is 1 hex
- Mines visibility is 0 hex

If you didn't build your Starship to its maximum capacity, or subsequently later advanced your tech and would like to retrofit and existing ship you can do so. The costs are double for each tech you would like to retrofit. You only pay double the cost of the target Tech Level, you do not have to pay for each step you are upgrading. Must be done at a outpost or Homeworld

Minor repairs (1 HP Max per visit)
can be made on outposts @ a cost of 2 credit + 2 ore

Major repairs (1-4 HP per turn)
can be made on Homeworld or NPC world only @ a cost of 1 credit + 1 ore per HP

Natural Wonders (Relics)
- There are many strange, fearful and wondrous things in space. Natural Wonders are Homeworlds version of relics. However, instead of 100% "good" things be warned...there are some things found in space that aren't as friendly as the fields traversed in Bannermen. However, the ratio of beneficial does out-weight the bad by a decent margin. Some of the natural wonders will be one and done, while others will benefit all Factions that find them.

Player Management Rules
Its important to note that the "maximum 15 players" restriction has been lifted. The new system will allow for 10-30 players each clan under a new "Starship Points System". The new system allows flexibility for each clan to tailor it to their own needs. For example, if you only have 10 players that are interested, you can set your game plan to build fewer, larger ships. If you have a large group willing and interested, you can focus on building a higher amount of smaller ships. Your clans player pool size may impact your strategy going into the game, and thus may impact which alien race you may (or may not) want to have guiding you.
Plan accordingly.

Players may only emulate one Starship at a time.
Players may only emulate a maximum of 3 Starships total.

Players absent for longer then a month will need to be replaced by another player not already in the game.
If a player has no replacement available, one of the active players may take over.

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Meta Map How To

Postby IcePack on Wed Sep 20, 2017 6:49 pm

Meta Map
You might come across some of these in your travels, or even build them! We will continue the purple (your house) pink (other house) theme of objects from Bannermen. There ARE other units not posted here, those pose some mysterious surprises :twisted:

Battle Cruiser
Jump Gates

show: Turn and Phasing Details


THIS SECTION in Particular is under construction

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Scoring and How to Win

Postby IcePack on Wed Sep 20, 2017 6:50 pm

Power (Fame)

Power is CR@W: Homeworlds version of "Fame". However, the approach this time is slightly different. One knows when oneself is famous. But when, exactly does one become powerful? What is power? Who has it, and how is it achieved? Thoroughout history, we hear many things about it.

With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility
Knowledge is Power
The Way to Have Power is to Take it

But does any one person truly understand it? In the future, even in Homeworld we will wrestle with power, for it, and against it.

Unlike CR@W: the Bannermen - there will be no power chart. One must simply achieve it. Be it from growth, great deeds, exploration, or through the unrelenting destruction of your enemies you must work for it before one can understand it.

In general, CR@W: Homeworld has a greater variety of ways to gain power than its predecessor. You will not simply gain power by amassing a large quantity of satellites, nor will you tip the scales in your favor by simply gaining more alliances then the other Realms around you. No, power is more complex, mysterious, and must be earned.

The only other piece of direction from this method will be to say simply that CR@W: Homeworld has a higher focus on combat then the previous edition.


Winning Conditions
There will be two winning objectives in the game. BOTH of these objectives can only be claimed if the co-operative mission that will be revealed in game has also been achieved.

Co-Operative Mission:
As your Empire developed advanced technologies, they also began turning their eyes & ears to the stars.
Extraterrestrial life, it was believed may in fact be a common occurrence. So as your realm begins heading for the distant
corners of the galaxy, you also start scanning the stars for signs of intelligent life.

Much to your surprise, the first day the antenna array turned on it crackled to life.

You. Are. Not. Alone.


A quick scan of the galaxy and you have found a communication pod hurtling through space, blasting a fierce image as well as the following message:

We are the Galactic Order Assault Team. Resistance is futile.
We have been watching you throughout the ages, we are beyond compare.
For I am Billy. And these are my G.O.A.T's.
Our fleet already patrols the galaxy, any hostilities towards us will bring overwhelming, swift justice to the rebel area.
There is no hope. Give up hope now. We are only getting stronger.

Semi-Cooperative Mission
As described here, any clan that reaches the 500 Power Point threshold that wishes to win the game must meet the "soon to be announced co-operative mission". This is that mission.

NO FACTION CAN WIN, even if the 500 Power Point Requirement is met, if the GOAT's faction is not vanquished.

Billy and the GOATs must be stopped at all costs. As the strongest of all the factions, you must work together to destroy them. Over time, the GOATs will only grow stronger.
Launch an early strike, or wait and develop your technologies, that is up to you. But as time goes on, Billy only gets stronger.
You can choose to assist the galaxy in this endeavor, or to avoid them. However, no faction can win if the group does not work together.
It will take more then one faction to take down Billy.

This is not a "fully" cooperative game, where once the GOAT's are destroyed everybody wins.
This is a SEMI cooperative game, in that this task must be completed before any faction can claim the 500 point power victory.
You still are playing versus the other factions, but those factions must also band together for any hope to remove the overwhelming powerful force of Billy.

Military Victory:
Control over 50%+ of the Homeworld's for 1 Turn without any engagements, as well as meet a special criteria of the co-operative mission (to be announced later with the co op details). If a Homeworld falls under an engagement during the 1 Turn, that engagement must be won in order to count.

Cultural Victory: Your Realm must acquire 500 Power in order to earn a cultural victory.

If your Realm has been reduced to 9 Starship Points or less and you are allied with the victor, you will be considered part of the victory group. If you have more then 9 Starship points left, you are considered a full fledged Realm still and will not be included

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Prize Information

Postby IcePack on Wed Sep 20, 2017 6:50 pm

“Each member of the winning Faction will get a chance to draw a prize from the Clan Box.
The Clan box contains various prizes such as red stars, green stars, blue stars, credits and other assorted prizes available to everyone. It’ll be big!”
- BigWham

Clan Box Prize Specifics:
The Clan Crate includes 1 item for each clan member, with the following 10 items:

1 Red Star
2 Green Star
3 Blue Star
1 Box 3 Yellow Stars
1 Yellow Star
1 Box 5 Pink Stars
1 Box 5 Cyan Stars
1 Box 1-4 Pink Stars
1 Pink Star
1 Box 1-4 Cyan Stars
Various Credit Prizes

Then to fill the create up so that there is one item for each clan member it includes N Boxes of 1-5 Orange Stars where N is the number of remaining members of the clan.

We do a random draw to see which member gets which item.

I've also been able to finalize a Green Star prize to the individual lord with the highest fame.

Other Special Prizes:
- best house name
- best house motto
- best lord names
- other "special prizes" such as most inquizative, most helpful, most honest, most intense, most well rounded, most active etc.

We will also continue the tradition of the winner naming something in the next edition, as well as making a decision on a game element.

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FAQ Section 2

Postby IcePack on Wed Sep 20, 2017 6:50 pm


Well, lets start with the obvious. Since this is the newest and probably most confusing to everyone I figured we will jump in with both feet and tackle it straight off.
So we are going to use the Mahw, because they are pretty straight forward to learn from. Here, you have the "standard" research & tech tree.
show: Standard Research and Tech Tree

First thing that needs to be explained, is RESEARCH Levels are the big thick rows.
Everyone starts at RESEARCH LEVEL 1.
Within each RESEARCH LEVEL, you have 7 TECH's - each of those TECH's have 6 TECH LEVELS showing to the right.
There are two ways to upgrade, all require CREDITS ONLY for RESEARCH or TECH Upgrades.
First thing you'll have to decide is, do you want to upgrade overall RESEARCH or a specific TECH level?
RESEARCH doesn't improve any specific TECH for your ship, however it brings overall costs for TECH upgrades down later on.
TECH upgrades do actually improve in game Starship statistics (or economy / mining which will be explained later).
Green X is the highest TECH level you have achieved in all catagories.
The numbers to the right of the green boxes are the cost to move up that INDIVIDUAL TECH's stat.
The amounts in the large left boxes are the costs to upgrade a single RESEARCH level.

Everyone following me so far? Totally lost? Confused? Good! Lets give some examples:

So first we are going to show how to do a quick TECH level purchase. Easy stuff right?
So we look at our chart, we are "RESEARCH LEVEL 1" and we want to upgrade our ships sensors (distance in # of hexes they can see from the ship). Sounds reasonable as a first purchase, right?
We will say that we are low on credits, so we can't afford the RESEARCH LEVEL 2 - 15 Credit upgrade and the 25 Credit Upgrade for sensors, and we definitely feel strongly about getting better sensors right off the bat.

So for your turn you would submit the TECH Purchase, from Level 1 to 2.
show: Second TECH Level Purchase

You spent 25 Credits, and now your SENSOR TECH LEVEL 2 is "Green Boxed" showing you have in fact upgraded that Technology for potential use on future ships. (more on this in the Starship FAQ)

Now we look at our Overall RESEARCH & TECH LEVEL Tree again. It'll look like this:
show: Overall Tech Tree

As you can see, Sensors now would cost 30 Credits to go to SENSOR TECH LVL 3, but everything else still costs 25 Credits to upgrade.

Later, our realm has a little extra credits and are looking at long term cost savings. We know we want to upgrade to WARP TECH LEVEL 3, but we dont want to pay 55 Credits just for two extra TECH levels. So we decide to invest a little in our future.
First, we upgrade our RESEARCH LEVEL from level 1 to level 2 for a cost of 15 CREDITS. We now can completely ignore the entire row of costs for RESEARCH LEVEL 1, because those costs no longer apply. Our Research & Tech Tree will now look like this:
show: Research Level 2

Now we focus our attention to that WARP TECH 3 we were interested in. We can only upgrade ONE RESEARCH and / or ONE TECH level per turn, so an upgrade like this would take two turns. (RESEARCH LEVEL 2 + WARP 2 can be done in one turn, and then WARP 3 would be the following turn). Spending another 45 CREDITS we now have WARP TECH LVL 3 (60 total for research and two tech levels instead of 55 for just the two tech levels on research level 1, but helps reduce costs overall later on). Now our Research & Tech Tree looks like this:

show: New Research and Tech Tree

You'll notice the changes its made on the FRIGATE Starship Tech Tree below as well, we will get into these details below in the Starship Unit FAQ but I wanted to show the correlation between your Research & Tech Tree, and what happens with your Starship Tech Levels.

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FAQ Section 3

Postby IcePack on Wed Sep 20, 2017 6:51 pm



show: Starship Building Tech Tree

We are ready to build ourselves a Frigate, one of three Starship Types. You can build any "type" at anytime assuming you have the credits and ore required. You never HAVE to build your Starship with the highest tech available, in fact there maybe instances in which you might prefer to build a lower tech'd unit (for costs savings, or other).

I'll explain here how to read the Tech Tree, build a ship with the minimum "base" techs, maxed out, and something in between.

First how to read the Starship Tech Tree - the techs reflect your RESEARCH & TECH Tree (mentioned in the FAQ above). You are not capable of building with tech levels that are red on your Starship Tech Tree.

To build a basic, minimum tech'd Frigate you look on the left for the BASE Cost.
5 Credits, 5 Ore.
Now you consider which Upgrades you want on your Starship. Obviously, you HAVE to have the minimum tech level in order to run the ship, so for this first example we are going to do Tech Level 1 for all Techs.

Sensor Tech 1 = 1 Hex, 1 Credit / 1 Ore (this means you can see adjacent hexes only) and the Upgrade Cost is ADDED to your base cost.
Hull 1 = 4 Hit Points, 1 Credit / 1 Ore (you can take up to 4 points of damage before dying) and the Upgrade cost is ADDED to your total.
Weapon Tech 1 = 1d4, 1 Credit / 1 Ore (you deal 1d4 damage, refer to the dice chart FAQ below for more info) and the upgrade cost is ADDED to your total.
Warp Tech 1 = 1 Hex, 1 Credit / 1 Ore (you may move one hex from your current position) and the Upgrade cost is ADDED to your total.
Core System Tech 1 = 1-5, 1 Credit / 1 Ore (when taking damage, on 1d20 a roll of 1-5 will be a critical fail) and the Upgrade cost is ADDED to your total.

So, for a basic Frigate your TOTAL cost of a "all level 1 tech" ship would be 10 Credits, 10 Ore.


We will now build the "maximum" tech'd Frigate we can under this tech tree.

Your BASE cost remains 5/5
Sensor has Tech Level 2, so you add 2/2 (you do NOT cumulatively add each level to build the Starship)
Hull, Weapon, and Core Systems are all Level 1. So 1/1 each adds 3/3 total
Warp Tech is Tech Level 3, so we add 3/3

Total Cost would be 13 Credits, 13 Ore.

However, as we mentioned. Even if you have tech level 3 warp, you might want some cost savings to build two Starships this turn instead of just one, so maybe you only Upgrade to level 2. You'd save 1 Credit and 1 Ore each to reduce that overall cost, sacrificing some of the units movement.

NOTE: It is ALWAYS cheaper to build the unit at its max tech capability, however it is possible to RETROFIT a Starship to a higher Tech Level after its built. However, there is an additional cost.

Q: In a 3v1 multi-battle, do results of all games count or are the others "cancelled" after the 1 defending unit is destroyed... perhaps similar to ending the battle via "diplomacy"... just of a more violent nature?
A: games count in order they finish, so if 3vs1 and two attackers complete and win they both deal their damage. If defender is still alive then he can inflict damage of his own if he wins 3rd game. If he does before 3rd completes, that is the end.

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Re: [CR@W] Homeworld

Postby IcePack on Wed Oct 04, 2017 8:44 pm


Q: How many rounds should we expect?
A: v1 had 65 rounds, with a 3 month break. I'd estimate we will hit at least 100 rounds give or take (or until someone wins, this version we will not put a 1 year timeline on it)
Q: What is the average distance between players?
A: You'll have to wait and see, there are no spoilers here ;) However, it will depend slightly on total number of sign ups, amongst other things. The planned map right now is larger then the previous one on purpose. So with the same # of participants, they'll be further apart. Map size may or may not change depending how drastic the difference is between actual sign ups and expected sign ups (~15)
Q: Will we know how many factions of each race are in game? Or which faction is which race?
A: No, you will have to discover that through the course of the game.
Q: Can you expand on the Galatic Trading Exchange? What types of items are offered? Is there a physical location for this exchange? Is it between factions, NPC's? Is it anonymous? Does cost of items fluctuate? Would it be correct to assume ore purchased on an exchange like this would have an added cost of 5 credits for shipping?
A: Its a exchange that takes place within your own planet(s), where you can trade credits for ore, and vice versa. There is of course, an inflated cost built in so its only if you really need it. (you'll likely get better trade via factions).
There is no physical location, any faction can trade as long as they own a world. Its with NPC, not factions.
Cost of items are steady. No, you don't have to pay for shipping transport of any ore purchased as its assumed you are trading with locals / private enterprise within the world itself.
Q: Sensor techs, does it work like a "X" hex radius around the vessels?
A: Yes.
Q: I noticed in Ship Building FAQ there is mention of "Core System Tech" what is that?
A: Sorry! This was removed from the game and the FAQ was developed prior to its removal. There is no Core System Tech for the purpose of our game.
Q: I don't see this map "Trafalaxy" that is mentioned. Where can I find it?
A: It'll be announced before the start of the game!
Q: Other than the Syaw automatically repairing, how does repair works?
A: Minor repairs (1 HP Max per visit)
- can be made on outposts @ a cost of 2 credit + 2 ore

Major repairs (1-4 HP per turn)
- can be made on Homeworld or NPC world only @ a cost of 1 credit + 1 ore per HP
Q: What is an Outpost?
A: An Outpost is a Space Station, the language was changed and should be fixed shortly. The correct term is Outpost
Q: Can we load ore on freighters and move it ourselves?
A: No.

Q: Is that a flat rate, or per ore, does distance have any affect on costs?
A: Flat rate, any amount of ore, any distance!
Q: You stated that ore is stored locally, and you need to pay convoy to move it if you need it to build your ships. What about building space stations or others?
A: Outposts (space stations) will use ore from the closest planet.
Q: Do we still need ships in the hex to build something, or can we build from a proximity to current structures, etc.
A: You must have a Starship at the location you want to build.
Q: Do we need to keep Starships at our bases to generate income?
A: No, you will collect income regardless. You will need one there for defense (or risk having someone take it)
Q: Can you remove Starships out of the game in order to build a new one if you have max 30 Starship points used already?
A: No, you cannot remove Starships in order to stay under the cap.
You can only upgrade the tech on existing ships at that point.
Q: Can you scuttle a Starship, and rebuild a new one using the same player?
A: Yes, you can scuttle (for example) a frigate, and build a new dreadnaught for that player if you prefer not to upgrade the frigate. However, it WILL burn one of that players ship slots so it rarely, if ever would make sense to do so.
Q: Just to be clear, Starships = a player?
A: Correct, Starships are the new Lords. They just have three different units you can choose / build with different stats.
Q: You said we start without any starship ( thus no player at the beginning).
But it says in the rule that we must have 10 players. What happens if I play with 5 only ?
Is this rule only here to avoid that I play with 5 players and spam them 3 times in a row, thus playing with only the "5 best" of my clans ?
A: You start with no starship (correct, no player at the start) but all alien races are required to build one starship minimum on turn 1.
You must start with 10 unique players, after that you can determine to reuse players or bring on more uniques.
If your faction dies before you reach 10 minimum, then thats just the natural course of events. The 10 restriction only is accounting for bringing new units into the game until the 10 min has been reached.

(IE Josko starts Turn 1. He dies in a epic battle by Turn 5. He can't be brought back into the game until his faction has hit 10 unique players minimum threshold)

Q: Do each of the three markets operate independantly?
A: Yes, violatility of each market is different

Q: Can you rank the three markets as far as high risk, low risk, etc?
A: Industry = highest risk, can make large swings up or down
Metals = Medium risk, not as large swings
Bonds = Lowest risk, small swings up or down prone to stay stable for periods of time.

All are luck based (IE die rolls) and operate independantly of other Raheel markets. (meaning, just because your industry is going up doesn't mean another Raheels is going up as well).

Volatility in general can shift a range from -50 to +50 in a turn.

Q: Can you confirm a non-Raheel faction would have to meet a Raheel faction in game prior to being eligible to set up an account?
A: Yes, you would have to meet (or be introduced via a third party) before being eligible (if the Raheel entity will allow you)

Q: Is it 3 accounts plus your own, or 2 accounts plus one for yourself (3 total)?
A: 3 total, you can do all for other factions, or for yourself, etc. You don't have to save one for yourself. Each account can have separate quantities of whatever (industry, bonds, metals)

Q: It states once per turn they can make stock purchases...can you clarify the limitations here? Can I purchase two separate investments (both metals and bonds, for instance) for any account in a single turn? Can I make purchases for multiple accounts in a single turn? Can I sell?
A: Once per turn, you may purchase any investment for any / all the accounts.

AKA - you can make purchases during your turn, but you can't midway or after someone gives you a payment etc. it must wait until the subsequent turn and you can make any / all changes you need. Buy industry + bonds + metals for Account A, Sell stuff for Account B, Buy and Sell for Account C, whatever. Just only once a turn. (this also prevents you "selling" mid turn so that you can afford to build a starship or something the next turn) So you have to plan accordingly.

Any terms you deem appropriate for managing the other accounts are up to you, whether its % based (I earned you X so I get 10%) or flat rate (1 credit a turn) or whatever. Its all fair game

Q: (follow up) I was thinking we could spend proceeds from our sale that same turn. I had also assumed we could spend Homeworld income during that same turn but in reviewing the turn phases, I now see that "Admin Updates Economy" comes after "Clan Makes Purchases."
A: Thats correct.

Q: I understand I can't purchase techs/ships with stock sale proceeds in the same turn... but can I use the proceeds from a stock sale to purchase a different stock (e.g., if I want to convert some of my holdings from Industry to Bonds but didn't have enough credits to purchase those bonds before sale of Industry stock). I think the answer is yes based on what you stated previously but wanted to confirm.
A: correct, purchasing ships, outposts, etc comes at the start of the turn before anything else. Buying or selling stocks comes during the action phase and you can sell then use it to buy others.

Q: How does rounding work for determining credits from stock sale. For example, if I purchase 9 shares at 100 points (900 points total) and sell at 120 points (1,080 points total) for a 20% increase, how many credits would I receive (9, 10, or 11) and what is the guideline (e.g., round down from .00 to .49 and round up from .50 to .99 based on total value of sale)?
A: in order to be fair, for Raheel I will track decimals. Meaning if you purchase 1 stock @ 95 you will have 0.05 credit left that’s unusable. But as you buy and sell when you reach whole #’s again that extra credit will become usable.
Q: If I'm NOT Raheel, but want to trade do I get updates on their market prices each turn even if I haven't bought anything yet? Or do they need to communicate to me their prices etc?
A: I’m not sure how I’ll work it just yet, but each account will probably utilize a google doc spreadsheet that both parties have view access too so you can keep an eye on it without pm diplomacy

Q: Once they agree to manage my account, I assume I submit my buy / sell orders to them and they make the trade on my behalf? Or can I submit them myself once given access to their market?
A: you submit but / sell orders with your turn to me

Q: If they do make the trade for me, I assume we need to work out our own deadlines for me to get them my trade requests? Or will that be built into the rules?
A: details of ur arrangement w the Raheel party needs to be shared w me. That way if it’s a credit per turn basis you get access I just auto remove that, or if it’s % based I take the cut out etc. so if they are “authorized” or maybe even compelled by the agreement to try to maximize profits and therefore allowed to manage the account themselves (instead of you) then you make that clear in the arrangement and they would then submit the buy / sell orders to me in their turn submissions like their own (but referencing the other account)

Q: Can i set up accounts with more than one Raheel Faction?
A: there are no rules to restrict multiple Raheel accounts w diff fsctions so yes you can set up multiple

Q: Is impact of war on market related to system-wide war... or only war specific to that Raheel faction (e.g., if they are at peace, market tends to be favorable even if the rest of the system is in chaos)?
A: war is related to individual faction. So if you are Raheel, and at peace, your market is more favorable. If you are at war (or someone declares war on you) then it can still go up but market trends negatively.

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Re: [CR@W] Homeworld Signups [0/?]

Postby IcePack on Sun Dec 03, 2017 12:31 pm

I know it may seem overwhelming but again, it looks worse than it really is.
I might make a tutorial or quick YouTube video later in the month to walk everyone through the process.

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Re: [CR@W] Homeworld Signups [0/?]

Postby SiriusCowKing on Sun Dec 03, 2017 1:16 pm

looks like I will have a lot of reading to do, but you can still assume GoN are in, as usual.
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Re: [CR@W] Homeworld Signups [0/?]

Postby IcePack on Mon Dec 04, 2017 1:48 pm

SiriusCowKing wrote:looks like I will have a lot of reading to do, but you can still assume GoN are in, as usual.

Sounds good, remember official sign ups are done via PM so as to keep secrets which clan is which faction / realm.

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Re: [CR@W] Homeworld Signups [1/?]

Postby SiriusCowKing on Mon Dec 04, 2017 2:20 pm

Is this still premium only? Fights are polymorphic?
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Re: [CR@W] Homeworld Signups [1/?]

Postby IcePack on Mon Dec 04, 2017 2:23 pm

SiriusCowKing wrote:Is this still premium only? Fights are polymorphic?

Correct, right now still poly games

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Re: [CR@W] Homeworld Signups [0/?]

Postby Donelladan on Mon Dec 04, 2017 3:58 pm

It looks like you spent lot of time into it. And it looks like you did a great job, that looks really interesting.
On the other hand I also find it is too developed !
This may repel some clans/players. Not sure if LHDD will play, I don't have time to read all right now. ( I know sign up are supposed to be secret and I won't announce our decision here ;) )
I know you said it is easier than it seems. Such was also CR@W, a lot to read but relatively easy to play. But then I think only 2 players of my clan read all the rules of CR@W...

One question ( sorry if it is written). CR@W could be played by anyone. Will it be the same here or must we have one player register as leader to take the turns ?
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Re: [CR@W] Homeworld Signups [0/?]

Postby IcePack on Mon Dec 04, 2017 4:05 pm

Donelladan wrote:It looks like you spent lot of time into it. And it looks like you did a great job, that looks really interesting.
On the other hand I also find it is too developed !
This may repel some clans/players. Not sure if LHDD will play, I don't have time to read all right now. ( I know sign up are supposed to be secret and I won't announce our decision here ;) )
I know you said it is easier than it seems. Such was also CR@W, a lot to read but relatively easy to play. But then I think only 2 players of my clan read all the rules of CR@W...

One question ( sorry if it is written). CR@W could be played by anyone. Will it be the same here or must we have one player register as leader to take the turns ?

A lot of the confusing stuff (ambushes) were made easier this year. I still have to clarify a lot of it (part of the 5% unfinished) but complexity is only slightly higher (but easily explained).

My goal is to do some sort of chat, or video, or something that makes it much easier for everyone to understand and get past the “only a few people understand what’s going on” problem, so that more clans can easily follow the event.

In answer to your question - anyone can still participate as leader here. The only difference because turns are automated is that I need to know who might take turns. I have to give them “permission” to make changes for your clan in the automated portion, instead of just regular view capabilities. But these permissions can get added / removed mid game to anyone that’s needed

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Re: [CR@W] Homeworld Signups [0/?]

Postby SiriusCowKing on Tue Dec 05, 2017 3:58 pm

I can testify that not only is this super interesting, but not that complicated once you read it. I would actually play this as a board game outside of CC.

In your FAQ section about ship building, you say that a ship costs 10/10 minimum, but I don't see any "core" in the race selection spreadsheet. Is this a mistake or ships also have a core upgrade that I don't know about?
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Re: [CR@W] Homeworld Signups [0/?]

Postby IcePack on Tue Dec 05, 2017 4:22 pm

SiriusCowKing wrote:I can testify that not only is this super interesting, but not that complicated once you read it. I would actually play this as a board game outside of CC.

In your FAQ section about ship building, you say that a ship costs 10/10 minimum, but I don't see any "core" in the race selection spreadsheet. Is this a mistake or ships also have a core upgrade that I don't know about?

Thank you :) This should be fun (I hope) and the Meta Map will take a bit of getting used to but GREATLY reduce management time (for me) and reduce legend and map errors (for you).

We are tweaking the last few things in the coding I don’t have exact ETA there but we are close to final testing for meta map :)

Anyway - regarding your question :oops: good catch! “Core System Tech” was another tech available throughout play testing phases and was a late deletion before I published. Bottom line was it wasn’t that important (or useful) and added unnecessary additional complixities to the rules and added (yet another) element of random that some/most play testers thought was unnecessary.

It was supposed to be removed, but I’ll try to make the edits to the FAQ. :) thanks!

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Re: [CR@W] Homeworld Signups [0/?]

Postby hopalong on Wed Dec 06, 2017 9:57 pm

All battles need to have settings submitted with the action (IE: I attack the home world, here are my settings). If settings are not received within 24 hours of turn submission, NS C F will be used instead. It's encouraged to ALL clans to set up "default" settings for each player for each map, that way it expedites the whole battle process for everyone.

You sure know how to make a little ol hopper have a heart attack! Santa never gave me anything this special!
Now that oxygen is returning to my brain, how is it that you NEED to submit settings with the action, and then you have 24 hours after the action was submitted to submit settings (which needed to be submitted at the time of action submission)?

where can i find this trafalaxy map you speak of in fleet vs fleet battles?
how many times was this play tested?
what was the range of participating realms for play testing? will your map size change based on number of sign-ups?
which race won most often?
how often did my clan win?
what is the prize for most questions asked?
CR@W v1 won't end before sign-up deadline of Jan 7 - there will still be battles happening after the last turn update. do you want us to name the unnamed alien race now, or will it remain unnamed for the entirety of version 2?
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Re: [CR@W] Homeworld Signups [0/?]

Postby IcePack on Wed Dec 06, 2017 10:44 pm

hopalong wrote:Battle:
All battles need to have settings submitted with the action (IE: I attack the home world, here are my settings). If settings are not received within 24 hours of turn submission, NS C F will be used instead. It's encouraged to ALL clans to set up "default" settings for each player for each map, that way it expedites the whole battle process for everyone.

You sure know how to make a little ol hopper have a heart attack! Santa never gave me anything this special!
Now that oxygen is returning to my brain, how is it that you NEED to submit settings with the action, and then you have 24 hours after the action was submitted to submit settings (which needed to be submitted at the time of action submission)?

1 where can i find this trafalaxy map you speak of in fleet vs fleet battles?
2 how many times was this play tested?
3 what was the range of participating realms for play testing? will your map size change based on number of sign-ups?
4 which race won most often?
5 how often did my clan win?
6 what is the prize for most questions asked?
7 CR@W v1 won't end before sign-up deadline of Jan 7 - there will still be battles happening after the last turn update. do you want us to name the unnamed alien race now, or will it remain unnamed for the entirety of version 2?

Maybe you should be nicer to Santa :)
The 24 hours bit was added, because I envisioned there could be a case where someone was recently added to the game and hadn't submitted these types of things yet.
Basically, submit with the action or you'll get reminded. But there will only be so many reminders before I just start plugging NS C F. Its also there for scenarios that I didn't envision (just in case)

1. you can't (yet)
2. v2 or trafalaxy?
3. I'm not sure I follow the first part, can you clarify what you mean? map size is not expected to be changed, but if needed it will be considered. Part of the reason for the gap from sign up to start is that I will need to finalize map layouts based on sign ups, so thats something else that can be looked at depending on where we are at. The map is larger this year.
4. which do you think?
5. Your clan lost, every time. Uncanny!
6. a swift kick in the pants
7. It'll get named before we start one way or another

I'm still working on some clarifications, etc but people wanted to see it earlier, so its not 100% written out yet.

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Re: [CR@W] Homeworld Signups [0/?]

Postby hopalong on Thu Dec 07, 2017 12:21 am

3. what was the range of participating realms for play testing? will your map size change based on number of sign-ups?
did you play test a version with a small amount of clans participating as well as a large amount of clans participating and a few options in between? i wondered if a small amount of participating would benefit from a smaller map, and a larger map for more clans.
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Re: [CR@W] Homeworld Signups [0/?]

Postby IcePack on Thu Dec 07, 2017 12:59 am

hopalong wrote:3. what was the range of participating realms for play testing? will your map size change based on number of sign-ups?
did you play test a version with a small amount of clans participating as well as a large amount of clans participating and a few options in between? i wondered if a small amount of participating would benefit from a smaller map, and a larger map for more clans.

Ah, it was tested @ a variety of levels. (6-16 was tested, but most was in the 10-15 ish range) a variety of map sizes were used as well, should have a good idea what to expect unless we get a drastically low amount of sign ups. Then I’ll have to run some new #’s prior to us starting

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