Q: How many rounds should we expect?
A: v1 had 65 rounds, with a 3 month break. I'd estimate we will hit at least 100 rounds give or take (or until someone wins, this version we will not put a 1 year timeline on it)
Q: What is the average distance between players?
A: You'll have to wait and see, there are no spoilers here
![Wink ;)](./images/smilies/icon_e_wink.gif)
However, it will depend slightly on total number of sign ups, amongst other things. The planned map right now is larger then the previous one on purpose. So with the same # of participants, they'll be further apart. Map size may or may not change depending how drastic the difference is between actual sign ups and expected sign ups (~15)
Q: Will we know how many factions of each race are in game? Or which faction is which race?
A: No, you will have to discover that through the course of the game.
Q: Can you expand on the Galatic Trading Exchange? What types of items are offered? Is there a physical location for this exchange? Is it between factions, NPC's? Is it anonymous? Does cost of items fluctuate? Would it be correct to assume ore purchased on an exchange like this would have an added cost of 5 credits for shipping?
A: Its a exchange that takes place within your own planet(s), where you can trade credits for ore, and vice versa. There is of course, an inflated cost built in so its only if you really need it. (you'll likely get better trade via factions).
There is no physical location, any faction can trade as long as they own a world. Its with NPC, not factions.
Cost of items are steady. No, you don't have to pay for shipping transport of any ore purchased as its assumed you are trading with locals / private enterprise within the world itself.
Q: Sensor techs, does it work like a "X" hex radius around the vessels?
A: Yes.
Q: I noticed in Ship Building FAQ there is mention of "Core System Tech" what is that?
A: Sorry! This was removed from the game and the FAQ was developed prior to its removal. There is no Core System Tech for the purpose of our game.
Q: I don't see this map "Trafalaxy" that is mentioned. Where can I find it?
A: It'll be announced before the start of the game!
Q: Other than the Syaw automatically repairing, how does repair works?
A: Minor repairs (1 HP Max per visit)
- can be made on outposts @ a cost of 2 credit + 2 ore
Major repairs (1-4 HP per turn)
- can be made on Homeworld or NPC world only @ a cost of 1 credit + 1 ore per HP
Q: What is an Outpost?
A: An Outpost is a Space Station, the language was changed and should be fixed shortly. The correct term is Outpost
Q: Can we load ore on freighters and move it ourselves?
A: No.
Q: Is that a flat rate, or per ore, does distance have any affect on costs?
A: Flat rate, any amount of ore, any distance!
Q: You stated that ore is stored locally, and you need to pay convoy to move it if you need it to build your ships. What about building space stations or others?
A: Outposts (space stations) will use ore from the closest planet.
Q: Do we still need ships in the hex to build something, or can we build from a proximity to current structures, etc.
A: You must have a Starship at the location you want to build.
Q: Do we need to keep Starships at our bases to generate income?
A: No, you will collect income regardless. You will need one there for defense (or risk having someone take it)
Q: Can you remove Starships out of the game in order to build a new one if you have max 30 Starship points used already?
A: No, you cannot remove Starships in order to stay under the cap.
You can only upgrade the tech on existing ships at that point.
Q: Can you scuttle a Starship, and rebuild a new one using the same player?
A: Yes, you can scuttle (for example) a frigate, and build a new dreadnaught for that player if you prefer not to upgrade the frigate. However, it WILL burn one of that players ship slots so it rarely, if ever would make sense to do so.
Q: Just to be clear, Starships = a player?
A: Correct, Starships are the new Lords. They just have three different units you can choose / build with different stats.
Q: You said we start without any starship ( thus no player at the beginning).
But it says in the rule that we must have 10 players. What happens if I play with 5 only ?
Is this rule only here to avoid that I play with 5 players and spam them 3 times in a row, thus playing with only the "5 best" of my clans ?
A: You start with no starship (correct, no player at the start) but all alien races are required to build one starship minimum on turn 1.
You must start with 10 unique players, after that you can determine to reuse players or bring on more uniques.
If your faction dies before you reach 10 minimum, then thats just the natural course of events. The 10 restriction only is accounting for bringing new units into the game until the 10 min has been reached.
(IE Josko starts Turn 1. He dies in a epic battle by Turn 5. He can't be brought back into the game until his faction has hit 10 unique players minimum threshold)
Q: Do each of the three markets operate independantly?
A: Yes, violatility of each market is different
Q: Can you rank the three markets as far as high risk, low risk, etc?
A: Industry = highest risk, can make large swings up or down
Metals = Medium risk, not as large swings
Bonds = Lowest risk, small swings up or down prone to stay stable for periods of time.
All are luck based (IE die rolls) and operate independantly of other Raheel markets. (meaning, just because your industry is going up doesn't mean another Raheels is going up as well).
Volatility in general can shift a range from -50 to +50 in a turn.
Q: Can you confirm a non-Raheel faction would have to meet a Raheel faction in game prior to being eligible to set up an account?
A: Yes, you would have to meet (or be introduced via a third party) before being eligible (if the Raheel entity will allow you)
Q: Is it 3 accounts plus your own, or 2 accounts plus one for yourself (3 total)?
A: 3 total, you can do all for other factions, or for yourself, etc. You don't have to save one for yourself. Each account can have separate quantities of whatever (industry, bonds, metals)
Q: It states once per turn they can make stock purchases...can you clarify the limitations here? Can I purchase two separate investments (both metals and bonds, for instance) for any account in a single turn? Can I make purchases for multiple accounts in a single turn? Can I sell?
A: Once per turn, you may purchase any investment for any / all the accounts.
AKA - you can make purchases during your turn, but you can't midway or after someone gives you a payment etc. it must wait until the subsequent turn and you can make any / all changes you need. Buy industry + bonds + metals for Account A, Sell stuff for Account B, Buy and Sell for Account C, whatever. Just only once a turn. (this also prevents you "selling" mid turn so that you can afford to build a starship or something the next turn) So you have to plan accordingly.
Any terms you deem appropriate for managing the other accounts are up to you, whether its % based (I earned you X so I get 10%) or flat rate (1 credit a turn) or whatever. Its all fair game
Q: (follow up) I was thinking we could spend proceeds from our sale that same turn. I had also assumed we could spend Homeworld income during that same turn but in reviewing the turn phases, I now see that "Admin Updates Economy" comes after "Clan Makes Purchases."
A: Thats correct.
Q: I understand I can't purchase techs/ships with stock sale proceeds in the same turn... but can I use the proceeds from a stock sale to purchase a different stock (e.g., if I want to convert some of my holdings from Industry to Bonds but didn't have enough credits to purchase those bonds before sale of Industry stock). I think the answer is yes based on what you stated previously but wanted to confirm.
A: correct, purchasing ships, outposts, etc comes at the start of the turn before anything else. Buying or selling stocks comes during the action phase and you can sell then use it to buy others.
Q: How does rounding work for determining credits from stock sale. For example, if I purchase 9 shares at 100 points (900 points total) and sell at 120 points (1,080 points total) for a 20% increase, how many credits would I receive (9, 10, or 11) and what is the guideline (e.g., round down from .00 to .49 and round up from .50 to .99 based on total value of sale)?
A: in order to be fair, for Raheel I will track decimals. Meaning if you purchase 1 stock @ 95 you will have 0.05 credit left that’s unusable. But as you buy and sell when you reach whole #’s again that extra credit will become usable.
Q: If I'm NOT Raheel, but want to trade do I get updates on their market prices each turn even if I haven't bought anything yet? Or do they need to communicate to me their prices etc?
A: I’m not sure how I’ll work it just yet, but each account will probably utilize a google doc spreadsheet that both parties have view access too so you can keep an eye on it without pm diplomacy
Q: Once they agree to manage my account, I assume I submit my buy / sell orders to them and they make the trade on my behalf? Or can I submit them myself once given access to their market?
A: you submit but / sell orders with your turn to me
Q: If they do make the trade for me, I assume we need to work out our own deadlines for me to get them my trade requests? Or will that be built into the rules?
A: details of ur arrangement w the Raheel party needs to be shared w me. That way if it’s a credit per turn basis you get access I just auto remove that, or if it’s % based I take the cut out etc. so if they are “authorized” or maybe even compelled by the agreement to try to maximize profits and therefore allowed to manage the account themselves (instead of you) then you make that clear in the arrangement and they would then submit the buy / sell orders to me in their turn submissions like their own (but referencing the other account)
Q: Can i set up accounts with more than one Raheel Faction?
A: there are no rules to restrict multiple Raheel accounts w diff fsctions so yes you can set up multiple
Q: Is impact of war on market related to system-wide war... or only war specific to that Raheel faction (e.g., if they are at peace, market tends to be favorable even if the rest of the system is in chaos)?
A: war is related to individual faction. So if you are Raheel, and at peace, your market is more favorable. If you are at war (or someone declares war on you) then it can still go up but market trends negatively.