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Streaker's Second Mafia - Endgame - Employees win!

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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby StorrZerg on Tue Jan 20, 2015 7:09 pm


Paint* themselves as targets.

I strongly suggest putting more pressure on colton.
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby crasp on Tue Jan 20, 2015 7:15 pm

Can I have a pint of whatever virus is on.
Whatever my lack of content is it is still heads above that garbage you have just spouted. As far as my vote on DD it basically says it was not a lynch vote but for a claim. I also gave the reasons i was supicious of the other three people i named. As you point out this game has moved on since the 17th so Unvote DD. I gave the people who at that time had caught my attention. Didnt see much point in posting a big list saying "inactve" or "leaning town" as it just confuses things. I will reserve my vote for now as we have an extension so loads of time to go over things again.
FP Storr, Colton.
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby StorrZerg on Tue Jan 20, 2015 7:20 pm

colton24 wrote:On my reads - On charm and mtam (leaning town), that is more of a gut feeling from their posts, hence "leaning." IB more as a "solid" (for lack of a better word) town read, both on gut and his actions so far during the day, as it seems to me he really cares about finding the scum and leaving the town with info day 1. (Not to say others aren't. And yes, there are many WIFOM scenarios in that, but past experience - by which I mean several years ago).

So town reads on charm/mtamb. And no idea why. We all have gut reads sure, but one has to be able to explain the read in some fashion. (other wise no accountability / no way to judge if colton is getting this gut read from a town, or a mafia making things up)
IB as "solid" town, and doesn't explain what actions he likes, just that IB "cares" and this part "leaving the town with info day 1" I'd really like an explanation on this colton.

As far as answering the question, I'm not satisfied.
colton24 wrote:Second, I can't help but notice Storr is (continually) contradicting himself in his arguments. He says he won't shoot blindly unless he knows people's roles, but then proceeds to list three people (inactives, myself included) that he'd likely shoot tonight (this after he says pretty much the entire player list was on his hitlist).

It is not night phase, so i haven't contradicted myself yet. Secondly I'm narrowing my list down to 3 people. I'm going to apply ample pressure to you and virus today, and if nothing comes of the pressure, then i did what i could, and you guys are risking being night killed. It is possible to talk me out of it (anyone here go for it) and i will head advice, at this point in time, those 3 names are whom i feel the strongest possibility of shooting/lynching scum.

colton24 wrote:Also, this war between mtam and Storr on "shitty play" is getting annoying. It'd be nice if you guys didn't argue about who is playing shitty during the game.

Its interesting you town read mtamb, in this "shit war" when, I'm not actually at war with mtamb. He is the one who is constantly bashing me, for "beating around the bush" (in his eyes) while from my point of view, i'm not beating around the bush, and trying to get information out of him. Since, he is certain that charm is mafia (someone you town read) yet won't actually give that information up as to why he thinks charm is mafia. Nor will he talk about my town read on charm. I find this behavior from you scummy, since it appears you are skimming, and want to throw reads out to appear as if you are paying attention. When infact it looks like you don't care whats going on. Hence why you are lacking details on a "fight" / coming up with strange conclusions to make your case against me "fit"
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby Iron Butterfly on Wed Jan 21, 2015 12:59 am

I want a claim from Colton.

We already have 1 claim from Storr. I would love to hear what Colton says when he claims.

Once again a vapid post on his part. These glittering generalities on my solid towniness seem to be filler from those who have really nothing else to say.

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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby charm on Wed Jan 21, 2015 10:31 am



Well, I re-read DD's remarks and now think he is town. I'm not going to say why, so don't ask. Go re-read his posts yourself and come to your own conclusion.

With that, I'm inclined to pressure Colton or Bear.
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby HotShot53 on Wed Jan 21, 2015 2:31 pm

Tin-foil hat time... any chance that storr is actually a serial killer rather than a vig, which is why he has to kill someone tonight? And since he knows he will be killing people, he wanted to claim before getting caught, as it makes his claim more believable?

Storr, if you are really a vig rather than a serial killer, I would prefer you to not shoot tonight, since apparently you don't have any scum locked down as you say you are just going to kill one of the mostly inactives, which unlike lynching them gives very little information.
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby StorrZerg on Wed Jan 21, 2015 2:50 pm

well thoughts on colton/virus hotshot?

disagree on "little information" They will have said stuff, and alive people will have said stuff about them. that will not have changed. Same as a normal lynch. Hence why im trying to drive lots of talk regarding those that i might shoot.
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby crasp on Wed Jan 21, 2015 3:06 pm

HotShot53 wrote:Tin-foil hat time... any chance that storr is actually a serial killer rather than a vig, which is why he has to kill someone tonight? And since he knows he will be killing people, he wanted to claim before getting caught, as it makes his claim more believable?

Storr, if you are really a vig rather than a serial killer, I would prefer you to not shoot tonight, since apparently you don't have any scum locked down as you say you are just going to kill one of the mostly inactives, which unlike lynching them gives very little information.

You seem very sure he isnt scum Hotshot? Care to share.
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby HotShot53 on Wed Jan 21, 2015 4:39 pm

StorrZerg wrote:well thoughts on colton/virus hotshot?

disagree on "little information" They will have said stuff, and alive people will have said stuff about them. that will not have changed. Same as a normal lynch. Hence why im trying to drive lots of talk regarding those that i might shoot.

well, if you notice my vote is currently on colton. His only 2 real posts so far were to try to build a case on you, who happened to have already voted for him, could be a OMGUS case, although he did put in some reasoning at least.

For virus, his comment that he wasn't sure why you thought him inactive was strange, as he only had 2 posts at the time, obviously he wasn't very active at that point. I don't agree with his reasoning for voting crasp either. In the last game he was scum (balance not included mafia), he admitted to trying to go under the radar... of course admitting it caused more pressure which lead to his lynch, so this time he claims he's been active, although he really hasn't been that active... so I wouldn't be surprised if he was scum this game.

crasp wrote:
HotShot53 wrote:Tin-foil hat time... any chance that storr is actually a serial killer rather than a vig, which is why he has to kill someone tonight? And since he knows he will be killing people, he wanted to claim before getting caught, as it makes his claim more believable?

Storr, if you are really a vig rather than a serial killer, I would prefer you to not shoot tonight, since apparently you don't have any scum locked down as you say you are just going to kill one of the mostly inactives, which unlike lynching them gives very little information.

You seem very sure he isnt scum Hotshot? Care to share.

I'm not sure he isn't scum, I was just throwing out a third alternative I thought of. As I said before, I have a hard time reading storr since he is so far outside the norm for most people, so I am still neutral on him. But based on what he's said so far, my guess is there is more chance he's a serial killer than a scum.... maybe 35% chance vig, 35% sk, and 30% scum lol.
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby crasp on Wed Jan 21, 2015 5:57 pm

Can we have an official vote count please Streaker.
I have coton at L3 and with two dys to go i will be happy to see what he has to say. I just dont want to accidenly put him to L1 and get him lynched without claiming.
Hotshots read on storr could be feasible. Somthing strange about his play but i have never been in a game where he was 3rd party so this could be new. i also agree it would be a good move if he didnt shoot tonight unless it is clear scum as his target.
I keep going back to that Ultra vote to see what I was doing that he wanted to stop and keep coming back to those 4 names I mentioned. MT was an outside bet, I said that at the time. DD i voted for and it was a toss up at the time between him and coton. Storr voted coton and i have been suspicious of him from the off so the other choice was DD. Since then DD has seemed more townie in his posts. The other one was charm who jumped right on the back of DD voting storr and for some reason everytime i look down my sights she walks through the crosshairs.Seems like she is just looking for a place to dump her vote.
like I say if coton is L3 I will put him to L2 for a claim. still time to see what he has to say and make a decision.
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby charm on Wed Jan 21, 2015 8:26 pm

crasp wrote:Can we have an official vote count please Streaker.
The other one was charm who jumped right on the back of DD voting storr and for some reason everytime i look down my sights she walks through the crosshairs.Seems like she is just looking for a place to dump her vote.

Crasp, I don't need to dump my vote anywhere, my votes count! My only goal is to make sure the count is in favor of the town. So, keep your crosshairs off of me if you're town too!!
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby StorrZerg on Wed Jan 21, 2015 11:05 pm

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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby Streaker on Thu Jan 22, 2015 2:23 am

Vote count

crasp (1): virus90
UCAbears (0):
HotShot53 (0): legionnare
mtamburini (0): Metsfanmax
virus90 (1): Storrzerg
StorrZerg (3): crasp, colton24, Charm, dd515087, legionnare, colton24
colton24 (3): Iron Butterfly, Storrzerg, HotShot53, Charm
Iron Butterfly (0):
dd515087 (3): Mtamburini, crasp, Metsfanmax, Charm
Metsfanmax (0):
Charm (0):
legionnare (0): HotShot53

Deadline still Friday 23rd January, 02.00 CC Time (that's 24 hours from now). 12 alive, 7 to lynch. Mtamb gave me a heads up he would be on holiday from yesterday until Sunday.
I consider only UCAbears as not active in this game. Several prods were sent, but he has not logged into CC since past Friday. PM's to possible replacements are also sent a while ago. If I can't get him replaced or active in game, he will be modkilled at D2 start.
As usual, if anything is unclear of you spot an error, let me know.
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby legionnare on Thu Jan 22, 2015 12:08 pm

So Storr, Colton and DD are all on 3 votes, we need a claim from either DD or Colton or both, then decide which is the most suitable for a lynch or the day will have been wasted.
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby legionnare on Thu Jan 22, 2015 12:10 pm

MOD, you could maybe try and ask SiriusCowKing to replace UCABear?
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby Metsfanmax on Thu Jan 22, 2015 12:12 pm

We might be able to settle on which of dd and colton needs to claim if virus and storr get off their current votes and pick between the realistic lynch candidates.
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby crasp on Thu Jan 22, 2015 12:18 pm

I lifted my vote on DD
Unvote, Vote Colton.
The way i see it Storr has a straight choice. Kill nobody or kill mafia. If two townies turn up dead tomorrow his toes twitch.

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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby virus90 on Thu Jan 22, 2015 12:55 pm

as i said before that then would be colton,
unvote vote colton
carefull anyone else, he is at 5 now if im not mistaken
i think its claim time.
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby StorrZerg on Thu Jan 22, 2015 12:57 pm

Ill be one of them to hammer, ill be around.

since colton isn't around, anyone got questions comments? thoughts
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby Streaker on Thu Jan 22, 2015 1:07 pm

Vote count

crasp (1): virus90
UCAbears (0):
HotShot53 (0): legionnare
mtamburini (0): Metsfanmax
virus90 (1): Storrzerg
StorrZerg (3): crasp, colton24, Charm, dd515087, legionnare, colton24
colton24 (6): Iron Butterfly, Storrzerg, HotShot53, Charm, crasp, virus90, ???
Iron Butterfly (0):
dd515087 (2): Mtamburini, crasp, Metsfanmax, Charm
Metsfanmax (0):
Charm (0):
legionnare (0): HotShot53

Deadline half a day away. Colton at L-1.
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby StorrZerg on Thu Jan 22, 2015 1:13 pm

cool someone has an extra vote it seems.
virus??? dat you?
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby virus90 on Thu Jan 22, 2015 1:22 pm

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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby StorrZerg on Thu Jan 22, 2015 1:29 pm

well pending what colton flips, if he is mafia i think the person with the extra vote is very likely to be town.

if colton flips town then its 50/50. I think extra vote is extremely powerful if held in mafia hands.
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby Metsfanmax on Thu Jan 22, 2015 1:38 pm

In terms of flavor it would make sense if the CEO has the extra vote.
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Re: Streaker's Second Mafia - Day 1 Start - The office

Postby StorrZerg on Thu Jan 22, 2015 1:40 pm

what CEO....
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