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colton24 wrote:On my reads - On charm and mtam (leaning town), that is more of a gut feeling from their posts, hence "leaning." IB more as a "solid" (for lack of a better word) town read, both on gut and his actions so far during the day, as it seems to me he really cares about finding the scum and leaving the town with info day 1. (Not to say others aren't. And yes, there are many WIFOM scenarios in that, but past experience - by which I mean several years ago).
colton24 wrote:Second, I can't help but notice Storr is (continually) contradicting himself in his arguments. He says he won't shoot blindly unless he knows people's roles, but then proceeds to list three people (inactives, myself included) that he'd likely shoot tonight (this after he says pretty much the entire player list was on his hitlist).
colton24 wrote:Also, this war between mtam and Storr on "shitty play" is getting annoying. It'd be nice if you guys didn't argue about who is playing shitty during the game.
HotShot53 wrote:Tin-foil hat time... any chance that storr is actually a serial killer rather than a vig, which is why he has to kill someone tonight? And since he knows he will be killing people, he wanted to claim before getting caught, as it makes his claim more believable?
Storr, if you are really a vig rather than a serial killer, I would prefer you to not shoot tonight, since apparently you don't have any scum locked down as you say you are just going to kill one of the mostly inactives, which unlike lynching them gives very little information.
StorrZerg wrote:well thoughts on colton/virus hotshot?
disagree on "little information" They will have said stuff, and alive people will have said stuff about them. that will not have changed. Same as a normal lynch. Hence why im trying to drive lots of talk regarding those that i might shoot.
crasp wrote:HotShot53 wrote:Tin-foil hat time... any chance that storr is actually a serial killer rather than a vig, which is why he has to kill someone tonight? And since he knows he will be killing people, he wanted to claim before getting caught, as it makes his claim more believable?
Storr, if you are really a vig rather than a serial killer, I would prefer you to not shoot tonight, since apparently you don't have any scum locked down as you say you are just going to kill one of the mostly inactives, which unlike lynching them gives very little information.
You seem very sure he isnt scum Hotshot? Care to share.
crasp wrote:Can we have an official vote count please Streaker.
The other one was charm who jumped right on the back of DD voting storr and for some reason everytime i look down my sights she walks through the crosshairs.Seems like she is just looking for a place to dump her vote.
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