charm wrote:With a game of 12, my research states that we have 3-4 management. Anyone agree or disagree?
My apologies for being snippy earlier. We are coming down to crunch time and there have been a handful of players participating continually while the rest seem to be on the periphery or non existent. 4 is a possibility though we could conceivably have a sk with 3 mafia as well. Which leads me to Storr.
See this is the reason day one is a crap shoot. Truth is a matter of perception.
What sets my alarm bells may not set others off. Whats ok for some is Taboo for others.
All I know is CC mafia. I have never played elsewhere. One of the un-written rules is you do not claim unless forced to. Others seem to see it different.
(As far as mass claims are concerned I really believe they ruin the spirit of the game. Sure winning is great but there is a reason we all start play not knowing who everyone is. So why do it day one other then to win. The fun part of these games is the journey)
I have always had problems with Vigs saying they like to shoot night one. You let a player create a Meta like that and it gives easy cover for mafia and or a serial killer in future games. We now know Storr seems to have no problem claiming whenever he feels. We know he has no prob doing so as Vig. Weather one agrees or not I have a problem with it. Why??
There are so many WIFOM scenarios my head spins. The reason we have rules/traditions is to keep the WIFOM arguments as narrow as possible. With Storr doing this as you please protocol wise I am now second guessing his intent more.He can now say in future games you know this is my meta.
I have no Idea who mafia are on day one. I do however have no problem voting for someone as a matter of policy. Claiming with no need is usually a deal breaker for me.
Day one is blank slate day dependent on ones actions/choices. Storr you are at the top of my list BUT the Bear guy and colton are there as well. Colton has made one meaningful post but pretty much repeated what others have said with no meaningful insight. The bear guy has offered nothing.
So Storr if a players actions are lynch worthy due to established protocol why should they not be lynched?