friendly1 wrote:I'm not sure if similiar situations exist for other clans, but I think perhaps it does as I really don't buy that a number of clans simply "can't organize themselves" right in this time frame. For us, it was clear the event had become more work than fun for everyone who was active.
"Similar situations" definitely do exist for at least one other clan! Lindax puts an enormous amout of time/effort into organizing (

), and it is very appreciated. Yet established top clans run into real life issues, and have to drop out of these competitions. It is not lack of interest, or disorganization - it simply comes down to not enough total "player game slots" available within a given time frame.
I have often thought that we need to overhaul the entire way the clan world approaches these mega competitions. It's awesome that Lindax is running this, but what if he decided not to? I certainly have no desire whatsoever to run something like this, even assuming I had the ability to do so in the first place!
My fantasy: there is some kind of ranking ladder that includes all clans, with new clans entering at the bottom. A clan can challenge the clan immediately above it for a "ranking war". The higher clan is obligated to respond to the challenge within a set time frame, or switch rankings with the challenging clan. A clan cannot "re-challenge" the same clan for a set period of time. All other clan wars are "fun" wars, with no ranking positions involved. This scheme eliminates these huge events, and the need for a very dedicated organizer for them, and gets rid of the stratification issues we see now. I understand that it is human nature to want to be the best, and have that recognized, but has the clan world gone a bit too far with this, such that the game is not as much fun anymore? I'd like to see a clan world where every single clan war is scheduled when both clans involved are raring and ready to go, well rested from their last wars, and so on...
And I am drifting off topic here - TSM, I'm very sorry that circumstances caused you to withdraw, and I very much understand.