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[CL6] Division Phase (PD: TOFU, SD: LHDD, TD: SOH)

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[CL6] Division Phase (PD: TOFU, SD: LHDD, TD: SOH)

Postby Lindax on Mon Sep 22, 2014 4:49 pm

Clan League VI - 2014
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Re: [CL6] Divisions

Postby Lindax on Mon Sep 22, 2014 4:50 pm


Premier Division

4 IA
7 MM
8 RA
10 TNC
12 TSM


Second Division

2 G1
4 ID
10 RGX
11 VVV


Third Division

5 GR
6 HH

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[CL6] Division Phase (Schedule)

Postby Lindax on Mon Sep 22, 2014 4:51 pm


Start Round 1: October 5
Start Round 2: October 19
Start Round 3: November 2
Start Round 4: November 16
Start Round 5: November 30
Start Round 6: December 14

Christmas and New Year Break

Start Round 7: January 11 (last round Third Division)
Start Round 8: January 25
Start Round 9: February 8
Start Round 10: February 22
Start Round 11 March 8 (last round Premier & Second Divisions)

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Re: [CL6] Division Phase (Starting October 5)

Postby Lindax on Mon Sep 22, 2014 4:51 pm

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Re: [CL6] Division Phase (Round 1 Started Oct. 5)

Postby Lindax on Sun Oct 12, 2014 9:24 am

Quick update:

Every clan has until Tuesday evening to post and fill their away games.

The current rules apparently are too confusing and I will simplify them.

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Re: [CL6] Division Phase (Round 1 Started Oct. 5)

Postby Lindax on Tue Oct 14, 2014 1:12 pm

Lindax wrote:Quick update:

Every clan has until Tuesday evening to post and fill their away games.

The current rules apparently are too confusing and I will simplify them.


I have changed the wording of the rules in the OP. Basically every clan has 5 days to create and post their home games with players and another 5 days to post their away games with players. This gives every clan 10 full days to fill all the games.

For round 1 I'll give y'all an extra day, since we lost 12 hours of CC time last Sunday. For those who have not yet posted games with players and/or not filled their games, please do so tomorrow the latest.

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Re: [CL6] Division Phase (Round 1 update)

Postby codierose on Sat Oct 18, 2014 10:25 am

10 days to fill 14 to create the next batch ](*,)
is this the same for all the leagues
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Re: [CL6] Division Phase (Round 1 update)

Postby TheMissionary on Sat Oct 18, 2014 11:42 am

Seems a bit drawn out. I would think that Premier clans would be more organized; than needing 10 days.
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Re: [CL6] Division Phase (Round 1 update)

Postby Lindax on Sat Oct 18, 2014 12:04 pm

TheMissionary wrote:Seems a bit drawn out. I would think that Premier clans would be more organized; than needing 10 days.

Unfortunately many clans seem to need that amount of time. Even then, I had to drop 7 games a few days after the deadline, including games from a Premier Division clan....

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Re: [CL6] Division Phase (Round 2 started Oct. 19)

Postby Lindax on Sun Oct 26, 2014 4:04 pm

Status update Round 2. Info gathered around Sunday midday.

It is now a week after the start of the round and 3 days after the deadline for creating, posting and filling home games. We have the following situation:

Premier Division:

TSM pulled out of the competition.

RA posted their home games after the deadline and have not yet filled them all. Therefor RA hereby receives an official warning.


Second Division:

LHDD has not yet filled all their home games. Hereby LHDD receives an official warning.


Third Division:

GR has been disqualified from CL6.

ATL has not yet posted their home games, although they have been created and filled. Hereby ATL receives an official warning.

FAD has not yet filled all their home games. Hereby FAD receives an official warning.

FISO posted and filled their home games well over the deadline. Therefor FISO hereby receives an official warning.

KNT posted their home games well over the deadline and they are not yet filled. Hereby KNT receives an official warning.


There were a few more clans that had not quite filled their home games by the deadline. I have been very lenient so far, however, be forewarned that I will be much more strict with the deadlines from now on. Warnings will be issued and those who now have received an official warning will face forfeits!

To those who created posted and filled their games in a timely manner: Thank you for making the running of this complex competition easier.

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Re: [CL6] Division Phase (Round 2 started Oct. 19)

Postby Vid_FISO on Sun Oct 26, 2014 5:37 pm

6 official warnings, however many clans have pulled out (again), might be a better idea to find the issues(s) and fix them rather than flexing muscles?
If nothing else works, a total pig-headed unwillingness to look facts in the face will see us through
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Re: [CL6] Division Phase (Round 2 started Oct. 19)

Postby Lindax on Sun Oct 26, 2014 9:58 pm

Vid_FISO wrote:6 official warnings, however many clans have pulled out (again), might be a better idea to find the issues(s) and fix them rather than flexing muscles?

First of all: How about taking the warning like a man and admit that it was earned?

Second: I posted in the CDF forum before the Division Phase started and asked for help on how to deal with clans not creating, posting and filling their games. I didn't see you responding with bright ideas there, neither did anybody else for that matter. The general consensus was that forfeits and disqualifications will have to be accepted.

Third: This is not about flexing muscles. Running something like the Clan League is enough work without having to send reminder after reminder and still have clans not being able to do anything within a certain time limit.

Now, the issue is clear. There are a number of clans out there that are apparently unable to organize themselves and on top of that, impolite (or ignorant) enough to not even communicate with the TOs and their opponents about it when they cannot meet a deadline. If you have an idea to fix that, let's hear it.

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Re: [CL6] Division Phase (Round 2 started Oct. 19)

Postby VioIet on Mon Oct 27, 2014 2:28 am

Lindax wrote:RA posted their home games after the deadline and have not yet filled them all. Therefor RA hereby receives an official warning.

RA's home games were filled several days ago, well before I posted them in the thread. In fact, all but one of them has started already. I think this warning may be a mistake, unless I am missing something.
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Re: [CL6] Division Phase (Round 2 started Oct. 19)

Postby DaveH on Mon Oct 27, 2014 2:38 am

This sort of thing makes me wonder why I bother with doing all the stuff I do for CC. Obviously the "deadlines" are too tight. Of the tournaments I have run in the past they can go on for up to a year in some cases and usually due to a small number of players who don't or can't keep up with others due to their circumstances. If I had issued deadlines and then warnings and disqualifications I am sure that very few would have finished.

I accept we are late but I have just returned from holidays - as explained.

However, I accept your workload is high, but how is i made higher when things don't run to schedule? We are started off doing this for fun and because we enjoy the comradery of clans but we are all fitting it into our busy real lives. I am sure we all try to keep up, but sometiomes it is impossible.

I shall endevour to keep within your schedule in future but I can't promise it.
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Re: [CL6] Division Phase (Round 2 started Oct. 19)

Postby Razorvich on Mon Oct 27, 2014 5:08 am

Lindax wrote:FAD has not yet filled all their home games. Hereby FAD receives an official warning.

OUCH ... even though I missed the creation deadline by around 5 hours.... it seems only 1 of our players missed their invite.

So... our clan has 1 empty slot, others have many more, same warning.

Bottom line is that it was my job to check that our games are filled, and I take full responsibility for this warning.

It is up to all the clan contacts that have committed to this event to ensure that it runs smooth.

Lets hope that this is the last of these tardy issues...but it is only round 2...

Keep up the good work CDs , there are many here that give you our full support in running this event.

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Re: [CL6] Division Phase (Round 2 started Oct. 19)

Postby Lindax on Mon Oct 27, 2014 10:34 am

VioIet wrote:
Lindax wrote:RA posted their home games after the deadline and have not yet filled them all. Therefor RA hereby receives an official warning.

RA's home games were filled several days ago, well before I posted them in the thread. In fact, all but one of them has started already. I think this warning may be a mistake, unless I am missing something.

There is no mistake Voilet. You posted your home games after the deadline and that was after I sent you a reminder on the 23rd.

When I checked yesterday, you had at least one home game that was not filled yet.

For either of those two issues a warning is warranted. And that's all it is: A warning.

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Re: [CL6] Division Phase (Round 2 started Oct. 19)

Postby willedtowin1 on Mon Oct 27, 2014 11:05 am

Lindax wrote:
Vid_FISO wrote:6 official warnings, however many clans have pulled out (again), might be a better idea to find the issues(s) and fix them rather than flexing muscles?

First of all: How about taking the warning like a man and admit that it was earned?

Second: I posted in the CDF forum before the Division Phase started and asked for help on how to deal with clans not creating, posting and filling their games. I didn't see you responding with bright ideas there, neither did anybody else for that matter. The general consensus was that forfeits and disqualifications will have to be accepted.

Third: This is not about flexing muscles. Running something like the Clan League is enough work without having to send reminder after reminder and still have clans not being able to do anything within a certain time limit.

Now, the issue is clear. There are a number of clans out there that are apparently unable to organize themselves and on top of that, impolite (or ignorant) enough to not even communicate with the TOs and their opponents about it when they cannot meet a deadline. If you have an idea to fix that, let's hear it.


Solid Statement Lindax
Guidelines were posted and agreed to when joining.
10 days is a lot of time to be organized.
If people cant adhere to this means they really don't have time to
play "Organized" clan wars. Thanks for all the work you will put into this Lindax.
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Re: [CL6] Division Phase (Round 2 started Oct. 19)

Postby friendly1 on Sat Nov 01, 2014 7:02 am

We all knew the requirements for CL6 before joining the event. As a clan, TSM is very disappointed to have withdrawn from the event but we simply had way too many people away both on the organizing and playing side, and it was clear it was going to be like this for at least another month.

We were consistently running late on game posting, creation and joining. But I would like to point out that not only did Lindax keep us informed very well of the status on everything, he tried to work with us and was patient and never unpleasant when we missed on our obligations. For the amount of work required to "stay on top" of items which are late or missed I am amazed Lindax has not been militant about simply issuing forfeits! It must be extremely frustrating.

I have a lot of respect for how Lindax has handled the CL6 event. Remember that he is only following the rules we (all clans) set for the event.

with TSM events are difficult in the summer months. However the true killer for us is September/October where we simply have a solid half of the clan away for long periods of time. This has a domino effect on people covering games for those away which causes burn out, and for organizing as we try to stick to the rules of not accepting invites if we know we will be away for an extended period (for myself, work takes me away for 1 or 2 week periods with little to no advance notice)

I'm not sure if similiar situations exist for other clans, but I think perhaps it does as I really don't buy that a number of clans simply "can't organize themselves" right in this time frame. For us, it was clear the event had become more work than fun for everyone who was active.

Anyways, not trying to make excuses. Just wanted to post something positive for how Lindax is handling this event and the challenges in trying to administer it.

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Re: [CL6] Division Phase (Round 2 started Oct. 19)

Postby catnipdreams on Sat Nov 01, 2014 9:31 am

friendly1 wrote:I'm not sure if similiar situations exist for other clans, but I think perhaps it does as I really don't buy that a number of clans simply "can't organize themselves" right in this time frame. For us, it was clear the event had become more work than fun for everyone who was active.

"Similar situations" definitely do exist for at least one other clan! Lindax puts an enormous amout of time/effort into organizing ( =D> =D> =D> ), and it is very appreciated. Yet established top clans run into real life issues, and have to drop out of these competitions. It is not lack of interest, or disorganization - it simply comes down to not enough total "player game slots" available within a given time frame.

I have often thought that we need to overhaul the entire way the clan world approaches these mega competitions. It's awesome that Lindax is running this, but what if he decided not to? I certainly have no desire whatsoever to run something like this, even assuming I had the ability to do so in the first place!

My fantasy: there is some kind of ranking ladder that includes all clans, with new clans entering at the bottom. A clan can challenge the clan immediately above it for a "ranking war". The higher clan is obligated to respond to the challenge within a set time frame, or switch rankings with the challenging clan. A clan cannot "re-challenge" the same clan for a set period of time. All other clan wars are "fun" wars, with no ranking positions involved. This scheme eliminates these huge events, and the need for a very dedicated organizer for them, and gets rid of the stratification issues we see now. I understand that it is human nature to want to be the best, and have that recognized, but has the clan world gone a bit too far with this, such that the game is not as much fun anymore? I'd like to see a clan world where every single clan war is scheduled when both clans involved are raring and ready to go, well rested from their last wars, and so on...

And I am drifting off topic here - TSM, I'm very sorry that circumstances caused you to withdraw, and I very much understand.
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Re: [CL6] Division Phase (Round 7 starts Jan. 11)

Postby Lindax on Wed Dec 24, 2014 8:18 am

Round 6 is underway and we have a Christmas break until January 11, when round 7 starts.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!

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Re: [CL6] Division Phase (Round 9 deadline extended)

Postby Lindax on Tue Feb 17, 2015 3:09 pm

Due to problems accessing the forums and inbox I have extended the round 9 deadline for posting and joining away games for 24 hours. The deadline is now Wednesday, February 18, 18:00hrs CC Time (tomorrow evening).

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Re: [CL6] Division Phase (Round 11 starts Mar. 8)

Postby Lindax on Wed Mar 04, 2015 11:43 am

Coming Sunday, March 8, the 11th and last round starts for the Premier and Second Divisions.

The Third Division is playing a double round robin, their last round starts March 22.

Have fun and good luck all!

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Re: [CL6] Division Phase (Round 11 starts Mar. 8)

Postby IcePack on Wed Mar 04, 2015 11:47 am

Thanks for running this Lindax!

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Re: [CL6] Division Phase (PD & SD: No new rounds)

Postby jackal31 on Tue Mar 24, 2015 4:44 am

Lindax wrote:

Both in the qualifying phase and the division phase clan ranking will be based on:

  • Total points

If clans have the same total points, ranking will be decided by:

  • Game Difference

If clans have the same total points and game difference, ranking will be determined by:

  1. Difference in head-to-head results
  2. Difference in head-to-head game wins

I have a question:

If TOFU and ACE finish the league with an equal amount of points, but TOFU finishes with zero losses (beating ACE twice) but ACE has a bigger game differential, will ACE win the league?

I just want to make sure I am reading it the same way. It seems a bit ridiculous game differential would take precedence over head-to-head victories at the end of the league. If I am incorrect, then please forgive my reaction.
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