The accused are suspected of:
Other: <Personal attck and Insulting a member>
Game number(s):
Game 12351674
My ID is angellesssss,
This is an extract of the game 12351674 chat, where NeilLock personaly attacked and insulted me :
2013-02-22 16:56:25 - angellesssss [team]:
2013-02-22 16:57:34 - angellesssss [team]: never play in team with Neily
2013-02-22 18:12:00 - NeilLock [team]: SHUT THE f*ck UP!!!!!
2013-02-22 18:12:27 - NeilLock [team]: WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? WHO ARE YOU TALKING TO YOU
2013-02-22 18:12:35 - NeilLock [team]: YOU DUMB f*ck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now i considered replying to him on his wall with more trashier language and insults, but I chosed not to go there, instead i came here to fill this report.