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NeilLock Personal Attck and Insult onGame 12351674[CLOSED]ES

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NeilLock Personal Attck and Insult onGame 12351674[CLOSED]ES

Postby angellesssss on Sun Feb 24, 2013 7:41 am



The accused are suspected of:

Other: <Personal attck and Insulting a member>

Game number(s):

Game 12351674

My ID is angellesssss,
This is an extract of the game 12351674 chat, where NeilLock personaly attacked and insulted me :

2013-02-22 16:56:25 - angellesssss [team]:
2013-02-22 16:57:34 - angellesssss [team]: never play in team with Neily
2013-02-22 18:12:00 - NeilLock [team]: SHUT THE f*ck UP!!!!!
2013-02-22 18:12:27 - NeilLock [team]: WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? WHO ARE YOU TALKING TO YOU
2013-02-22 18:12:35 - NeilLock [team]: YOU DUMB f*ck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now i considered replying to him on his wall with more trashier language and insults, but I chosed not to go there, instead i came here to fill this report.
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Re: NeilLock Personal Attck and Insult on Game 12351674

Postby greenoaks on Sun Feb 24, 2013 8:32 am

clearly you don't belong here.

turn the computer off, snuggle up on the lounge in your fluffy slippers and watch Wind Beneath My Wings.
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Re: NeilLock Personal Attck and Insult on Game 12351674

Postby NeilLock on Sun Feb 24, 2013 9:58 am

Sure the language was salty and direct, but it wasn't outside of the rules and I would do it again (unless the Mods say otherwise). I've been a member for almost 5 years, played more than 5500 games and this whiner is the first one to say anything. I say he should be booted from the site.
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Re: NeilLock Personal Attck and Insult on Game 12351674

Postby Evil Semp on Sun Feb 24, 2013 10:33 am

The accused hasn't broken any rules here.

This from the community guidelines which can be found here. viewtopic.php?f=1&t=7785#p2865163

Annoying Players:

Sometimes you will find yourself in a game with an annoying player. If you do not like their comments in the chat or their playing style, you can add that player to your foe list. Once on the list, you will no longer have to read their comments, and they will not be able to join future games with you if you joined the game first. To modify your Foe (and Friends) List, check out the Friends and Foe Page.
If a player's comments do not violate the rules posted below, then do not ask a moderator or administrator to intervene when a player annoys you. This includes curse words and foul language. They are allowed on this site and would be too difficult to moderate every one.

Marking this one CLOSED.
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Re: NeilLock Personal Attck and Insult onGame 12351674[CLOSE

Postby angellesssss on Tue Feb 26, 2013 12:18 pm

very well.. and, greenoaks, f*ck yourself or something, would you?
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Re: NeilLock Personal Attck and Insult onGame 12351674[CLOSE

Postby Razorvich on Tue Feb 26, 2013 6:52 pm

Left on my wall....

"f*ck yourself and your fat momma you motherfucking goodfornothing cocksucking son of a bitch"
by angellesssss on Wed Feb 27, 2013 1:24 am

Left on Niellock wall
suck my fucking dick you motherfucking cock-sucking son of a bitch
by angellesssss on Wed Feb 27, 2013 1:21 am

I also see that greenoaks got the same sort of agro on his wall too.
mind your own fucking business you ass-fucked son of a bitch.
by angellesssss on Wed Feb 27, 2013 1:23 am

Isn't this EXACTLY what you were complaining about angellesssss ???? :roll:

If you are intent on make the playing experience less enjoyable for people, I suggest that this site is not for you.

Anger management should be on the top of your list.

Looks like i have an addition to my FOE list. :lol:
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Re: NeilLock Personal Attck and Insult onGame 12351674[CLOSE

Postby greenoaks on Wed Feb 27, 2013 5:27 am

angellesssss wrote:very well.. and, greenoaks, f*ck yourself or something, would you?

you're upset that things aren't going your way so you send some abuse my way.

isn't that what your initial complaint is?
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Re: NeilLock Personal Attck and Insult onGame 12351674[CLOSE

Postby Koganosi on Thu Feb 28, 2013 6:55 am

I think he generally also wants to make a statement against the rules now. Caus the other guy wont get even warned for it now, he starts doing it. I assume he is a little childish.

He doesnt get what he wants so he goes rampage.



ps: To counter myself getting msg'es on my while or anywhere else I also foed this guy.
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Re: NeilLock Personal Attck and Insult onGame 12351674[CLOSE

Postby angellesssss on Mon Mar 04, 2013 6:28 am

what a coward!
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Re: NeilLock Personal Attck and Insult onGame 12351674[CLOSE

Postby Evil Semp on Mon Mar 04, 2013 9:37 pm

angellesssss wrote:what a coward!

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Re: NeilLock Personal Attck and Insult onGame 12351674[CLOSE

Postby greenoaks on Tue Mar 05, 2013 2:47 am

Evil Semp wrote:
angellesssss wrote:what a coward!


Koganasi for foeing him.

if he didn't he would have received the abuse that is on my wall, if you want to look ;)
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Re: NeilLock Personal Attck and Insult onGame 12351674[CLOSE

Postby angellesssss on Tue Mar 05, 2013 8:57 am

angellesssss wrote:Now i considered replying to him on his wall with more trashier language and insults, but I chosed not to go there, instead i came here to fill this report.

just so you remember how i started this thread like.

greenoaks wrote:Koganasi for foeing him.

if he didn't he would have received the abuse that is on my wall, if you want to look ;)

what is in your wall is NOT abuse, so says the rules:
Evil Semp wrote:The accused hasn't broken any rules here.

This from the community guidelines which can be found here. viewtopic.php?f=1&t=7785#p2865163

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Re: NeilLock Personal Attck and Insult onGame 12351674[CLOSE

Postby greenoaks on Tue Mar 05, 2013 4:14 pm

angellesssss wrote:
greenoaks wrote:Koganasi for foeing him.

if he didn't he would have received the abuse that is on my wall, if you want to look ;)

what is in your wall is NOT abuse, so says the rules:
Evil Semp wrote:The accused hasn't broken any rules here.

This from the community guidelines which can be found here. viewtopic.php?f=1&t=7785#p2865163.

why are you providing a link to Game Chat rules. my wall is not in any of your games.
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