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Re: Midieval Britain

Postby x-raider on Sat Jul 14, 2012 3:53 am

Oh... I see... Yet I don't...
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Re: Midieval Britain

Postby Oneyed on Sat Jul 14, 2012 5:57 am

koontz1973 wrote:
Oneyed wrote:can not see picture :-k


Yes you can.

no I can not, koontz... :-k

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Re: Midieval Britain

Postby Oneyed on Sat Jul 14, 2012 6:12 am

koontz, it is great that you know what I see and I do not... =D>

this I see...

Click image to enlarge.

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Re: Midieval Britain

Postby The Bison King on Sat Jul 14, 2012 8:37 am

Yes Oneeye he knows look at one of Koontz's maps.
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Re: Midieval Britain

Postby Oneyed on Sat Jul 14, 2012 9:08 am

The Bison King wrote:Yes Oneeye he knows look at one of Koontz's maps.



btw, I also can nto see his last picture posted in Magyarorszag map...
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Re: Midieval Britain

Postby kultrva on Thu Jul 26, 2012 1:47 am

Bison King,

I just took the time to read through this thread, and though I can't see the most recent version of the map, what I have seen looks very nice. I am not a big history buff myself, and for that reason I agree that the greatest merit in a map does not lie in its pinpoint historical accuracy but in its gameplay.

If I wanted an accurate look at medieval Britain I'd crack open an atlas and a history book... However, this is a gaming site and for that reason I will support any map that is fun to play. Yes, historical accuracy is a plus, but this map is being waaaaaay too over-analyzed. Who gives a crap if the castles were made of wood or stone?

That said, I would like to see this map stay as simple as possible as far as bonuses are concerned. Like you, I really don't like to play maps that are loaded with bombardments, crazy bonuses, reverting to neutral, or anything of that nature. I think what you have here as far as bonuses are concerned is fine.

So I'll wrap this up by saying that I fully support you in this endeavor and I'd love to play on this map somewhere down the road. Don't give up on this.

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Re: Midieval Britain

Postby koontz1973 on Tue Jul 31, 2012 12:23 am


Moved to melting pot as no update has been made for over a month. Easily moved back when one has been made.

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Re: Midieval Britain

Postby The Bison King on Tue Feb 05, 2013 1:07 am

Ok. I quite working on this map a while back because of various frustrations with the foundry. Chiefly, the repeal of Super sized maps. However it would appear that the ban on super sized maps has been lifted. This gives me some hope. I'd like to continue working on this map, but we'll see how things go.

So any way, this is an updated version. I removed a few territories, and made the font larger.
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Re: Midieval Britain

Postby koontz1973 on Tue Feb 05, 2013 1:23 am

TBK, your current size is 780/650 which is the current size for the small map. You need to PM isaiah for SS permission. But from looking at it, you have not taken into account of this.
  • Every single pixel used more than the standard limits must be used wisely, if not the CAs will ask to you to reduce the size.
The left hand side with the title and instructions could easily be shrunk and have the map at 625/650.

But leave it for now and see what you need to add on in the way of instructions. When you have that sorted, get the map as small as possible. Not what you think it should be.
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Re: Midieval Britain

Postby kmhebert on Tue Feb 05, 2013 3:46 pm

koontz1973 wrote:TBK, your current size is 780/650 which is the current size for the small map. You need to PM isaiah for SS permission. But from looking at it, you have not taken into account of this.
  • Every single pixel used more than the standard limits must be used wisely, if not the CAs will ask to you to reduce the size.
The left hand side with the title and instructions could easily be shrunk and have the map at 625/650.

But leave it for now and see what you need to add on in the way of instructions. When you have that sorted, get the map as small as possible. Not what you think it should be.

Agree, this is not a supersized map. Would like more fanciful artwork as well.
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Re: Midieval Britain

Postby Pirlo on Tue Feb 05, 2013 4:35 pm

Hey where's Scotland? I get offended when I don't see Scotland included in the British Isles!
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Re: Midieval Britain

Postby koontz1973 on Tue Feb 05, 2013 11:49 pm

Pirlo wrote:Hey where's Scotland? I get offended when I don't see Scotland included in the British Isles!

Its called Feudal England. ;)
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Re: Midieval Britain

Postby The Bison King on Wed Feb 06, 2013 12:42 am

TBK, your current size is 780/650 which is the current size for the small map. You need to PM isaiah for SS permission. But from looking at it, you have not taken into account of this.

* Every single pixel used more than the standard limits must be used wisely, if not the CAs will ask to you to reduce the size.

The left hand side with the title and instructions could easily be shrunk and have the map at 625/650.

But leave it for now and see what you need to add on in the way of instructions. When you have that sorted, get the map as small as possible. Not what you think it should be.

I agree there is a lot of excess space on the left side. I'm sure some can be cut out. As for instructions I don't see there being many more than this. The only idea's I have would be either adding towns (they would add up to a collective bonus +1 for however many "duh") or adding affiliations to the castles themselves. Sort of like what was done on the Baltic Crusade map. Have the castles add up if you match the coat of arms or whatever.


Hey where's Scotland? I get offended when I don't see Scotland included in the British Isles!

Yeah well I've got that covered. Celtic Nations See, I've already done a map that has Scotland and no England so I think that makes it fair.
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Re: Midieval Britain

Postby koontz1973 on Wed Feb 06, 2013 1:02 am

I like the coat of arms idea but not sure how you would fit it onto the map. Towns, not keen on the idea but I do not see why not.
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Re: Midieval Britain

Postby RjBeals on Fri Feb 08, 2013 4:19 pm

Here's some work WidowMakers did for a steam punk style British Isles map. The cool part is he used breakout focus maps for cities. It makes use of dead space and makes the map unique & interesting. Something you could maybe work into this map with a medieval style instead.

(This map is hosted at a competitor site which can't be spelled out here)

Click image to enlarge.
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Re: Midieval Britain

Postby Industrial Helix on Fri Feb 08, 2013 10:09 pm

I like it and want to see it playable!

One nitpick, not even an issue really, the title is Medieval England but also includes Wales. If you're ambitious, you could ad scotland and do medieval Britain, or just remove Wales and run with England.

It might be cool to take a page out of Feudal War and throw in some significant English towns for an extra bonus of +2 or something. It would be nice if the castles autodeployed So you're not a sitting duck with 3 or 4 guys on a castle in between turns. But these are just ideas, if the map was played as is, I think it would be enjoyable.
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Re: Midieval Britain

Postby nolefan5311 on Tue Feb 12, 2013 3:39 pm

RjBeals wrote:Here's some work WidowMakers did for a steam punk style British Isles map. The cool part is he used breakout focus maps for cities. It makes use of dead space and makes the map unique & interesting. Something you could maybe work into this map with a medieval style instead.

(This map is hosted at a competitor site which can't be spelled out here)

Click image to enlarge.

It's right there on the map, lol.
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Re: Midieval Britain

Postby RjBeals on Wed Feb 13, 2013 9:11 am

Yes, but it's not spelled out in the comments :)
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Re: Midieval Britain

Postby The Bison King on Wed Feb 13, 2013 7:30 pm

Click image to enlarge.

K here's a cropped version that's more conservative about the space used.

One nitpick, not even an issue really, the title is Medieval England but also includes Wales. If you're ambitious, you could ad scotland and do medieval Britain, or just remove Wales and run with England.

I got around this before by calling it feudal or medieval Britain. Or I could go with "feudal England and Wales"

It might be cool to take a page out of Feudal War and throw in some significant English towns for an extra bonus of +2 or something. It would be nice if the castles autodeployed So you're not a sitting duck with 3 or 4 guys on a castle in between turns. But these are just ideas, if the map was played as is, I think it would be enjoyable.

I've already considered this and have some territories in mind that could be turned into towns on a later version.
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Re: Midieval Britain

Postby Hensow on Sun Feb 17, 2013 12:12 am

I'm assuming this is about 700-850 as the south east seems to be Anglo-Saxon kingdoms but the late by the size of Wessex & Northumbria
As of such I think the following is of note

Concerning the name medieval technically means between the fall of Rome and about the enlightenment however it is normal associated with period between the rises of mounted knights at hasting in 1066 around the 4th or 5th crusade so whilst it is technically correct it is not thought to be. I think Dark Age might be better but I don't it.
Feudal I believe is the system of government associated with William's combination of Norman and English land laws in 1066
Better perhaps would therefore be "Anglo Saxon England", "Anglo Saxon Briton", “The heptarchy”

I think a constant naming scheme using ether areas or towns names should be used I would suggest towns would be easier to verify (you’d also take the shire off of Nottingham and Lincoln) preferably place with a castle or cathedral prior to 1066.

Concerning the history:

After the end of roman rule (~410) the Britons controlled the land south of (between the Firths of Forth & Clyde) having a common languish that united them agents the Picts and Gaelics (sort of). As the Anglo Saxons initially attack form the north see in the east in the west the British kingdoms remind contuse form the kingdom of Strathclyde (northern border being the Firths of Clyde) to Cornwall in the west.
Until ~652-8 when Saxon victory's at Bradford-upon-Avon (bit west of Bristol) and others pushed the Cornish back to the Parrett (from you Dorchester region to the angle in the Somerset cost just south of Bristol) it is then lightly that exciter was taken by the 680's but most of Devon was not taken till campaigns in 1813 through to 822 it is apparent that by 870 Cornwall was a vassal of Wessex.
Whiles as mention in May it has been rare (peaty much never happen, rare) that wales has been rule effectively as a single kingdom the Welsh and Anglo-Saxon tribes both recognized the welsh as being distinct thou not always from Cornish.
At no point was each kingdom rule by a different man but it beers noting that the youngest of these is Northumbria which was born of the union of Bernicia and Deira in 653
The Danish started raids around 800 they first settle in 826 in East Anglia and took Northumbria in 867 and by 869 they also control East Anglia and Nottingham in Mercia attacks contused by 875 they were in Dorset with only in the Somerset Leaves at Glastonbury the kings Alfred had some power to resist but by 884 pieces was brooked with Alfred ruling Kent, Sussex and Wessex and the Danes getting the north.

Also I believe Joan Bleaus's Atlas was political (using 1665 bounders of Wales and Scotland to demonstrate supposed Territorial Integrity)
The division wales and England should follow Offa's Dyke
The northern most Saxon rule is suspiciously Berwick on tweed’e
The kingdom of Strathclyde would have controlled the regions named Carlisle, Cumbria and Lancaster beyond the existence of Northumbria

Therefore I believe that
The border of Flintshire should be moved west to better approximate the actual boundary of Offa's Dyke.
By taking ~ 655 it would be reasonable to establish a Cornish contented of Exeter, Devonshire and Dartmoor.
Also at will similar could happen to Strathclyde of course refection of the meme is valid as this is what shapes the nation.
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Re: Midieval Britain [14/2] pg 1/8

Postby The Bison King on Fri Feb 22, 2013 5:59 pm

Concerning the name medieval technically means between the fall of Rome and about the enlightenment however it is normal associated with period between the rises of mounted knights at hasting in 1066 around the 4th or 5th crusade so whilst it is technically correct it is not thought to be. I think Dark Age might be better but I don't it.
Feudal I believe is the system of government associated with William's combination of Norman and English land laws in 1066
Better perhaps would therefore be "Anglo Saxon England", "Anglo Saxon Briton", “The heptarchy”

What about Briton: Dark Ages?

I think a constant naming scheme using ether areas or towns names should be used I would suggest towns would be easier to verify (you’d also take the shire off of Nottingham and Lincoln) preferably place with a castle or cathedral prior to 1066.

Ok I think I agree with that. I'd prefer going with towns because that pesky "shire" takes up a lot of room! For the most part I have been trying to pick Castles that pre-date or arrived right around 1066.

The division wales and England should follow Offa's Dyke... The border of Flintshire should be moved west to better approximate the actual boundary of Offa's Dyke.

Ok, that shouldn't be hard to change.

The northern most Saxon rule is suspiciously Berwick on tweed’e

... what?

The kingdom of Strathclyde would have controlled the regions named Carlisle, Cumbria and Lancaster beyond the existence of Northumbria

I'm not so sure about adding another bonus up there. Is there a major castle that would be associated with defending Strathclyde?

By taking ~ 655 it would be reasonable to establish a Cornish contented of Exeter, Devonshire and Dartmoor.

Again I'm not so sure about adding another bonus. If I added a Cornwall region I would want to add Somerset and Dorchester. Part of the structure of the map is that Castles lie in the center of bonuses rather than on the borders. I want castles to be able to retaliate against border strikes, rather than defend them immediately. I'm sort of designing this map with trench gameplay in mind.
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Re: Midieval Britain [14/2] pg 1/8

Postby Oneyed on Fri Feb 22, 2013 6:58 pm

The Bison King wrote:
I think a constant naming scheme using ether areas or towns names should be used I would suggest towns would be easier to verify (you’d also take the shire off of Nottingham and Lincoln) preferably place with a castle or cathedral prior to 1066.

Ok I think I agree with that. I'd prefer going with towns because that pesky "shire" takes up a lot of room! For the most part I have been trying to pick Castles that pre-date or arrived right around 1066.

you could use anglosaxon names. it gives Dark Age feel to map.
The Bison King wrote:
The division wales and England should follow Offa's Dyke... The border of Flintshire should be moved west to better approximate the actual boundary of Offa's Dyke.

Ok, that shouldn't be hard to change.

...and maybe divide Wales to at least two bonuses. Wales were never realy united.
The Bison King wrote:
The kingdom of Strathclyde would have controlled the regions named Carlisle, Cumbria and Lancaster beyond the existence of Northumbria

I'm not so sure about adding another bonus up there. Is there a major castle that would be associated with defending Strathclyde?

you have a little unused space in Scotland. you can move name of map and here you can add 2 regions and one castle (Whithorn). these regions and Carlisle, Cumbria, Lancaster could be Strathclyde.

The Bison King wrote:
By taking ~ 655 it would be reasonable to establish a Cornish contented of Exeter, Devonshire and Dartmoor.

Again I'm not so sure about adding another bonus. If I added a Cornwall region I would want to add Somerset and Dorchester. Part of the structure of the map is that Castles lie in the center of bonuses rather than on the borders. I want castles to be able to retaliate against border strikes, rather than defend them immediately. I'm sort of designing this map with trench gameplay in mind.

if 655 AD is start of your map you can use Somerset and Dorchester as part of new bonus here. these were conquered by Saxons at the end of the 7th century.

btw, will you change picture of castles to something what will better fit the year 655?

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Re: Midieval Britain [14/2] pg 1/8

Postby The Bison King on Thu Feb 28, 2013 9:53 pm

you could use anglosaxon names. it gives Dark Age feel to map.

I've got an 800Ad map that I'm going to cross reference a lot of the names against.

...and maybe divide Wales to at least two bonuses. Wales were never realy united.

Maybe but perhaps not. If I divide Northumbria and Wales and Cornwall that only leaves Mercia as a double Castle bonus. For the interest of Gameplay I'd rather have multiple large bonuses that can be split between 2 players. It'll make for a more interesting map.

you have a little unused space in Scotland. you can move name of map and here you can add 2 regions and one castle (Whithorn). these regions and Carlisle, Cumbria, Lancaster could be Strathclyde.

You'll see this on my next version.

if 655 AD is start of your map you can use Somerset and Dorchester as part of new bonus here. these were conquered by Saxons at the end of the 7th century.

Again that's a maybe I'll conjure up some alternative versions. However I'm not pinning this down to a specific date in time.

btw, will you change picture of castles to something what will better fit the year 655?

No. As it is the castle is more of a representation of a castle and not an actual rendering of what you'd expect to see there so it shouldn't really matter any way. I know that tradition castles didn't appear until a hundred or so years after this era, but truly and honestly do not care. I really don't. I do not care. Castle's are cool, and this is the style of castle that I, and other people like. Its part of the whole reason I wanted to do this map. There were fortresses and strongholds in these regions and whether or not they looked exactly like the syle of building I represented them with really isn't that important to me or 99% of the people who will be playing this map. Honestly if you can't enjoy this map because the style of building I use to represent a castle isn't exactly period appropriate, that's fine with me, don't play it.
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Re: Midieval Britain [14/2] pg 1/8

Postby Oneyed on Fri Mar 01, 2013 2:02 am

The Bison King wrote:I've got an 800Ad map that I'm going to cross reference a lot of the names against.

Maybe but perhaps not. If I divide Northumbria and Wales and Cornwall that only leaves Mercia as a double Castle bonus. For the interest of Gameplay I'd rather have multiple large bonuses that can be split between 2 players. It'll make for a more interesting map.

Again that's a maybe I'll conjure up some alternative versions. However I'm not pinning this down to a specific date in time.

No. As it is the castle is more of a representation of a castle and not an actual rendering of what you'd expect to see there so it shouldn't really matter any way. I know that tradition castles didn't appear until a hundred or so years after this era, but truly and honestly do not care. I really don't. I do not care. Castle's are cool, and this is the style of castle that I, and other people like. Its part of the whole reason I wanted to do this map. There were fortresses and strongholds in these regions and whether or not they looked exactly like the syle of building I represented them with really isn't that important to me or 99% of the people who will be playing this map.

so you are doing Sci-fi Britain.
The Bison King wrote:Honestly if you can't enjoy this map because the style of building I use to represent a castle isn't exactly period appropriate, that's fine with me, don't play it.

well, very constructive. but thank you for saving my time - I do not "need" look here more.

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Re: Midieval Britain [14/2] pg 1/8

Postby koontz1973 on Fri Mar 01, 2013 2:16 am

Bison, a couple of things.
Some of the castles do not have names.
Why brown for the water? Could a dirty blue be found?
Dartmoor has been cropped of the bottom of the map. Can you round that piece out so it is all on the map.
I do not think you need to be placing any more castles on the map or even towns. But I do like the RJBeals idea where you have the cut outs for the castles with 2 or 3 regions per castle. Can you see if you can fit something like that onto your map. You can keep the +2 auto deploy for the castle region on the map, but have a +1 or +2 deployable bonus for holding the whole castle. If you do not want to go cut out route, a simple grid table like in Spanish Armada would save room, and a lot of game play and be repetitively simple to do.

Let me know what you think. Last thing really now, send isaiah a PM about the size. As soon as you have that answer, we will get this moved on.
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