Flapcake wrote:Kabanellas wrote:
I just have a small remark to do. The autodeploys from the shields might be too much. And not only because of the isolated bonus 'per se', but especially if you combine them with the bonus zones (continents) where they're inserted:
Ost Jylland has 5 borders and gives 5 troops bonus where you can had a +2 bonus from the autodeploy (a/d) well placed on one of its borders. That is +7 for 5 borders. Even more profitable if you take Alborg, which will substitute 1 border for an extra +2 a/d. And that will make +9 troops for 5 borders...
Same for Syd Jylland and Ost Sjaelland.
I'd recommend notching those bonuses down to +1 (reducing shield's neutral starters from 3 to 2 could also be acceptable...eventually)
Thx for your comment Kabanellas. The reason that we went from +1 to +2 autodeploy on shields was to inspire players to go for the winning condiction, as ther was a lack of it with the +1 version, It have shown that it works very vell. players use the condiction more now. The 3 neutrals was also in effect from the +2 to give it some kind of balance.
I like thise condictions much more than the previous ones.
Good call! +2 is needed to give them enough importance. I don't think the victory condition is worth going for in 1v1 but definitely in larger games.
Btw your spruces are pretty darn cool

The reason I'm asking is that I need to work on my vegetation in Nigeria and if I could get my trees to look that good, I'd be very happy with them