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Fire and Ice Mafia! (2/12) GAME OVER!! ~ TOWN WINS!! ~

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Re: Fire and Ice Mafia! (7/12) Day 3 - Doctor Decapitated!

Postby mc05025 on Wed Mar 14, 2012 11:29 pm

New guy 1 and ghostly you haven't vote or suspect someone. You might need to do so as we have 3 days left. People with no opinion is suspicious at that time of the game.

About me now. As I have said I suspect more Spartacus than Leehar (for reasons I have already said) although I did not like that Leehar did not defend himself with passion. He seems like he have no hopes and at that game only the left scum should feel hopeless.

So to sum up, if I have to chose between Leehar and Spartacus I will Lynch Spartacus. If I have to chose between no Lynch and Lynch I will prefer Lynch (either he is Leehar or Spartacus) because I do not feel like a no Lynch will help us.
If there are new informations during these 3 days I will reconsider :)
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Re: Fire and Ice Mafia! (7/12) Day 3 - Doctor Decapitated!

Postby Leehar on Thu Mar 15, 2012 6:33 am

jgordon1111 wrote:Did you see what I meant about he used what you said as his defence rather than build his own,and has not posted to defend himself again

I told you why I thought your meta-gaming was wrong.
Leehar wrote:And again, if you're meta-gaming the other games where I was scum, considering they're the lesser percentage, don't you think it's about time I'm townie now? Heck, I'd like to win a game as town myself by now!

And you know that your claiming was a bad move, So excuse me for having voted you then. If you still want to continue on the meta angle, then the game you're referencing had this exact same example I was worried about where Scum fake-claimed doctor in order to get the actual Doc lynched...

Admittedly in the end you were a doctor, which obviously became self-evident when there was no counter-claim and I don't think I pushed for it any longer.

However it really is pretty irritating that you are now coming in as a replacement after in effect suiciding yourself in the first outing by claiming Doc so early when there was obviously going to be no protection for you either, and now that you're here as someone else, you go to Omgus'ing me from the pov of your original role that you played so badly anyway.
And on top of that, you don't say anything on the arguments and premises that me and mc built our defenses (and cases respectively) on. At least tackle those before you want to make me field calls from all corners.

But nonetheless, to continue on one of my themes I mentioned that was worth using, Vote Sparticus Sparticus as he's had time to respond as well, and if he's not gonna be active to help us catch the scum but just bandwagon, then it's worth getting some more from him
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Re: Fire and Ice Mafia! (7/12) Day 3 - Doctor Decapitated!

Postby jgordon1111 on Thu Mar 15, 2012 6:49 am

thank you for defending yourself leehar unvote vote sparticus who hasnt even tried at all,playing the odds leehar
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Re: Fire and Ice Mafia! (7/12) Day 3 - Doctor Decapitated!

Postby Leehar on Thu Mar 15, 2012 6:57 am

Thank you, I was worried I'd antagonize you even more, but I'm glad that you at least recognise my defense.
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Re: Fire and Ice Mafia! (7/12) Day 3 - Doctor Decapitated!

Postby new guy1 on Thu Mar 15, 2012 8:20 am

I have to say, I have been innactive since the last day, but after reading everything, I should say i agree with the majority and say that Leehar and Sparticus are top on my list, but Sparticus seems to add the least to the conversation. So I will wait to see vote count on sparticus, as I do not want an accidental lynch.
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Re: Fire and Ice Mafia! (7/12) Day 3 - Doctor Decapitated!

Postby ghostly447 on Thu Mar 15, 2012 9:42 am

I go against the majority. Do not hammer apart yet please until I can speak. I need about 7 hours because i dont think I can do it on my phone without messing up but I just want to address 2 things that struck me as serious things to note. I will say leehar and MC are still at the top of my list.
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Re: Fire and Ice Mafia! (7/12) Day 3 - Doctor Decapitated!

Postby SPARTACUS1974 on Thu Mar 15, 2012 10:35 am

wow i dont log on for 22hrs and im getting voted .
well what can i say im a vt so no major role not really sure how i can defend myself with that.

as to my defence i been busy at work so not posted much in any of my games, but what i have made sence and might of helped in the last lynching.
and to leehar you mention me BW but im sure you just voted the same and moving the vote off you worked now at l1 .
but if i do get killed the rest of you look at leehar next .
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Re: Fire and Ice Mafia! (7/12) Day 3 - Doctor Decapitated!

Postby Leehar on Thu Mar 15, 2012 1:54 pm

SPARTACUS1974 wrote:wow i dont log on for 22hrs and im getting voted .
well what can i say im a vt so no major role not really sure how i can defend myself with that.

as to my defence i been busy at work so not posted much in any of my games, but what i have made sence and might of helped in the last lynching.
and to leehar you mention me BW but im sure you just voted the same and moving the vote off you worked now at l1 .
but if i do get killed the rest of you look at leehar next .

Good point, I only put you at L2 tho, so don't pin it all on me
I'm thinking of Unvoting for now, but then I'm also considering that hammering is unlikely, and if someone does he'll just put the spotlight on him, but also because whoever can (of you, new guy, ghostly and mc) they have all chosen not to before (you're again the only oddity), so it probably doesn't hold as much water.

Lets just wait for Ghostly's case
And while I like your point of looking at me if you are townie, which the odds are still good at with 6/7, you've said this before, and if you are townie you do need to help us gain something more from having you around.
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Re: Fire and Ice Mafia! (7/12) Day 3 - Doctor Decapitated!

Postby SPARTACUS1974 on Thu Mar 15, 2012 2:18 pm

yep and i was town each time lol but i agree lets see what ghostly has to say .
ohh 1 last thing why has jgordon been cleared?
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Re: Fire and Ice Mafia! (7/12) Day 3 - Doctor Decapitated!

Postby ghostly447 on Thu Mar 15, 2012 3:04 pm

SPARTACUS1974 wrote:yep and i was town each time lol but i agree lets see what ghostly has to say .
ohh 1 last thing why has jgordon been cleared?

Can answer this before I have to get my hair cut. Rest will come after that. He was doc last night so he couldn't be his own killer. Fos for not analyzing that well.
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Re: Fire and Ice Mafia! (7/12) Day 3 - Doctor Decapitated!

Postby ghostly447 on Thu Mar 15, 2012 4:10 pm

Okay the few things that I noticed as posts came in.

Leehar wrote:
jgordon1111 wrote:Did you see what I meant about he used what you said as his defence rather than build his own,and has not posted to defend himself again

I told you why I thought your meta-gaming was wrong.
Leehar wrote:And again, if you're meta-gaming the other games where I was scum, considering they're the lesser percentage, don't you think it's about time I'm townie now? Heck, I'd like to win a game as town myself by now!

And you know that your claiming was a bad move, So excuse me for having voted you then. If you still want to continue on the meta angle, then the game you're referencing had this exact same example I was worried about where Scum fake-claimed doctor in order to get the actual Doc lynched...

Admittedly in the end you were a doctor, which obviously became self-evident when there was no counter-claim and I don't think I pushed for it any longer.

However it really is pretty irritating that you are now coming in as a replacement after in effect suiciding yourself in the first outing by claiming Doc so early when there was obviously going to be no protection for you either, and now that you're here as someone else, you go to Omgus'ing me from the pov of your original role that you played so badly anyway.
And on top of that, you don't say anything on the arguments and premises that me and mc built our defenses (and cases respectively) on. At least tackle those before you want to make me field calls from all corners.

But nonetheless, to continue on one of my themes I mentioned that was worth using, Vote Sparticus Sparticus as he's had time to respond as well, and if he's not gonna be active to help us catch the scum but just bandwagon, then it's worth getting some more from him

The red sentence struck me as completely unhelpful, and extremely counter-productive. WHY? Because, we all know if he had claimed VT then anyone would have said "VT's are expendable" and he would have been lynched, instead of the fire goon. In other words, I feel Leehar is good enough to understand that this is scummy, because anyone knows a VT claim is tested with a lynch 90% of the time. He would have suicided himself even sooner.

mc05025 wrote:New guy 1 and ghostly you haven't vote or suspect someone. You might need to do so as we have 3 days left. People with no opinion is suspicious at that time of the game.

About me now. As I have said I suspect more Spartacus than Leehar (for reasons I have already said) although I did not like that Leehar did not defend himself with passion. He seems like he have no hopes and at that game only the left scum should feel hopeless.

So to sum up, if I have to chose between Leehar and Spartacus I will Lynch Spartacus. If I have to chose between no Lynch and Lynch I will prefer Lynch (either he is Leehar or Spartacus) because I do not feel like a no Lynch will help us.
If there are new informations during these 3 days I will reconsider :)

And then I dont know what to make of this. I could have sworn that I had unvoted just a few hours before this FROM you Mc. So, not suspecting someone? I have also said I suspect you and Leehar for real life days now, so you are completely twisting this story to fit your conditions which I believe are to wipe out the town.

So for that, I still suspect my top 3 in this order:

The only thing I feel about spartacus is that he didnt seem to catch up enough to know why jgordon was cleared.
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Re: Fire and Ice Mafia! (7/12) Day 3 - Doctor Decapitated!

Postby mc05025 on Thu Mar 15, 2012 9:24 pm

Obviously, when you unvote you are doing that because you do not suspect that person that much anymore or because you suspect someone else more. So as you have unvoted I was waiting for you to say new things and new opinions. Can not see how this is strange... In addition things change from day to day.
'also said I suspect you and Leehar for real life days now'. You have to say it again if you still suspect as. Its ok to suspect me (your opinion, I have mine) but do not say that my statement was strange
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Re: Fire and Ice! (7/12) Day3 [Need 1 Repl!][Doctor Decapita

Postby ghostly447 on Thu Mar 15, 2012 9:33 pm

ghostly447 wrote:Unvote.

1. wildwilliam - Replaced by spurgistan - Dont know what to think of this player.
2. edocsil - Replaced by SG8 - I personally think is cleared. Not sure though.
3. Victor Sullivan - Replaced by SPARTACUS1974 - VS didnt seem to give off his normal soft claims before leaving, but it may be because of his illness. Not much from spartacus either.
4. mc05025 - I have my suspicions. Doesnt seem to post much, and when he does it always gets me going thinking he may be mafia.
7. New Guy1 - Helped catch both fire mafia
9. ghostly447 - Helped catch both fire mafia
12. Leehar - Good countercase

ghostly447 wrote:
mc05025 wrote:As for the meta-gaming I have absolutely no idea as this is my first game. You are more experienced and you might have better tools than me smelling the scums but I think I will stay with my opinion. I do not like change opinion...

Im not sure if it is just that you worded it wrong, but we all have to eventually change our opinions should a better case arise that we believe is fit.

Unvote if I had a vote previously (I think I did on MC) and re-FOS MC for clearly stating he does not like changing his opinion. If it is a misunderstanding, it is alright, but for now we need conversation at the very least to see if there will be a scum slip hopefully.

both page 36. If this doesnt say "I still think MC is scummy" I dont know what does.
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Re: Fire and Ice Mafia! (7/12) Day 3 - Doctor Decapitated!

Postby jgordon1111 on Thu Mar 15, 2012 10:02 pm

I think you may be off on MC ghost, I know on the game board he has good strat,but here I think he is watching and learning,doesnt read to me as scum tell. I remember 2 players in a game both real noobs one read the game correct the other didnt. What say you with thinking about it,scum or noob?

If you still believe scum,give me a hard reason
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Re: Fire and Ice Mafia! (7/12) Day 3 - Doctor Decapitated!

Postby new guy1 on Thu Mar 15, 2012 10:08 pm

jgordon1111 wrote:I think you may be off on MC ghost, I know on the game board he has good strat,but here I think he is watching and learning,doesnt read to me as scum tell. I remember 2 players in a game both real noobs one read the game correct the other didnt. What say you with thinking about it,scum or noob?

If you still believe scum,give me a hard reason

If he were watching and learning, Ghostly would have nothing of his to quote. I also believe in MC being scummy, but since this is his first game I will dismiss it as a noob mistake. At least till he does something irrefutable.
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Re: Fire and Ice Mafia! (7/12) Day 3 - Doctor Decapitated!

Postby ghostly447 on Thu Mar 15, 2012 10:16 pm

new guy1 wrote:
jgordon1111 wrote:I think you may be off on MC ghost, I know on the game board he has good strat,but here I think he is watching and learning,doesnt read to me as scum tell. I remember 2 players in a game both real noobs one read the game correct the other didnt. What say you with thinking about it,scum or noob?

If you still believe scum,give me a hard reason

If he were watching and learning, Ghostly would have nothing of his to quote. I also believe in MC being scummy, but since this is his first game I will dismiss it as a noob mistake. At least till he does something irrefutable.

Stole the words out of my mouth.
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Re: Fire and Ice Mafia! (7/12) Day 3 - Doctor Decapitated!

Postby SPARTACUS1974 on Fri Mar 16, 2012 2:39 am

ghostly447 wrote:
SPARTACUS1974 wrote:yep and i was town each time lol but i agree lets see what ghostly has to say .
ohh 1 last thing why has jgordon been cleared?

Can answer this before I have to get my hair cut. Rest will come after that. He was doc last night so he couldn't be his own killer. Fos for not analyzing that well.

yes i know but now he has taken up another players role :evil:
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Re: Fire and Ice Mafia! (7/12) Day 3 - Doctor Decapitated!

Postby jgordon1111 on Fri Mar 16, 2012 6:56 am

ghost already told you I didnt kill myself last night lol and only one scum left i.e, I am VT
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Re: Fire and Ice!! (12/12) Day 1 - [Need 1 Replacement!]

Postby MoB Deadly on Fri Mar 16, 2012 7:07 am

Day 3 - Vote Count 3

SG8 - mc05025
ghostly447 -
(1) Leehar - SPARTICUS1974,
mc05025 -
New Guy1 -
(3, L-1) SPARTICUS1974 -SG8, Leehar, jgordon2222
jgordon2222 -

No Lynch -

With 7 players alive, it takes 4 votes to Lynch or No Lynch.

Deadline Sunday 5:00PM EST.

Art by: codierose | High Score: 2550
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Re: Fire and Ice Mafia! (7/12) Day 3 - Doctor Decapitated!

Postby ghostly447 on Fri Mar 16, 2012 8:13 am

Okay, I dont know how much more I can say spartacus. Jgordon was doctor last night. There was only 1 ice mafia left. They kill jgordon, and therefore he is a cleared townie.
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Re: Fire and Ice Mafia! (7/12) Day 3 - Doctor Decapitated!

Postby SPARTACUS1974 on Fri Mar 16, 2012 9:35 am

sorry i got confused i see it now im a moron lol
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Re: Fire and Ice Mafia! (7/12) Day 3 - Doctor Decapitated!

Postby shieldgenerator7 on Fri Mar 16, 2012 9:38 am

SPARTACUS1974 wrote:sorry i got confused i see it now im a moron lol

that's not a defense. what is this? I'm sorry I don't understand what you're trying to say.
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Re: Fire and Ice Mafia! (7/12) Day 3 - Doctor Decapitated!

Postby SPARTACUS1974 on Fri Mar 16, 2012 9:50 am

read my last posts, as for defence what do you want me to say?
im vt like the rest of town left the only way we gonna find ice is if he makes a massive scum slip or we get lucky with lynch.

and as it gonna be so hard to find ice hammer me i dont mind then it will take it to 4vt and 1 ice after night time that might make it a bit easier to find the scum.
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Re: Fire and Ice Mafia! (7/12) Day 3 - Doctor Decapitated!

Postby ghostly447 on Mon Mar 19, 2012 8:33 am

Request MASS PROD. Lets try to gather our thoughts and finish this up :D.
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Re: Fire and Ice Mafia! (7/12) Day 3 - Doctor Decapitated!

Postby new guy1 on Mon Mar 19, 2012 8:39 am

Yea, I was about to say a prod was nessessary. I dont even remember when the deadline is, so I am going to go back and look at that. If nobody else, I am fine with lynching Sparticus or SG7 (I believe those are the two that I had come down to).
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