jgordon1111 wrote:Did you see what I meant about he used what you said as his defence rather than build his own,and has not posted to defend himself again
I told you why I thought your meta-gaming was wrong.
Leehar wrote:And again, if you're meta-gaming the other games where I was scum, considering they're the lesser percentage, don't you think it's about time I'm townie now? Heck, I'd like to win a game as town myself by now!
And you know that your claiming was a bad move, So excuse me for having voted you then. If you still want to continue on the meta angle, then the game you're referencing had this exact same example I was worried about where Scum fake-claimed doctor in order to get the actual Doc lynched...
Admittedly in the end you were a doctor, which obviously became self-evident when there was no counter-claim and I don't think I pushed for it any longer.
However it really is pretty irritating that you are now coming in as a replacement after in effect suiciding yourself in the first outing by claiming Doc so early when there was obviously going to be no protection for you either, and now that you're here as someone else, you go to Omgus'ing me from the pov of your original role that you played so badly anyway.
And on top of that, you don't say anything on the arguments and premises that me and mc built our defenses (and cases respectively) on. At least tackle those before you want to make me field calls from all corners.
But nonetheless, to continue on one of my themes I mentioned that was worth using,
Vote Sparticus Sparticus as he's had time to respond as well, and if he's not gonna be active to help us catch the scum but just bandwagon, then it's worth getting some more from him