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Learn to add

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Learn to add

Postby dakky21 on Sun Nov 27, 2011 6:43 pm

Map Name: Learn to Add
Mapmaker(s): dakky21 (me)
Number of Territories: 81
Special Features: none
What Makes This Map Worthy of Being Made: It is something new?

Map Image:
Click image to enlarge.

Idea is simple. Each territory has it own number and you gain bonuses when holding "sum" of those numbers. The only matematical operation used is adding (+).

Gameplay is also simple. Each territory can attack each neighbouring territory, in all 8 directions.

All start with holding entire column, which has a sum of 45. Attack wrong territory of the enemy, and make him a bonus - for example, since all start with 45, attack enemy on the field with number 1, his sum will then be 44 and threfore, enemy will get +2 bonus troops, while you gain nothing. Attack him on the field with number 5, your sum of numbers will then be 50 - and then you will get 2 bonus troops. Millions of other combinations exist, especially when the game gets going. You will need to think, your enemies will need to think twice before attacking you. They may even create you more bonus then you already hold!

I'm sure the bonus numbers need to be reworked, but before I get into deep thinking "what sum of numbers could be best for what kind of bonus in what situation, early game, or mid-game", tell me what you think about this idea.
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Re: Learn to add

Postby natty dread on Sun Nov 27, 2011 6:56 pm

It's a novel idea, but I don't think it would be fun to play. Also there's the issue of coding in all the possible combinations that make up a bonus number, and the XML would be too huge. I don't think this idea is feasible either.
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Re: Learn to add

Postby dakky21 on Sun Nov 27, 2011 7:03 pm

natty_dread wrote:It's a novel idea, but I don't think it would be fun to play. Also there's the issue of coding in all the possible combinations that make up a bonus number, and the XML would be too huge. I don't think this idea is feasible either.

Well, it is something new, you must admit that.
Then, oh yeah, that XML thing crossed my mind too.
What you think about the idea and a smaller map, like 5x5 ? Smaller bonuses and smaller map. Still, only adding to reduce possible combinations in XML.
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Re: Learn to add

Postby Geger on Sun Nov 27, 2011 8:26 pm

I like the idea for the bonuses, but I don't like symmetry's map like Conquer 4 or Chinese Checker. Every region is hard to defend, and there are no "important" regions to control.
I think, a map like Poker Club is better. I hope you understand what I mean.

Just my 1.5 cents
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Re: Learn to add

Postby AndyDufresne on Mon Nov 28, 2011 10:41 am

natty_dread wrote:It's a novel idea, but I don't think it would be fun to play.

I'm generally thinking the same thing as natty_dread. The fun factor for this type of gameplay and map might be limited.

But I encourage you to work around with the idea, and maybe something can come up. Or if you are looking for a new map, check out the Recycling Box for maps that were abandoned: viewforum.php?f=242

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Re: Learn to add

Postby dakky21 on Mon Nov 28, 2011 3:22 pm

What about a map with much less territories, only 25 and different layout?
I've sketched it:

Outer cirlce as a bonus group, inner circle also gives a bonus, blue lines are impassable, central territory is counted as 7, starting positions are only 1 like on AoR, then you expand your kingdom further...
Also, central territory reverts to xx neutrals each turn, to prevent killing each other on the start.

And still the math is important, for example holding 3+5=8 gives you 1 bonus troop, while holding 2 outer circles gives you 10, which gains you 3 bonus troops etc.
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Re: Learn to add

Postby Industrial Helix on Thu Dec 08, 2011 6:27 pm

I have to say that this map just isn't appealing to me. The notion of passing my CC time repeating lessons from the first grade or even exercising those math skills during leisure time fails to fill me with excitement. Essentially what this map amounts to is Conquer the grid and get frustrated that none of your bonus regions border each other. Furthermore, the XML would likely be too large for CC to accommodate. That said, I hope it doesn't crush your dreams when I say that I don't think this map has a future. I think your time would be better invested pursuing another map idea, preferably without number crunching.
Sketchblog [Update 07/25/11]:
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Re: Learn to add

Postby Riskmaster101 on Fri Dec 30, 2011 10:19 pm

I really hate the symmetry.. The concept is fun but I can't see ever playing it as myself.
I wish you the best of luck if you continue, but I don't endorse it!

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Re: Learn to add

Postby Industrial Helix on Sat Dec 31, 2011 6:38 pm

Industrial Helix wrote:I have to say that this map just isn't appealing to me. The notion of passing my CC time repeating lessons from the first grade or even exercising those math skills during leisure time fails to fill me with excitement. Essentially what this map amounts to is Conquer the grid and get frustrated that none of your bonus regions border each other. Furthermore, the XML would likely be too large for CC to accommodate. That said, I hope it doesn't crush your dreams when I say that I don't think this map has a future. I think your time would be better invested pursuing another map idea, preferably without number crunching.

I'm afraid, that I'm going to have to move this draft into the recycling box. my reasons are that the map seems to be lacking widespread support throughout the foundry community. And secondly, the idea does not lend itself well to a is conquere club map. I'll go ahead and give this thread and the original poster a day or two to reply or significantly improve the theme. Once again, I think your time would be better invested pursuing another map idea, preferably without number crunching.
Sketchblog [Update 07/25/11]:
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