Map Name: Learn to Add
Mapmaker(s): dakky21 (me)
Number of Territories: 81
Special Features: none
What Makes This Map Worthy of Being Made: It is something new?
Map Image:
Idea is simple. Each territory has it own number and you gain bonuses when holding "sum" of those numbers. The only matematical operation used is adding (+).
Gameplay is also simple. Each territory can attack each neighbouring territory, in all 8 directions.
All start with holding entire column, which has a sum of 45. Attack wrong territory of the enemy, and make him a bonus - for example, since all start with 45, attack enemy on the field with number 1, his sum will then be 44 and threfore, enemy will get +2 bonus troops, while you gain nothing. Attack him on the field with number 5, your sum of numbers will then be 50 - and then you will get 2 bonus troops. Millions of other combinations exist, especially when the game gets going. You will need to think, your enemies will need to think twice before attacking you. They may even create you more bonus then you already hold!
I'm sure the bonus numbers need to be reworked, but before I get into deep thinking "what sum of numbers could be best for what kind of bonus in what situation, early game, or mid-game", tell me what you think about this idea.