Map Name: Pot Mosbi
Map Description:With names in Toki Pisin (where possible), the map is based on the suburban and regional layout of Port Moresby, the national capital of Papua New Guinea. Cultural influence has been used to storyboard the map in readiness for gamplay.
Territories:104, Continents:22
Gameplay type:Classic
Gameplay features:Ranged attacks, starting neutrals, killer neutrals, impassables, losing condition.
Mapmaker: cairnswk and XML:nolefan5311
Major Contribution:Victor Sullivan
Map Sizes:
Small - 892 x 800; Large - 1000 x 897
Current Version 20
Neutrals and Starts at V20
Colour Blind Test V14
http://i155.photobucket.com/albums/s282 ... cd_cbp.jpg
http://i155.photobucket.com/albums/s282 ... cd_cbd.jpg
Version 15 - 888s
What Makes This Map Worthy of Being Made:
[*]It is a capital listed on the Classic map, and thus deserves to be represented on CC
[*]A competition now exists for PNG, so it will be a sister map for that
[*]It is in a similar style to my first map Cairns Coral Coast
[*]The names on the map are in Toki Pisin which is native to the country
[*]The army circles signify cultural neck-gear that some natives wear which are made from pigs teeth (some to show wealth)
[*]Don't want to waste a good map that was supposed to be in a competition