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qwert - Ratings Abuse [warned]

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Re: qwert - Ratings Abuse

Postby Woodruff on Sat Jan 29, 2011 6:07 pm

qwert wrote:yea right-so give bad rating for deadbeat,its ok?

As opposed to because you lost to someone? Hell yes.

qwert wrote:well you only prove what i say-i dont say,not one single bad word against you

Qwert, I like you. But game chats like that absolutely make the game not nearly as enjoyable for others. It really does get very, very old.

qwert wrote:"natty_dread on Wed Jan 26, 2011 8:48 pm

Oh, the OP was being serious? Wow.

Boo hoo, someone gave me a low rating. Someone doesn't think I'm great! How will I survive this!

Like it or not, a rating is a subjective opinion, and everyone is free to rate as they like. If someone doesn't like the way you play, or conduct yourself in gamechat, they're free to rate you poorly. If you don't like it, tough.

So the next time you get a bad rating, instead of going on a whiny rant on how the world is unfair and everyone is against you, how about doing some self-reflection... like figuring out the reason why you got a bad rating and then working on improving your own behaviour, so others won't have a reason to give you any more bad ratings in the future?"
Apsolute right, and i suport that- if someone give me bad rating, i will not jumping across forum and complain abouth that- i dont complain,and i will never complain in forum abouth bad rating, everybody can give me all kind of rating,if they want. If im complain abouth dices, why people dont want to accept that, and live me with that? do you want to kick me out of CC, its these your intention?

It's interesting you would quote natty there...because precisely the same could be said of your receiving this C&A accusation.
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Re: qwert - Ratings Abuse

Postby Qwert on Sat Jan 29, 2011 6:17 pm

rating for deadbeat-well these is more related to pander88uk-he tell that its ok to give bad rating for deadbeat-hes list in page 1(where i present hes all 1 star), he tell that its rule (hes rule)to give all 1 star for deadbeat, and nobody complain abouth that.

I dont understand why its so hard to press foe? in that way they will not read what im write,very simple.
And we had ,misunderstanding also,but we fix all our problem woodryff -you are good person- i hope that we in future play some games.

And these last, well what you propose? to not post anything? If i dont post anything ,then everybody can say all kind of insult,and post all what they want,and i only need to not say nothing.
Like i say, mods need to investigate all rating,one by one, and to give list what its wrong,and what its ok. Pander88uk give 10 time more all 1 stars,but its look that he have right to do,and hes reasons are ok, and mine are not- everybody can give me bad rating,but for me its forbiden to do that.
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Re: qwert - Ratings Abuse

Postby Serbia on Sat Jan 29, 2011 6:49 pm


Seems qwert has found me out. I am indeed Don Serbia, Head of the G1 family, 1st Lieutenant of CC, 2nd only to Lack himself. Nothing happens on this site that I'm not personally directing.

It's ridiculous to think that someone other than me might possibly have an opinion on you. Surely, this is all because you dropped from my tournament. Yes, that must be it. So I directed Pander88 to create this. (I guess I should have picked someone more obvious, eh?)
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Re: qwert - Ratings Abuse

Postby Qwert on Sat Jan 29, 2011 6:55 pm

""qwert wrote:

you see woodruff,how its easy to make false statement in mine name.
just need to put mine name quoted, and say "these is qwert words" .
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Re: qwert - Ratings Abuse

Postby the.killing.44 on Sat Jan 29, 2011 7:00 pm

qwert wrote:these is qwert words

Boy, that was easy!
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Re: qwert - Ratings Abuse

Postby Commander62890 on Sat Jan 29, 2011 9:22 pm

Here's what it looks like to me:

Qwert was losing a game.

Qwert was unnecessarily rude to the victor, specifically with regard to his own dice issues and the fact that his opponents did not win with skill. He seemed to take particular offense to the term, "GG."

Qwert's opponents responded to his comments in different ways. A few of them matched his level of rudeness, but for the most part, his opponents were rather good-natured, given the circumstances. I probably would have flipped out on him if he'd done that to me.

Then his opponents, many of whom did not descend to Qwert's level in game chat, justifiably rated Qwert with 1s.

Out of revenge, Qwert gave them 1s back.

Yes, Qwert. You did deserve those 1s, while most of your opponents did not.

This may not be punishment-worthy, but the simple fact is that you are in the wrong here, Qwert, regardless of the laws of CC.
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Re: qwert - Ratings Abuse

Postby barterer2002 on Sat Jan 29, 2011 10:07 pm

qwert wrote:barterer its upset,because even with these suicide he not manage to defeat me,and now he use all kind of words to insulting me. I dont have any secret diplomacy,and with these announcing,i dont brake any rules in CC, or maybe exist some rules who forbiden to attack one specific player in game? What its next?

You see qwert, once more you lie. I have no trouble with people who beat me. Unlike you, I realize that 1) some people are better at this game than I am and that I don't only lose because the dice are against me. I NEVER EVER cry about dice because they cut both ways and only a complete an utter jackass thinks that they're always against him.

The problem I have with you qwert is that you consistently lie, you are egomanically convinced that the CC dice are designed to be against you in every game and that's the only reason you lose, you bully those who might attack you and you whine about every goddamn little think like the 2 year old bitch that you are.

Stop your parinoid delusions and give up.
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Re: qwert - Ratings Abuse

Postby natty dread on Sun Jan 30, 2011 8:50 am

natty_dread on Wed Jan 26, 2011 8:48 pm

Oh, the OP was being serious? Wow.

Boo hoo, someone gave me a low rating. Someone doesn't think I'm great! How will I survive this!

Like it or not, a rating is a subjective opinion, and everyone is free to rate as they like. If someone doesn't like the way you play, or conduct yourself in gamechat, they're free to rate you poorly. If you don't like it, tough.

So the next time you get a bad rating, instead of going on a whiny rant on how the world is unfair and everyone is against you, how about doing some self-reflection... like figuring out the reason why you got a bad rating and then working on improving your own behaviour, so others won't have a reason to give you any more bad ratings in the future?"

I just want to note that I resent the way my post is being used in this thread. The post I wrote was in response to a noob person who was posting that "everyone who leaves bad ratings should be banned", probably because he was pissed for getting a bad rating. It was not meant to be interpreted to support vindictive/unfair ratings, or that the CC rating rules should not be obeyed.

When low ratings are given fairly, as an opinion on someone's gameplay or game conduct, that's one thing, but when they are given vindictively, out of spite, etc. it's another thing entirely, and I don't want my posts being used to defend such behaviour.

Personally, I don't really care much about ratings, but I know they are a big deal to some people, so I try to respect that and not give ratings (good or bad) without cause.
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Re: qwert - Ratings Abuse

Postby hagardunor on Sun Jan 30, 2011 1:48 pm

qwert wrote:for hagardunor and kenbutsu, i whas very anger, and give hem bad rating, hagardunor not give me any rating,and kenbutsu give me all 5- in these two case i made mistake, but all other above deserve rating.

sorry but why it s so important for you (Qwert and another players) this rating ???
Every time (looser or winner) i give 5 star when i play .for me that call respect for opponent...

(sorry for my bad english)
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Re: qwert - Ratings Abuse

Postby Scorsair on Mon Jan 31, 2011 7:28 pm

Commander62890 wrote:Here's what it looks like to me:

Qwert was losing a game.

Qwert was unnecessarily rude to the victor, specifically with regard to his own dice issues and the fact that his opponents did not win with skill. He seemed to take particular offense to the term, "GG."

Qwert's opponents responded to his comments in different ways. A few of them matched his level of rudeness, but for the most part, his opponents were rather good-natured, given the circumstances. I probably would have flipped out on him if he'd done that to me.

Then his opponents, many of whom did not descend to Qwert's level in game chat, justifiably rated Qwert with 1s.

Out of revenge, Qwert gave them 1s back.

Yes, Qwert. You did deserve those 1s, while most of your opponents did not.

This may not be punishment-worthy, but the simple fact is that you are in the wrong here, Qwert, regardless of the laws of CC.

This has to be the best well thought out and typed response ever! +100 for effort and execution. =D>
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Re: qwert - Ratings Abuse

Postby king achilles on Tue Feb 01, 2011 8:58 am

qwert has been warned.
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