qwert wrote:yea right-so give bad rating for deadbeat,its ok?
As opposed to because you lost to someone? Hell yes.
qwert wrote:well you only prove what i say-i dont say,not one single bad word against you
Qwert, I like you. But game chats like that absolutely make the game not nearly as enjoyable for others. It really does get very, very old.
qwert wrote:"natty_dread on Wed Jan 26, 2011 8:48 pm
Oh, the OP was being serious? Wow.
Boo hoo, someone gave me a low rating. Someone doesn't think I'm great! How will I survive this!
Like it or not, a rating is a subjective opinion, and everyone is free to rate as they like. If someone doesn't like the way you play, or conduct yourself in gamechat, they're free to rate you poorly. If you don't like it, tough.
So the next time you get a bad rating, instead of going on a whiny rant on how the world is unfair and everyone is against you, how about doing some self-reflection... like figuring out the reason why you got a bad rating and then working on improving your own behaviour, so others won't have a reason to give you any more bad ratings in the future?"
Apsolute right, and i suport that- if someone give me bad rating, i will not jumping across forum and complain abouth that- i dont complain,and i will never complain in forum abouth bad rating, everybody can give me all kind of rating,if they want. If im complain abouth dices, why people dont want to accept that, and live me with that? do you want to kick me out of CC, its these your intention?
It's interesting you would quote natty there...because precisely the same could be said of your receiving this C&A accusation.