Chariot of Fire wrote:Just for the record josko:
1. I didn't report you to multihunters
2. The incident where you played for Moonchild who had been entered in games whilst on holiday was not reported by anyone. We actually let it slide in the interests of keeping the challenge going on a civilised footing. In hindsight, because of the ridiculous decision made by your clan in penalising 21 games for one error, I wish we had done something about it at the time. That said, at least we have clear consciences.
3. The report that was made was due to a (not so clever) script that your clan created that posted "josko.ri for ......." after every turn. Just what reaction did you expect?
4. I fail to see where I've mentioned your clan in a negative context in this thread
5. Thank you for copying my sig idea. They do say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. I actually find it quite amusing that you'd wish to draw attention to your own shortcomings
1&2. the thing you didnt report me makes it more sad, you call me for cheating without any confirmation from official persons. if you want to disgrace my name saying I cheated then
please report me to official persons and, if they say I cheated, then I give you totally right to mention my cheating in every your post if you want.
otherwise, your calling me for cheating or doing something which is not allowed only shows how you want to disgrace my name by telling some lies about me. if you not agree that are lies, then
please ask official persons to check that and punish me for cheating (cheating on any way needs to be punished, I totally agree with that).
3. I already answered in TOFU-KoRT thread what reaction did I expect, and do not plan to repeat my statements again and again.
Chariot of Fire wrote:Those scoundrels should never be allowed to forget.
5. thank you for the idea, I am proud to wear my sig

. I had to shortcome here to react on abusive names given to my clan (like the one from point 4). I suppose everyone would react if find somewhere that his clan or he is called by abusive names.