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TOFU vs T4C [40-10 of 50] [Final]

Finished challenges between two competitive clans.

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Re: TOFU vs T4C [19-5 of 50] [Round 1]

Postby trapyoung on Fri Jan 14, 2011 9:33 am

josko.ri wrote:Your win is like win in atlethics with using dope.

Pretty sure most will agree that it was KoRT using a dope. A clan challenge is like a round of golf. Each game is like a hole. COF made a mistake on a hole and was he not severely punished, he would have still won the round. I didn't realize medals had been given out for that travesty of a challenge/decision, I find that disappointing, but not surprising.
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Re: TOFU vs T4C [19-5 of 50] [Round 1]

Postby Masli on Fri Jan 14, 2011 9:50 am

Off-topic : :-s :-s no medals have been or will be handed out for that battle!

now lets get back on-topic ;)
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Re: TOFU vs T4C [19-5 of 50] [Round 1]

Postby trapyoung on Fri Jan 14, 2011 9:54 am

Masli wrote:Off-topic : :-s :-s no medals have been or will be handed out for that battle!

I find this ...un...disappointing (?) and surprising
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Re: TOFU vs T4C [19-5 of 50] [Round 1]

Postby sonicsteve on Fri Jan 14, 2011 10:23 am

josko.ri wrote:
jakewilliams wrote:Back to the original question, we beat *ORT (that better?) so we have defeated a top 5 clan. *ORT got the medals and the chance to face THOTA, but the reality is that we won more games. They can spin that how they like but we defeated them in a clan war.

Your win is like win in atlethics with using dope. it is win short time, until using dope is proved. when using dope is proved, then win is taken away, because the win is deserved with using illegal help. when someone is caught in using dope, nobody asks if it was used once, or multiple times, intentionally or unintentionally.

dope = using not allowed way to improve your performation. so all comparing your situation with using dope is valid, as you do exactly the same.

you may say you won it, but it was win with illegal help, and we know how illegal help is punished in a competition, with take away the win. ask Marion Jones, maybe she also thinks that she won all her medals.

Complete analogy failure here josko.

Olympic dope-users like Jones cheat their way through life. We won 32-28 without any cheating, but completely accidentally entered a player for one game too many. Success in any single match is not conditional on the success in others, so anyone with a modicum of common sense can see that the worst possible outcome for TOFU is a 31-29 win.

Right now we've accepted the irrational punishment metered out last year and moved on. You obviously haven't moved on yet, but I would encourage you to show T4C some respect for their honourable and entertaining attitude to this challenge and thread.

Take the debate elsewhere.
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Re: TOFU vs T4C [19-5 of 50] [Round 1]

Postby ljex on Fri Jan 14, 2011 12:38 pm

jpcloet wrote:
reptile wrote:
jpcloet wrote:Please don't make me issue warnings/bans, when it is really not necessary.

This part is me kindly begging everyone not to force the issue. I really don't want to. There is site precedent in username modification as harassment so it is not abuse of power like you are suggesting. Let's all just move on and play the games, since it is a game like everyone says.

Off Topic: If that is true then i have some complaints to file against a few players for calling me ijex instead of ljex. Including a KORT member who i sent pm's asking for them to stop which they didn't.

Also KORT should know (at least from my experience with this) that the more you complain about it the more it happens, if you just ignore it and act like you dont care people will get less enjoyment out of it and eventually stop...
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Re: TOFU vs T4C [19-5 of 50] [Round 1]

Postby Gold Knight on Fri Jan 14, 2011 12:38 pm

reptile wrote:
jpcloet wrote:Call it baiting or minor flaming, it needs to stop. Please don't make me issue warnings/bans, when it is really not necessary. It's just plain disrespectful and not needed. I think we all can move on and act like mature individuals.

wow ... seriously jp?!?! abuse of power, nothing more! it is a game dude, call it disrespectful if you will, but it all boils down to a game. it is just like game chat, everyone complains every now and again... but in the end it is just a game. if you are seriously going to abuse your powers like that then go ahead and do it to me now! otherwise you might as well start going through the games one at a time and making sure that people are being nice in the game chats too! you definitely just lost a fan jp, you are the worst admin or god or whatever you want to call it out there! i can find better things to waste my time and money on... thanks

issue your ban, but i can guarantee you will lose reptile forever if you do. over this are you Fing kidding me?!?! WOW... how pathetic

=D> nice job jp

This was a little over the top Reptile and I know you're better than that, step back for a second. First, JP has done nothing except ask people to stop with petty name-calling. Nothing has been issued, and if there is any "Mod" that ive never heard a complaint of abusing powers it would be JP. I fairly sure most clans would be pissed if they had a stupid nickname following them around for any reason, and it's even more disrespectful coming from people who had nothing to do with the argument to begin with. There are alot of respectable in KORT that do not deserve the criticism they receive on a daily basis. And whatever, if TOFU and whoever else want to call them whatever behind closed doors, that's fine and perfectly their right.

This whole issue had been dragged out way too long, and being a bunch of drama queens about a fucking computer game takes all the fun out of it. I know everyone here can act mature, maybe just for a little while, and bring this discussion back to the actual clan war between TOFU and T4C. It's disrepectful to both involved that this has to follow them into every thread that is somewhat clan-related.

Now, can we get an update on the tremendous comeback that T4C is about to pull over? :)
xxtig12683xx wrote:yea, my fav part was being in the sewer riding a surfboard and wacking these alien creatures.

shit was badass
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Re: TOFU vs T4C [19-5 of 50] [Round 1]

Postby Lubawski on Fri Jan 14, 2011 12:48 pm

Here here. Great group those T4C folks. By the way, what is the 4th Crusade? I know of the 3rd, but not the 4th.
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Re: TOFU vs T4C [19-5 of 50] [Round 1]

Postby josko.ri on Fri Jan 14, 2011 12:51 pm

Chariot of Fire wrote:However a player who intentionally joins games whilst on holiday and has you sit for him - now that's cheating of the highest order and makes for a much better comparison don't you think!

After your reporting me to multihunters, they considered my "sitting abuse" and cleared me, but you still have not shame to say it was cheating from my side.
probably you better understand account sitting rules than multihunters, dont you? :lol:

sonicsteve wrote:You obviously haven't moved on yet, but I would encourage you to show T4C some respect for their honourable and entertaining attitude to this challenge and thread.

Take the debate elsewhere.

Great advice steve, it would probably be more useful if you said that advice to your clan mates (jakewilliams, CoF) who mentioned our name in negative context in this thread BEFORE my post, so then I felt free to answer on calling my clan on abusive way. so if someone was not respecting T4C, that were members who started speak here in negative context about other things not connected with this clan war.
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Re: TOFU vs T4C [19-5 of 50] [Round 1]

Postby danryan on Fri Jan 14, 2011 12:52 pm

Lubawski wrote:Here here. Great group those T4C folks. By the way, what is the 4th Crusade? I know of the 3rd, but not the 4th.

The children's crusade? We know that one ends in tears. :) *ducks*
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Re: TOFU vs T4C [19-5 of 50] [Round 1]

Postby trapyoung on Fri Jan 14, 2011 12:59 pm

josko.ri wrote:Great advice steve, it would probably be more useful if you said that advice to your clan mates (jakewilliams, CoF) who mentioned our name in negative context in this thread BEFORE my post, so then I felt free to answer on calling my clan on abusive way.

I don't want to upset GK, but jake's post, while he called you cowards, also implied KoRT was a top 5 clan. You should just take the good with the bad - some of us will never condone KoRT's decision or will ever get along with certain of its members, but various members of TOFU have acknowledged that KoRT is a highly talented and capable clan. In many people's eyes, one that would not have needed to resort to making their decision. At this point, however, you should probably just take the compliment aspect and just accept that not everyone loves you.

Couple this with the fact that we're on an online gaming site and you can quite easily dictate who you interact with or posts you see, then maybe you should utilize those tools if you find some of these posts so egregious.
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Re: TOFU vs T4C [19-5 of 50] [Round 1]

Postby Dako on Fri Jan 14, 2011 1:52 pm

Trap - do you remember the rule that for every nice post you got to post a wicked one? :D

@josko - most of the clan people will remember you (and kort) for the decision you have made. Live with it. Denying it and calling other people cheaters will not remove the past. Go on, move, evolve, get stronger, but bear the name of cowards with at least some dignity.
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Re: TOFU vs T4C [19-5 of 50] [Round 1]

Postby TheSaxlad on Fri Jan 14, 2011 3:40 pm

Lubawski wrote:
Gold Knight wrote:
sonicsteve wrote: but I would encourage you to show T4C some respect for their honourable and entertaining attitude to this challenge and thread.

Now, can we get an update on the tremendous comeback that T4C is about to pull over? :)

Here here. Great group those T4C folks.

I Love this thread more minute by minute...

Thank You... Thank You very much. We'll be here all challenge!!! :P

danryan wrote:
Lubawski wrote:Here here. Great group those T4C folks. By the way, what is the 4th Crusade? I know of the 3rd, but not the 4th.

The children's crusade? We know that one ends in tears. :) *ducks*

Aah he didn't know what he was saying.

He's too drunk :D
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Re: TOFU vs T4C [19-5 of 50] [Round 1]

Postby Commander9 on Fri Jan 14, 2011 3:56 pm

I thought this was TOFU vs T4C clan challenge thread :lol:

ljex wrote:Off Topic: If that is true then i have some complaints to file against a few players for calling me ijex instead of ljex. Including a KORT member who i sent pm's asking for them to stop which they didn't.

Also KORT should know (at least from my experience with this) that the more you complain about it the more it happens, if you just ignore it and act like you dont care people will get less enjoyment out of it and eventually stop...

This. I don't thin truer words have been spoken in this thread. The more you will escalate it, the more attention and responses you will get.

If tdans can handle being Sergeant Sally, I am sure KORT should be able to handle CORT. ;)
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Re: TOFU vs T4C [19-5 of 50] [Round 1]

Postby reptile on Fri Jan 14, 2011 5:45 pm

done ;)
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Re: TOFU vs T4C [19-5 of 50] [Round 1]

Postby Qwert on Fri Jan 14, 2011 6:16 pm

well i must say that im almost forget abouth these very strange game (T against K), when Jpcloet put oil on fire. lol.
I think that some people are right,if you just ignore,then these will people forget soon or later, but if you in provoke react with another provoke,then these get attention,and again you have small discusion war. People will create other code words to give diferent name, and if you start forbiden any nick name,what might be related to Kort, then you will have quite more work in your hands. If you start ban people from here,then again you can be responsibile for destroying one of strongest clan here, hmm i dont know what its smart to do?
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Re: TOFU vs T4C [19-5 of 50] [Round 1]

Postby Chariot of Fire on Fri Jan 14, 2011 6:21 pm

josko.ri wrote:
Chariot of Fire wrote:However a player who intentionally joins games whilst on holiday and has you sit for him - now that's cheating of the highest order and makes for a much better comparison don't you think!

After your reporting me to multihunters, they considered my "sitting abuse" and cleared me, but you still have not shame to say it was cheating from my side.
probably you better understand account sitting rules than multihunters, dont you? :lol:

sonicsteve wrote:You obviously haven't moved on yet, but I would encourage you to show T4C some respect for their honourable and entertaining attitude to this challenge and thread.

Take the debate elsewhere.

Great advice steve, it would probably be more useful if you said that advice to your clan mates (jakewilliams, CoF) who mentioned our name in negative context in this thread BEFORE my post, so then I felt free to answer on calling my clan on abusive way. so if someone was not respecting T4C, that were members who started speak here in negative context about other things not connected with this clan war.

Just for the record josko:
1. I didn't report you to multihunters
2. The incident where you played for Moonchild who had been entered in games whilst on holiday was not reported by anyone. We actually let it slide in the interests of keeping the challenge going on a civilised footing. In hindsight, because of the ridiculous decision made by your clan in penalising 21 games for one error, I wish we had done something about it at the time. That said, at least we have clear consciences.
3. The report that was made was due to a (not so clever) script that your clan created that posted "josko.ri for ......." after every turn. Just what reaction did you expect?
4. I fail to see where I've mentioned your clan in a negative context in this thread
5. Thank you for copying my sig idea. They do say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. I actually find it quite amusing that you'd wish to draw attention to your own shortcomings :lol:

Back on topic.....

T4C - I could come up with what that stood for (though it refers to four members of another clan) ;)
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Re: TOFU vs T4C [19-5 of 50] [Round 1]

Postby elfish_lad on Fri Jan 14, 2011 7:14 pm


Nice. All is well in my world again.

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Re: TOFU vs T4C [19-5 of 50] [Round 1]

Postby Chariot of Fire on Fri Jan 14, 2011 8:49 pm

hehe, nice one elfie
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Re: TOFU vs T4C [19-5 of 50] [Round 1]

Postby josko.ri on Fri Jan 14, 2011 9:30 pm

Chariot of Fire wrote:Just for the record josko:
1. I didn't report you to multihunters
2. The incident where you played for Moonchild who had been entered in games whilst on holiday was not reported by anyone. We actually let it slide in the interests of keeping the challenge going on a civilised footing. In hindsight, because of the ridiculous decision made by your clan in penalising 21 games for one error, I wish we had done something about it at the time. That said, at least we have clear consciences.
3. The report that was made was due to a (not so clever) script that your clan created that posted "josko.ri for ......." after every turn. Just what reaction did you expect?
4. I fail to see where I've mentioned your clan in a negative context in this thread
5. Thank you for copying my sig idea. They do say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. I actually find it quite amusing that you'd wish to draw attention to your own shortcomings :lol:

1&2. the thing you didnt report me makes it more sad, you call me for cheating without any confirmation from official persons. if you want to disgrace my name saying I cheated then please report me to official persons and, if they say I cheated, then I give you totally right to mention my cheating in every your post if you want.
otherwise, your calling me for cheating or doing something which is not allowed only shows how you want to disgrace my name by telling some lies about me. if you not agree that are lies, then please ask official persons to check that and punish me for cheating (cheating on any way needs to be punished, I totally agree with that).

3. I already answered in TOFU-KoRT thread what reaction did I expect, and do not plan to repeat my statements again and again.
Chariot of Fire wrote:Those scoundrels should never be allowed to forget.

5. thank you for the idea, I am proud to wear my sig ;). I had to shortcome here to react on abusive names given to my clan (like the one from point 4). I suppose everyone would react if find somewhere that his clan or he is called by abusive names.
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Re: TOFU vs T4C [19-5 of 50] [Round 1]

Postby trapyoung on Fri Jan 14, 2011 9:46 pm

josko.ri wrote:Anything

Everyone wrote:#-o
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Re: TOFU vs T4C [19-5 of 50] [Round 1]

Postby Chariot of Fire on Fri Jan 14, 2011 9:59 pm

I don't need confirmation from 'official persons' to form an opinion of you josko (and you already know what that opinion is). I also don't need confirmation from third parties that you entered a player in a series of games who was not there to play them, because your clan has already admitted to that.

'cheat' (vb): to behave in a dishonest way in order to win or to get an advantage, especially in a competition, game or examination.

I also think players who farm to reach Conqueror (or a high rank) are effectively cheating the system - a view held by many - so my disdain for you and your actions in our challenge are not reserved solely for you.

As for disgracing your name. Well, I don't really need to because you managed to do that all by yourself. Again, public opinion would seem to hold this true so why worry what I say or think?

And I like your sig (well of course I do) as it serves as a constant reminder of all the things you are.
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Re: TOFU vs T4C [19-5 of 50] [Round 1]

Postby Lubawski on Fri Jan 14, 2011 10:00 pm

trapyoung wrote:
josko.ri wrote:Anything

Everyone wrote:#-o

lol. You continue to amaze me Trap. This is my new favorite post.
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Re: TOFU vs T4C [19-5 of 50] [Round 1]

Postby sonicsteve on Sat Jan 15, 2011 4:29 am

josko.ri our challenge thread again

Complete Utter Nonsensical Twaddle


Good Luck T4C in batch 2
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Re: TOFU vs T4C [19-5 of 50] [Round 1]

Postby Dako on Sat Jan 15, 2011 4:44 am

Chariot of Fire
Please do not use such bad words as scoundrels, you are a grown up man!
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Re: TOFU vs T4C [19-5 of 50] [Round 1]

Postby elfish_lad on Sat Jan 15, 2011 5:09 am

Dako wrote:you are a grown up

pfft... as if ANY one in TOFU is a grown up.

Get real you Russian.

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