army of nobunaga wrote:Ok you guys want to defend your cheating buddy?
Then someone riddle me this with LOGIC
How does a guy
Feudal War Sergeant98 +302 105 from 159(66%)
That obviously knows a little about feudal, come out of Imp dynasty with no real purpose.. He did not even take a villiage. He just crashed through neutrals.... THATS ALL HE DID. WHY? TEll me ... Why in Assassin do you crash through neutrals to ONLY end up with less than half of everyone elses troop count... This guy is pathetic. If he didnt want to play the stupid online risk speed game, then he shouldnt have... HE definitly should have had enough personal fortitude to not let points matter so much he throws it.
Listen.. I dont give a flip if he is warned, I dont give a crap if nothing happens... I could care less about this loser.
But do not try to cover up with "I know this guy" bullsh....
Because that is not logic, that is not explaination... That doesnt fly in my camp.
The only thing about this that I do feel passionate about is this- if this was a freemium lowbie... well I think you would see a different outcome.
Maybe his dice sucked and he failed to take the village?