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CCatman- Ljex, In cahoots to escape from high poi[noted]es

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Re: CCatman- Ljex, In cahoots to escape from high point loss

Postby Rodion on Tue Sep 28, 2010 7:10 pm

army of nobunaga wrote:Ok you guys want to defend your cheating buddy?

Then someone riddle me this with LOGIC

How does a guy
Feudal War Sergeant98 +302 105 from 159(66%)

That obviously knows a little about feudal, come out of Imp dynasty with no real purpose.. He did not even take a villiage. He just crashed through neutrals.... THATS ALL HE DID. WHY? TEll me ... Why in Assassin do you crash through neutrals to ONLY end up with less than half of everyone elses troop count... This guy is pathetic. If he didnt want to play the stupid online risk speed game, then he shouldnt have... HE definitly should have had enough personal fortitude to not let points matter so much he throws it.

Listen.. I dont give a flip if he is warned, I dont give a crap if nothing happens... I could care less about this loser.
But do not try to cover up with "I know this guy" bullsh....
Because that is not logic, that is not explaination... That doesnt fly in my camp.

The only thing about this that I do feel passionate about is this- if this was a freemium lowbie... well I think you would see a different outcome.

Maybe his dice sucked and he failed to take the village?
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Re: CCatman- Ljex, In cahoots to escape from high point loss

Postby jefjef on Tue Sep 28, 2010 7:16 pm

ljex wrote:oh goodie...another player who dosnt play freestyle escalating wishes to comment on how the strategy of the game works...let me put it to you plain and simple.

Yeah. PLAIN AND SIMPLE. In order to have any shot of winning ANY esc game you need to 1) Stay alive 2) Get cards 3) The intent to do 1 and 2.
This post was made by jefjef who should be on your ignore list.
drunkmonkey wrote:I'm filing a C&A report right now. Its nice because they have a drop-down for "jefjef".
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Re: CCatman- Ljex, In cahoots to escape from high point loss

Postby Commander62890 on Tue Sep 28, 2010 7:17 pm

army of nobunaga wrote:The only thing about this that I do feel passionate about is this- if this was a freemium lowbie... well I think you would see a different outcome.

If this was a "freemium lowbie," you would've called him an idiot in game chat, foed him, and moved on.

The only reason you think ccat is guilty is because you hold him in high esteem for this particular gametype. If you did not think he was great, you would have brushed it off as a "noob move."
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Re: CCatman- Ljex, In cahoots to escape from high point loss

Postby Commander62890 on Tue Sep 28, 2010 7:19 pm

Love that Ljex touched on the fact that ccat DID NOT have 5 minutes to cash. He had 10 seconds, tops... he was probably caught by surprise and tried to deploy on his terts right after Ljex took each one.

That's the main reason why Ljex was so mad at you all for posting here without knowledge of freestyle. When you continued to post that ccat had 5 minutes to cash, you were just emphasizing the fact that you don't know what the hell you're talking about.
Last edited by Commander62890 on Tue Sep 28, 2010 7:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: CCatman- Ljex, In cahoots to escape from high point loss

Postby ccatman on Tue Sep 28, 2010 7:25 pm

Rodion wrote:
army of nobunaga wrote:Ok you guys want to defend your cheating buddy?

Then someone riddle me this with LOGIC

How does a guy
Feudal War Sergeant98 +302 105 from 159(66%)

That obviously knows a little about feudal, come out of Imp dynasty with no real purpose.. He did not even take a villiage. He just crashed through neutrals.... THATS ALL HE DID. WHY? TEll me ... Why in Assassin do you crash through neutrals to ONLY end up with less than half of everyone elses troop count... This guy is pathetic. If he didnt want to play the stupid online risk speed game, then he shouldnt have... HE definitly should have had enough personal fortitude to not let points matter so much he throws it.

Listen.. I dont give a flip if he is warned, I dont give a crap if nothing happens... I could care less about this loser.
But do not try to cover up with "I know this guy" bullsh....
Because that is not logic, that is not explaination... That doesnt fly in my camp.

The only thing about this that I do feel passionate about is this- if this was a freemium lowbie... well I think you would see a different outcome.

Maybe his dice sucked and he failed to take the village?

bad dice? what? nooooo that never happens here in conquerclub
seriously drop it.....
really at the point where i saw ljex coming at me i made 1 attempt to deploy i failed to do it gave up didnt care at that point i had no shot of winning
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Re: CCatman- Ljex, In cahoots to escape from high point loss

Postby ljex on Tue Sep 28, 2010 8:41 pm

jefjef wrote:
ljex wrote:oh goodie...another player who dosnt play freestyle escalating wishes to comment on how the strategy of the game works...let me put it to you plain and simple.

Yeah. PLAIN AND SIMPLE. In order to have any shot of winning ANY esc game you need to 1) Stay alive 2) Get cards 3) The intent to do 1 and 2.

Yes that is true in standard escalating...however in freestyle escalating there is a 3rd thing you need to card races and not be the first to cash. If you are the first to cash you are down troops and have no sequential you are first to play that means you are ahead a will be the first to cash the second time everyone has 5 cards or whatever...that is not the case in freestyle escalating. If you dont win cash races you dont win games unless you get lucky with a steal.
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Re: CCatman- Ljex, In cahoots to escape from high point loss

Postby Bruceswar on Tue Sep 28, 2010 8:51 pm

ljex wrote:
jefjef wrote:
ljex wrote:oh goodie...another player who dosnt play freestyle escalating wishes to comment on how the strategy of the game works...let me put it to you plain and simple.

Yeah. PLAIN AND SIMPLE. In order to have any shot of winning ANY esc game you need to 1) Stay alive 2) Get cards 3) The intent to do 1 and 2.

Yes that is true in standard escalating...however in freestyle escalating there is a 3rd thing you need to card races and not be the first to cash. If you are the first to cash you are down troops and have no sequential you are first to play that means you are ahead a will be the first to cash the second time everyone has 5 cards or whatever...that is not the case in freestyle escalating. If you dont win cash races you dont win games unless you get lucky with a steal.

Really stop posting already. Just because you after player X does not mean you are gonna be able to beat them. That is just plain stupid to say that. Does it help in most cases to wait out an early cash and try to get more men? Sure it does when 8 people are cashing, but not 2.
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Re: CCatman- Ljex, In cahoots to escape from high point loss

Postby ljex on Tue Sep 28, 2010 8:55 pm

Bruceswar wrote:
ljex wrote:
jefjef wrote:
ljex wrote:oh goodie...another player who dosnt play freestyle escalating wishes to comment on how the strategy of the game works...let me put it to you plain and simple.

Yeah. PLAIN AND SIMPLE. In order to have any shot of winning ANY esc game you need to 1) Stay alive 2) Get cards 3) The intent to do 1 and 2.

Yes that is true in standard escalating...however in freestyle escalating there is a 3rd thing you need to card races and not be the first to cash. If you are the first to cash you are down troops and have no sequential you are first to play that means you are ahead a will be the first to cash the second time everyone has 5 cards or whatever...that is not the case in freestyle escalating. If you dont win cash races you dont win games unless you get lucky with a steal.

Really stop posting already. Just because you after player X does not mean you are gonna be able to beat them. That is just plain stupid to say that. Does it help in most cases to wait out an early cash and try to get more men? Sure it does when 8 people are cashing, but not 2.

Well there would have been 3 people cashing...and we were both at only 4 spoils so why would he even cash with 4? Oh thats right everyone waits till they have 5 spoils to cash in freestyle escalating
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Re: CCatman- Ljex, In cahoots to escape from high point loss

Postby Evil Semp on Tue Sep 28, 2010 8:58 pm

It is up to me to separate the wheat from the chaff. After reading through all this I think I can see both what both sides of the argument are.

ccatman wrote:really at the point where i saw ljex coming at me i made 1 attempt to deploy i failed to do it gave up didnt care at that point i had no shot of winning

Why not try to deploy and be the spoiler? I know I don't play much freestyle but I do remember doing that before. You had 9 troops to deploy and ended up with 9 on your castle when all was done. With the dice here on CC who know what would have happened.

It is hard to prove that he threw the game, but I think there is enough evidence to question his intentions so I am going to NOTE this report.

Chuuuuck wrote:Whether they cheated or not is debatable. I am of the opinion that point preservation is NOT a form of cheating because it is just another part of the strategy of this site to move up the scoreboard which is the ultimate goal of some of the players who play here.

Is this any different from low ranked players going after the higher ranked player in a game?
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Re: CCatman- Ljex, In cahoots to escape from high point loss

Postby ccatman on Tue Sep 28, 2010 9:19 pm

Evil Semp wrote:It is up to me to separate the wheat from the chaff. After reading through all this I think I can see both what both sides of the argument are.

ccatman wrote:really at the point where i saw ljex coming at me i made 1 attempt to deploy i failed to do it gave up didnt care at that point i had no shot of winning

Why not try to deploy and be the spoiler? I know I don't play much freestyle but I do remember doing that before. You had 9 troops to deploy and ended up with 9 on your castle when all was done. With the dice here on CC who know what would have happened.

It is hard to prove that he threw the game, but I think there is enough evidence to question his intentions so I am going to NOTE this report.

Chuuuuck wrote:Whether they cheated or not is debatable. I am of the opinion that point preservation is NOT a form of cheating because it is just another part of the strategy of this site to move up the scoreboard which is the ultimate goal of some of the players who play here.

Is this any different from low ranked players going after the higher ranked player in a game?

well when i try to deploy i spam click and when i do this i get 10-15 error messages on my screen that i have to keep clicking ok with so when someone takes the region from me thats what i got even if i wanted to deploy i wouldnt have been able to so i gave up
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