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Re: Introducing: Tournament Players Association (TPA)

Postby barterer2002 on Mon May 24, 2010 7:38 pm

The May 24 tournament from Serbia is out (and posted in the third post) and the August part of the schedule has been added on.
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Re: Introducing: Tournament Players Association (TPA)

Postby Huntyr Green on Wed May 26, 2010 9:57 pm

Is there anyway to bookmark this forum topic on the home page? Maybe a logo button or some such?
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Re: Introducing: Tournament Players Association (TPA)

Postby Kinnison on Thu May 27, 2010 12:51 am

Huntyr Green wrote:Is there anyway to bookmark this forum topic on the home page? Maybe a logo button or some such?

It IS stickied...
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Re: Introducing: Tournament Players Association (TPA)

Postby Night Strike on Thu May 27, 2010 12:56 am

Kinnison wrote:
Huntyr Green wrote:Is there anyway to bookmark this forum topic on the home page? Maybe a logo button or some such?

It IS stickied...

You can bookmark it on your own browser.
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Re: Introducing: Tournament Players Association (TPA)

Postby OhUrDead on Fri May 28, 2010 1:07 pm

I would also like to join :D

*Edit what kind of muppet miss types also ;)
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Re: Introducing: Tournament Players Association (TPA)

Postby barterer2002 on Fri May 28, 2010 7:55 pm

The individual tournaments will appear every Monday. There is a schedule in one of the first three posts that'll tell you what type of tournament is upcoming. Sign up for them on Monday and you're good to go and watch each Monday for the next one.
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Re: Introducing: Tournament Players Association (TPA)

Postby HighlanderAttack on Sat May 29, 2010 12:49 pm

HA's Manual 64 is now in round 2.

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Re: Introducing: Tournament Players Association (TPA)

Postby barterer2002 on Mon May 31, 2010 7:47 am

Our first assassin TPA event is open for signups.

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Re: Introducing: Tournament Players Association (TPA)

Postby Davie.K on Tue Jun 01, 2010 5:31 am

Distinct lack of freemium opportunity to take part in all of these so far(unless we devote all our spots in some cases),is there likely to be a TPA event when us cheapskates can have a go?
Great idea by the way this whole tpa thing,just a bit gutted i can't play.
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Re: Introducing: Tournament Players Association (TPA)

Postby amazzony on Tue Jun 01, 2010 5:55 am

I cannot speak for others but my assassin tournament will require only 1 spot; currently scheduled on August 30 but it might change because I've allowed barterer to move my tournament around so others would get to run theirs when it's best for them.
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Re: Introducing: Tournament Players Association (TPA)

Postby barterer2002 on Tue Jun 01, 2010 6:09 am

Well the first two were both 1 at a time. HA allowed freemiums keiths did not
the third was triples-4 games at a time and freemiums allowed
4 was 1v1 triples 3 games per week with freemiums allowed
5 required 8 games at once clearly can't do freemiums

There are some that allow freemiums and some that based on the game load can not. This is reflective of the way a cross section of CC would look I think
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Re: Introducing: Tournament Players Association (TPA)

Postby Davie.K on Tue Jun 01, 2010 6:23 am

:) cheers,i'll keep an eye out for it.
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Re: Introducing: Tournament Players Association (TPA)

Postby Davie.K on Tue Jun 01, 2010 6:32 am

I know some allowed freemium officially but were impossible in the real world for the freemos to enter.The first 2 i won't count as if i remember rightly they were full before being advertised (although as you say 1 didn't allow freemiums anyway).the 3rd...4 games at a time,is very tricky when we only have 4 spots.4th...3 games a week,again very tricky and to find someone who'll risk teaming up with you and not in the end being able to play is nigh on impossible...and the 5th of course 8 spots needed.
But alls cool i've got a date now to aim for to keep a spot open thanks amazzony
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Re: Introducing: Tournament Players Association (TPA)

Postby denominator on Tue Jun 01, 2010 3:15 pm

That is the nature of being a freemium player on this site though. There are always going to be tournaments that require you to cough up the $25, and even if all the TPA tournaments were 1 game at a time, freemiums probably could not join them all because of the overlap.
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Re: Introducing: Tournament Players Association (TPA)

Postby barterer2002 on Sat Jun 05, 2010 6:37 am

Davie.K wrote:The first 2 i won't count as if i remember rightly they were full before being advertised

No tournament has filled before being advertised. All were open to everyone in the community. There are and will be some that will fill before they get listed under the tournaments tab that that isn't the same as unadvertised. All community members can go to the create join forum on Monday and sign up before the tournament gets moved over and there will always be at least 30 open slots at the start.


Unadvertised tournaments are not allowed in CC and the TPA does not sanction them. :D
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Re: Introducing: Tournament Players Association (TPA)

Postby drunkmonkey on Sat Jun 05, 2010 11:22 am

I believe all of the tourneys so far have been advertised in here as soon as they go up. So, if you keep an eye on this thread on Mondays, you should be good.
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Re: Introducing: Tournament Players Association (TPA)

Postby Jace22 on Mon Jun 07, 2010 12:39 am

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Re: Introducing: Tournament Players Association (TPA)

Postby ViperOverLord on Tue Jun 08, 2010 6:00 am

Check This Out!
show: Proposed TPA Circuit

Hey TPA'ers. I'd like to qualify my comments by saying that I have limited knowledge about the TPA. I've seen some banners and yesterday was the first time I came to the link. I came up with some changes that I think would make a great idea in theory to become a great reality.

What I like:

- I like the modeling it after golf/tennis events and rankings. As such it not only rewards winning a tournament but placing in a tournament.

- I assume that players register for the TPA. I like it assuming that has happened.

- I like the diversity of tournament organizers. That keeps it fresh.

What I would improve:

- I would get CC's approval to make TPA Tournaments only available to TPA Members. I'm not saying that so that the TPA can be an exclusive membership. I'm saying that it creates order. I"m fine with any premium member that wants to be a part of the TPA being admitted. Then when its only TPA members competing that makes every single game of a TPA Tournament have extra meaning and the consequences of wins and losses are much more clear before and after matches.

- I would get rid of assassin, terminator and standard group games in TPA tournaments. Those aspects are cool for other tournaments. But for the TPA they just muddy the waters. It should come down to are the best 1 v 1 players and team players (which brings me to the next point).

- I would use standard settings for all TPA matches (Auto, Seq., No Spoils, Chained, Sunny)

- There should be two point scales (rankings). One for 1 v 1 play and one for team play. Then for instance a player could be the 5th rated individual player and yet be ranked 27th as a team player.

- All tournaments would be 1 v 1. Some tournaments would have an ancillary doubles, triples, or quads tourney (for the sake of team play rankings). But the winner of the Cup (Tournament) would always be the winner of the 1 v 1 bracket.

- The TPA is modeled after the golf/tennis associations. I think it's fitting that just like in golf/tennis that you have recurring tournaments that take place at the same time each year. And just like in tennis/golf there would be four grand slam tournaments that have more participants/maps/points (possibly) than the other tournaments.

- Weighted Scoring System: Make minimums and maximums on tournaments that TPA players would play in. But since it would be near impossible to get everyone in the same amount of tournaments, then weight the outcomes. Efficiency should count.

- Lastly, the recurring tournaments need to be more dignified/prestigious. I don't like seeing James Bond or So and So's Tournament in the TPA. It's fine for regular tournaments, but we want these tournament cups to sound prestigious and be something that people brag about. E.G. I've got three fox cups or I got four green jackets, etc.

To illustrate my point I am posting a list of proposed cups. The exact formats and dates could be determined at another time. But the names of the cups and maps are listed:

show: Proposed TPA Circuit

Addendum: Decided to put this list at the top also, since people don't often notice important items at the bottom of a message.
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Re: Introducing: Tournament Players Association (TPA)

Postby amazzony on Tue Jun 08, 2010 7:29 am

Hey, Viper, I think you are missing the whole point of TPA and your suggestion go against everything that Bart wants to achieve with this. I admit, I didn't read through all your post but your first few suggestions already indicate it strongly. I suggest you searching up some articles about TPA in the CC Newsletter and perhaps read this topic through more carefully :) I'm sure Bart or somebody else will explain it in more detail but currently I don't have time for that.

On its own or in a different concept you could build something different from TPA but I think your ideas are not meant for Bart's TPA.
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Re: Introducing: Tournament Players Association (TPA)

Postby sonicsteve on Tue Jun 08, 2010 7:31 am

ViperOverLord wrote: a great idea in theory to become a great reality.

It is already a great reality.
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Re: Introducing: Tournament Players Association (TPA)

Postby ViperOverLord on Tue Jun 08, 2010 8:52 am

amazzony wrote:Hey, Viper, I think you are missing the whole point of TPA and your suggestion go against everything that Bart wants to achieve with this. I admit, I didn't read through all your post but your first few suggestions already indicate it strongly. I suggest you searching up some articles about TPA in the CC Newsletter and perhaps read this topic through more carefully :) I'm sure Bart or somebody else will explain it in more detail but currently I don't have time for that.

On its own or in a different concept you could build something different from TPA but I think your ideas are not meant for Bart's TPA.

I don't see anything here that refutes my ideas to make it better. I could be wrong. But I'd love to hear something more than a call to go rifling through threads.

And in the two responses, I'm just getting back static that it's great. That's fine, but I clearly gave a lot of thought on how I think it'd be better and I'd love to see someone defy that. Tell me what is so important about the current way of doing things as to not warrant the change. That's what I want to know. Because I wrote from my own personal perspective how it'd be awesome. As it is, I think it's just OK how it is now.
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Re: Introducing: Tournament Players Association (TPA)

Postby drunkmonkey on Tue Jun 08, 2010 9:06 am

ViperOverLord wrote:
amazzony wrote:Hey, Viper, I think you are missing the whole point of TPA and your suggestion go against everything that Bart wants to achieve with this. I admit, I didn't read through all your post but your first few suggestions already indicate it strongly. I suggest you searching up some articles about TPA in the CC Newsletter and perhaps read this topic through more carefully :) I'm sure Bart or somebody else will explain it in more detail but currently I don't have time for that.

On its own or in a different concept you could build something different from TPA but I think your ideas are not meant for Bart's TPA.

I don't see anything here that refutes my ideas to make it better. I could be wrong. But I'd love to hear something more than a call to go rifling through threads.

And in the two responses, I'm just getting back static that it's great. That's fine, but I clearly gave a lot of thought on how I think it'd be better and I'd love to see someone defy that. Tell me what is so important about the current way of doing things as to not warrant the change. That's what I want to know. Because I wrote from my own personal perspective how it'd be awesome. As it is, I think it's just OK how it is now.

For starters, you want to standardize everything, making it all 1v1 Auto, Seq, No Spoils, Chained, Sunny. This goes against what the TPA stands for, which is a large variation of play styles.
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Re: Introducing: Tournament Players Association (TPA)

Postby ViperOverLord on Tue Jun 08, 2010 9:15 am

drunkmonkey wrote:
ViperOverLord wrote:
amazzony wrote:Hey, Viper, I think you are missing the whole point of TPA and your suggestion go against everything that Bart wants to achieve with this. I admit, I didn't read through all your post but your first few suggestions already indicate it strongly. I suggest you searching up some articles about TPA in the CC Newsletter and perhaps read this topic through more carefully :) I'm sure Bart or somebody else will explain it in more detail but currently I don't have time for that.

On its own or in a different concept you could build something different from TPA but I think your ideas are not meant for Bart's TPA.

I don't see anything here that refutes my ideas to make it better. I could be wrong. But I'd love to hear something more than a call to go rifling through threads.

And in the two responses, I'm just getting back static that it's great. That's fine, but I clearly gave a lot of thought on how I think it'd be better and I'd love to see someone defy that. Tell me what is so important about the current way of doing things as to not warrant the change. That's what I want to know. Because I wrote from my own personal perspective how it'd be awesome. As it is, I think it's just OK how it is now.

For starters, you want to standardize everything, making it all 1v1 Auto, Seq, No Spoils, Chained, Sunny. This goes against what the TPA stands for, which is a large variation of play styles.

Yes because that is a more accurate testament to a mono y mono season competition like the tennis/golf associations that he professed to model the season after. I also believe that it leaves the matter up to a player's individual capacities more. It's very easy to pick on the guys that you know are in the lead.

I have nothing against assassin/terminator competitions/tourneys. I do them all of the time. I just don't think they are warranted based on the stated vision or in my opinion what I think would make it ultimately the most fun for a 1 v 1 (and team) series.
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Re: Introducing: Tournament Players Association (TPA)

Postby kratos644 on Tue Jun 08, 2010 9:17 am

ViperOverLord wrote:I don't see anything here that refutes my ideas to make it better. I could be wrong. But I'd love to hear something more than a call to go rifling through threads.

And in the two responses, I'm just getting back static that it's great. That's fine, but I clearly gave a lot of thought on how I think it'd be better and I'd love to see someone defy that. Tell me what is so important about the current way of doing things as to not warrant the change. That's what I want to know. Because I wrote from my own personal perspective how it'd be awesome. As it is, I think it's just OK how it is now.

ViperOverLord wrote: ...

What I would improve:

- I would get CC's approval to make TPA Tournaments only available to TPA Members. I'm not saying that so that the TPA can be an exclusive membership. I'm saying that it creates order. I"m fine with any premium member that wants to be a part of the TPA being admitted. Then when its only TPA members competing that makes every single game of a TPA Tournament have extra meaning and the consequences of wins and losses are much more clear before and after matches.

This has been discussed prior where people proposed having a "TPA card" but Bart felt this would still be exclusive and that is not the intention of the TPA

This post of yours bugs me the most and is in fact you saying that the TPA can be an exclusive membership because you aren't allowing the free members to take part in these with your plan which is just plain ridiculous...

- I would get rid of assassin, terminator and standard group games in TPA tournaments. Those aspects are cool for other tournaments. But for the TPA they just muddy the waters. It should come down to are the best 1 v 1 players and team players (which brings me to the next point).

The purpose of the TPA is to represent an encompassing of all the types of tournaments run on CC. If we limit and take out games other than 1v1 and team games it doesn't truly represent the tournament scene and therefore doesn't fit in with the purpose of the TPA and it would also limit us organizers as to what we can do which would, in the end, bore us.

- I would use standard settings for all TPA matches (Auto, Seq., No Spoils, Chained, Sunny)

Same as above. No variety = boring

- There should be two point scales (rankings). One for 1 v 1 play and one for team play. Then for instance a player could be the 5th rated individual player and yet be ranked 27th as a team player.

A split scoreboard wouldn't work as well. As mentioned prior this is meant to cover all the tournaments that are run. If we split the scoreboard it wouldn't feel like that is being adequately done as it's putting more emphasis on one type of game over another and it doesn't require players to be multi-talented

- All tournaments would be 1 v 1. Some tournaments would have an ancillary doubles, triples, or quads tourney (for the sake of team play rankings). But the winner of the Cup (Tournament) would always be the winner of the 1 v 1 bracket.

So why even join team tournaments? It'd just eat up your time and they're technically meaningless. This also has the same problem that a player doesn't need to be multi-talented and can just be a 1v1 specialist to win this whole thing and that isn't right.

- The TPA is modeled after the golf/tennis associations. I think it's fitting that just like in golf/tennis that you have recurring tournaments that take place at the same time each year. And just like in tennis/golf there would be four grand slam tournaments that have more participants/maps/points (possibly) than the other tournaments.

This is just the first year. There is a good chance there will be recurring tournaments come next year. As for the grand slam tournaments... if you had properly read the thread you'd have seen that there will be four grand slams that will be larger tournaments.

- Weighted Scoring System: Make minimums and maximums on tournaments that TPA players would play in. But since it would be near impossible to get everyone in the same amount of tournaments, then weight the outcomes. Efficiency should count.

Same issue. Read before posting... I'm not even going to respond to this one.

- Lastly, the recurring tournaments need to be more dignified/prestigious. I don't like seeing James Bond or So and So's Tournament in the TPA. It's fine for regular tournaments, but we want these tournament cups to sound prestigious and be something that people brag about. E.G. I've got three fox cups or I got four green jackets, etc.

This would again be limiting the creativity of the T.O.'s and the majority of us would most likely be opposed to such a thing.


Enjoy, you've got your response
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Re: Introducing: Tournament Players Association (TPA)

Postby kratos644 on Tue Jun 08, 2010 9:18 am

drunkmonkey wrote:
ViperOverLord wrote:
amazzony wrote:Hey, Viper, I think you are missing the whole point of TPA and your suggestion go against everything that Bart wants to achieve with this. I admit, I didn't read through all your post but your first few suggestions already indicate it strongly. I suggest you searching up some articles about TPA in the CC Newsletter and perhaps read this topic through more carefully :) I'm sure Bart or somebody else will explain it in more detail but currently I don't have time for that.

On its own or in a different concept you could build something different from TPA but I think your ideas are not meant for Bart's TPA.

I don't see anything here that refutes my ideas to make it better. I could be wrong. But I'd love to hear something more than a call to go rifling through threads.

And in the two responses, I'm just getting back static that it's great. That's fine, but I clearly gave a lot of thought on how I think it'd be better and I'd love to see someone defy that. Tell me what is so important about the current way of doing things as to not warrant the change. That's what I want to know. Because I wrote from my own personal perspective how it'd be awesome. As it is, I think it's just OK how it is now.

For starters, you want to standardize everything, making it all 1v1 Auto, Seq, No Spoils, Chained, Sunny. This goes against what the TPA stands for, which is a large variation of play styles.

Don't worry I've got you covered ;)
I responded to each of his points individually.
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