cmckinney wrote:unriggable wrote:
Here's something interesting: Bush wants our economy to go up. So he cuts taxes. To the rich. But here's the thing - the rich have too much money to spend. So they end up accumalating this money. Instead of giving the money to the poor, who would spend it on something they need, the money goes to the rich, who keep it. This leads to a weaker economy.
Oh yes, the poor would so definitely use the money for better things then us snobby rich people. Yeah, i can just see them goin out and getting a private school education, or puttting it in a savings fund. No, they would just spend it on some freakin drugs or alcohol. And the rich are so evil by actually saving money?????? oh dear. They're not gonna be rich long with 30 to 40% tax rates. There will be no upper class.
So in ur opinion, us giving more money to drug additcted hobos will boost our ecoconomy. Why didnt our top analysts think of that?
Blueoctober wrote:let me try again. morph used logical plain statements and you made youself look like an idiot
morph wrote:cmckinney wrote:unriggable wrote:
Here's something interesting: Bush wants our economy to go up. So he cuts taxes. To the rich. But here's the thing - the rich have too much money to spend. So they end up accumalating this money. Instead of giving the money to the poor, who would spend it on something they need, the money goes to the rich, who keep it. This leads to a weaker economy.
Oh yes, the poor would so definitely use the money for better things then us snobby rich people. Yeah, i can just see them goin out and getting a private school education, or puttting it in a savings fund. No, they would just spend it on some freakin drugs or alcohol. And the rich are so evil by actually saving money?????? oh dear. They're not gonna be rich long with 30 to 40% tax rates. There will be no upper class.
So in ur opinion, us giving more money to drug additcted hobos will boost our ecoconomy. Why didnt our top analysts think of that?
my parents are about to loose our house, i am not complaining, im looking for a way to keep the house, or get another place to stay for me and my parents, my mother is trying to better herself by going to college, my father works harder then hell to support us, and im trying to find a job and cant find a single one, we are poor, and your a fucking idiot...
some people do drugs, my family does not, we are just on hard times, like a lot of people, a lot of people do drugs, a hell of a lot of people don't but they have a series of things happen to them that puts them down to nothing...
Think before you speak douche.... make sure you don't insult most people by being stupid...
morph wrote:Blueoctober wrote:let me try again. morph used logical plain statements and you made youself look like an idiot
hehe thanks, normally im the one that rambles or cannot put the logic into good sentences, i still think i failed on the sentences part.. hope its not to hard to understand >.<
Blueoctober wrote:morph wrote:cmckinney wrote:unriggable wrote:
Here's something interesting: Bush wants our economy to go up. So he cuts taxes. To the rich. But here's the thing - the rich have too much money to spend. So they end up accumalating this money. Instead of giving the money to the poor, who would spend it on something they need, the money goes to the rich, who keep it. This leads to a weaker economy.
Oh yes, the poor would so definitely use the money for better things then us snobby rich people. Yeah, i can just see them goin out and getting a private school education, or puttting it in a savings fund. No, they would just spend it on some freakin drugs or alcohol. And the rich are so evil by actually saving money?????? oh dear. They're not gonna be rich long with 30 to 40% tax rates. There will be no upper class.
So in ur opinion, us giving more money to drug additcted hobos will boost our ecoconomy. Why didnt our top analysts think of that?
my parents are about to loose our house, i am not complaining, im looking for a way to keep the house, or get another place to stay for me and my parents, my mother is trying to better herself by going to college, my father works harder then hell to support us, and im trying to find a job and cant find a single one, we are poor, and your a fucking idiot...
some people do drugs, my family does not, we are just on hard times, like a lot of people, a lot of people do drugs, a hell of a lot of people don't but they have a series of things happen to them that puts them down to nothing...
Think before you speak douche.... make sure you don't insult most people by being stupid...
i love morph
s.xkitten wrote:Blueoctober wrote: i love morph
yeah, me too...he's so good at making his points...i wuvs you morph
Lord Canti wrote:Two things have ruined America 1.Politicians
Democrats and Republicans, both parties, in government are the most at blame. They care more about proving themselves right then acting in the best intrest of the people. Take Iraq: a war causing so much international shell is being used by both sides, depending on the days events, to take stabs at the other. It's a game to them. The problems are the lack of a third party and the fact that they work so little each year, about 100 hours spent in session in all. Fix these, fix the problem.
Technology has made America lazy,made us lose ambition. We don't have to work as hard as we used to survive. We expect so much as individuals, for doing so little. To fix this: we should get an education get a better lob, and stop griping at how unfair the world is.
Lord Canti wrote:Technology has made America lazy,made us lose ambition. We don't have to work as hard as we used to survive. We expect so much as individuals, for doing so little. To fix this: we should get an education get a better lob, and stop griping at how unfair the world is.
cmckinney wrote:Oh yes, the poor would so definitely use the money for better things then us snobby rich people. Yeah, i can just see them goin out and getting a private school education, or puttting it in a savings fund. No, they would just spend it on some freakin drugs or alcohol. And the rich are so evil by actually saving money?????? oh dear. They're not gonna be rich long with 30 to 40% tax rates. There will be no upper class.
morph wrote:there was a line in a movie Men In Black
J asks K why they do not let the world know of aliens, he says that people are smart and could handle it, K turns around and says
"a person is smart, people are stupid, panicky and in general violent"
i do believe that holds quite true, America needs to think before it acts, not all one voice yell out the same thing and hope for the best, America needs to think ahead, needs to agree, but we as Americans, we are too numerous to count, to many voices, so we need to get rid of the corruption, but also we need people who will keep their words when they promise something...
and Americans, need to stop pussy footing around when it comes to retaliating.....
I seriously doubt any American was all like "no, don't do anything about 9/11, they should get away with it" but as soon as something starts to happen, as soon as we take action and some other countries call us on it and say "thats not right", well some Americans turned around and suddenly didint want anything to do with it...
cowshrptrn wrote:Lord Canti wrote:morph wrote:there was a line in a movie Men In Black
J asks K why they do not let the world know of aliens, he says that people are smart and could handle it, K turns around and says
"a person is smart, people are stupid, panicky and in general violent"
i do believe that holds quite true, America needs to think before it acts, not all one voice yell out the same thing and hope for the best, America needs to think ahead, needs to agree, but we as Americans, we are too numerous to count, to many voices, so we need to get rid of the corruption, but also we need people who will keep their words when they promise something...
and Americans, need to stop pussy footing around when it comes to retaliating.....
I seriously doubt any American was all like "no, don't do anything about 9/11, they should get away with it" but as soon as something starts to happen, as soon as we take action and some other countries call us on it and say "thats not right", well some Americans turned around and suddenly didint want anything to do with it...
in short: stop blaming the government, and start watching real news with real facts and start caring about things other than gay marriage and flag burning
Machiavelli wrote:Lord Canti wrote:
And to morph, two quotes-
"War is a failure of diplomacy."
"An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind"
I understand when you say you would hurt someone who hurt your friends and family, but as a country we need to think things through and try to work it out.
No child left behind = Every child left behind
morph wrote:Russians and the French... they opposed us.. well think about it.. we found Russian MIG jets, with French technology in them... i wonder why they opposed us?
morph wrote:a person is smart, people are stupid, panicky and in general violent
morph wrote:It was not right for us to be attacked when we have done nothing to the people who hit us...
morph wrote:diplomacy only works if both sides wishs it do, Americans would like it to work, but when it comes to a group of people who believe we should be dead and arnt worth the air we breath...
Jamie wrote:We need to stay out of everbody's business. We think we're the world police or something. Look at Canada. The winters their suck, but for the most part they are a stable, secure, industrialized, technologically advanced, comfortable country to live in, and raise a family. They don't bother anyone, get noticed by anyone, no one hijacks planes and rams them into the CN tower or other Canadien landmarks. They just stay out of everbody's way, and let the other countries of the world fight the wars, and blow eachother up.
Ditto for Australia, no one bothers them either. Sydney is one of the most high tech advanced cities on the planet. If I had to live outside the US, I'd live in Sydney.
cmckinney wrote:unriggable wrote:
Here's something interesting: Bush wants our economy to go up. So he cuts taxes. To the rich. But here's the thing - the rich have too much money to spend. So they end up accumalating this money. Instead of giving the money to the poor, who would spend it on something they need, the money goes to the rich, who keep it. This leads to a weaker economy.
Oh yes, the poor would so definitely use the money for better things then us snobby rich people. Yeah, i can just see them goin out and getting a private school education, or puttting it in a savings fund. No, they would just spend it on some freakin drugs or alcohol. And the rich are so evil by actually saving money?????? oh dear. They're not gonna be rich long with 30 to 40% tax rates. There will be no upper class.
So in ur opinion, us giving more money to drug additcted hobos will boost our ecoconomy. Why didnt our top analysts think of that?
morph wrote:granted we need to get rid of the corruption... but people are stupid, the reason why, because we get the people who are corrupt, who lie (most politicians... i know but there are some that are not..) and who steal, to get in, and that is wrong...
morph wrote:It was not right for us to be attacked when we have done nothing to the people who hit us... it was not right when Saddam did mass genocide... i believe what we did was right
DIRESTRAITS wrote:Immigration: I believe Illeagal immigration is a huge problem. Illeagals coming across our borders hurt our economy and overpopulate America. Unfortunatly, neither party seems in a big rush to do anuthing about it, because the Republicans want the cheap Labor, and the Dems want the votes.
Solutions: Make employing illeagal immigrants a felony
Ammend the Constitution so children born in America aren't American citizens
Threaten Tariffs and embargos on Mexican Products so they help out on their side of the borders
Marvaddin wrote:Im American... South American, as you know, so I can post here.morph wrote:granted we need to get rid of the corruption... but people are stupid, the reason why, because we get the people who are corrupt, who lie (most politicians... i know but there are some that are not..) and who steal, to get in, and that is wrong...
People are stupid in all world countries. Happily, looks like you know US people is not smarter than people from any other area. But, eliminate corruption? This is impossible. Have a low level of corruption could be the goal, but its alread very VERY difficult, once most people just think about solve their personal problems (again, in every country)morph wrote:It was not right for us to be attacked when we have done nothing to the people who hit us... it was not right when Saddam did mass genocide... i believe what we did was right
You have done nothing? So Arabians have no reason to hate US? And Saddam is the one who did mass genocide? How do you qualify what US did in El Salvador? In fact, I dont understand how are some Americans fool enough to believe US is saving Afghanistan, or Iraq people from a genocide dictatorship... You are promoting genocide there. In fact, we have 2 measures: if Saddam or Milosevic promotes genocide, their countries are invaded, they are taken and judged, and considered guilty and them killed. If Bush promotes genocide, its ok, because who will capture him to judge him due to his war crimes, like torture in that Cuba prison?DIRESTRAITS wrote:Immigration: I believe Illeagal immigration is a huge problem. Illeagals coming across our borders hurt our economy and overpopulate America. Unfortunatly, neither party seems in a big rush to do anuthing about it, because the Republicans want the cheap Labor, and the Dems want the votes.
Solutions: Make employing illeagal immigrants a felony
Ammend the Constitution so children born in America aren't American citizens
Threaten Tariffs and embargos on Mexican Products so they help out on their side of the borders
Hurt US economy? I know, I know... the hypocrite American politicians pray about brothership of all American people just when US need help to stop a comunist threat, or when is interesting convince other governments to give free access of US products to other countries economy. If we are brother people when interests to US, why dont allow free people circulation, too? If US lose support from other American countries, now this will hurt your economy, so be kinder to immigrants, you have hurted your home countries already too much! Anyway, you want more money to what? Make US rich richer?
About US being world police... Man, this sucks. But all US people should know: using bad ethics and false excuses to start conflicts was always an option to US governenments, and this is because you are a rich country now. Do you want a greater proof of ecomonic motived war than that Hispano American war (maybe the name is wrong... Im talking about the war against a very weak Spain that ended with Cuba independence)? Man, a ridiculous excuse to start a war, and just because you knew Spain would have no chance, to defend your own economic interests... The same with Iraq now, so US politics have changed almost nothing during 20th century, huh? US is rich because always had military strength and bad ethics enough to defend its economy.
I have heard that in US school books, Brazilian Amazon is labeled as international area! Man, this sucks! If this is true, in some years, once you have convinced the stupid people that Amazon is a humankind property, will US invade Brazil to "save" Amazon??? This makes me sick!
And I completely agree with Jamie. US shouldnt be worlds police. UN should be. But like I said, they are weak enough to allow Bush invade all countries he wants. For things like that, I say, even I hate US. Go take care of your own internal problems, and leave other countries with their genocide dictatorships, please! You are saving no one but yourselves!
Marvaddin wrote:Im American... South American, as you know, so I can post here.morph wrote:granted we need to get rid of the corruption... but people are stupid, the reason why, because we get the people who are corrupt, who lie (most politicians... i know but there are some that are not..) and who steal, to get in, and that is wrong...
People are stupid in all world countries. Happily, looks like you know US people is not smarter than people from any other area. But, eliminate corruption? This is impossible. Have a low level of corruption could be the goal, but its alread very VERY difficult, once most people just think about solve their personal problems (again, in every country)morph wrote:It was not right for us to be attacked when we have done nothing to the people who hit us... it was not right when Saddam did mass genocide... i believe what we did was right
You have done nothing? So Arabians have no reason to hate US? And Saddam is the one who did mass genocide? How do you qualify what US did in El Salvador? In fact, I dont understand how are some Americans fool enough to believe US is saving Afghanistan, or Iraq people from a genocide dictatorship... You are promoting genocide there. In fact, we have 2 measures: if Saddam or Milosevic promotes genocide, their countries are invaded, they are taken and judged, and considered guilty and them killed. If Bush promotes genocide, its ok, because who will capture him to judge him due to his war crimes, like torture in that Cuba prison?DIRESTRAITS wrote:Immigration: I believe Illeagal immigration is a huge problem. Illeagals coming across our borders hurt our economy and overpopulate America. Unfortunatly, neither party seems in a big rush to do anuthing about it, because the Republicans want the cheap Labor, and the Dems want the votes.
Solutions: Make employing illeagal immigrants a felony
Ammend the Constitution so children born in America aren't American citizens
Threaten Tariffs and embargos on Mexican Products so they help out on their side of the borders
Hurt US economy? I know, I know... the hypocrite American politicians pray about brothership of all American people just when US need help to stop a comunist threat, or when is interesting convince other governments to give free access of US products to other countries economy. If we are brother people when interests to US, why dont allow free people circulation, too? If US lose support from other American countries, now this will hurt your economy, so be kinder to immigrants, you have hurted your home countries already too much! Anyway, you want more money to what? Make US rich richer?
About US being world police... Man, this sucks. But all US people should know: using bad ethics and false excuses to start conflicts was always an option to US governenments, and this is because you are a rich country now. Do you want a greater proof of ecomonic motived war than that Hispano American war (maybe the name is wrong... Im talking about the war against a very weak Spain that ended with Cuba independence)? Man, a ridiculous excuse to start a war, and just because you knew Spain would have no chance, to defend your own economic interests... The same with Iraq now, so US politics have changed almost nothing during 20th century, huh? US is rich because always had military strength and bad ethics enough to defend its economy.
I have heard that in US school books, Brazilian Amazon is labeled as international area! Man, this sucks! If this is true, in some years, once you have convinced the stupid people that Amazon is a humankind property, will US invade Brazil to "save" Amazon??? This makes me sick!
And I completely agree with Jamie. US shouldnt be worlds police. UN should be. But like I said, they are weak enough to allow Bush invade all countries he wants. For things like that, I say, even I hate US. Go take care of your own internal problems, and leave other countries with their genocide dictatorships, please! You are saving no one but yourselves!
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