It's funny how I can discredit your posts with.. your own posts!
Also, sorry if you feel trolled or flamed. I assure you that I am not trolling for an argument with you.
That is because you have an EGO hangup Kataro. That plus the fact that you have a propensity for being contrary, and love to argue more than anyone at CC.
Others he did not care for, but he has never been insecure and childish enough to get "pissed" off about it.
Maybe if you had any artistic or graphic talent, you yourself, would show some illustrations, for your never ending suggestions.
So put up or shut up Kataro.
Good game.
I do NOT appreciate you trying to censer what I say or do. It is NOT your job.
Censor <_< And does that mean, if you saw someone calling someone else a (insert inappropriate word for black people) here, you would let it go, because it's not YOUR job to report it? Or would you say "hmm, that doesn't seem right, I might call them out on that". A good ethical question, but one I can easily guess where you stand on.
Childish insecurities? Was it childish insecurity of Hasbro to make a game and not want it plagiarized on this site? Would it be childish insecurity if I were to take CC's Logos, maps, general guidelines, adapt them a little to fit my uses, and create my own site? Or would that be something called "Copyright" that they have on the images, and it's not ethical (or in that case, legal) for me to access their images and use them wherever I want?
And, it is NOT good form for you to promote a contrary attitude in this respect to other map makers.
Didn't realize I had to completely submit to what you do, when you do it, and accept that. Sorry Mr. Hitler, I thought for a 2nd this was a place to be contrary to oneanother, not a place to conform to what you want. My bad.
If having your work dissected and criticized in every way possible,
Perhaps you could show me where you took it apart and questioned it, instead of taking it, adding what you wanted, taking what you didn't out, and then continually posting until you get your way, even after the mapmaker said he has made his final decision.