Carebian Knight is our great winner, with 7 of the 9 games won

Also the second place cletus won 7 of the 9 games, but the scoring was just a bit lower

Complete status overview can be found in post2. Here only some last news

All Disc World, Europa, King of Mountains, Eastern Hemisphere, U.S. Senate, Africa, Castle Land, Age of Realms 2 and World 2.1 are finished

So all games are finished. Total time needed slightly less (4%) then estimated at the start; compared to other tournaments with predicted needed time this is real close.
Premiums as well as non-premiums are welcome.
You enter as an individual but only play triple games with mixing the teams throughout the tournament.
In total you play 9 games on 9 maps and all sequential. More details below.
First games start on 2 August. From that moment onwards you should be able to play one game for this tournament.
Edit: I am sorry, but I need more reserves. Start will be postponed a few days.
K3 is a 10 years old group of 3 girls with kiddy-pop. One of the 3 stopped. So now they are looking for a replacement. Preferable a girl again, but a boy, man or woman could also make it complete

X-Factor, the name became K3-Factor. The difference is that you have to fit in with K3. Therefore you will be every time a part of a triple-team to judge your interaction with your team-mates. The better team will win, but within your team you could be judged as better or worse compared to one or both other team-mates, see score.
To distribute you all over the games I use the windmill system. At the end you have been in a game with all 35 other participants. Unfortunately there is no perfect 6x6 windmill; there are 10 persons who you will meet twice in this tournament (nobody more then 2 times). The distribution of all players over all 9 game-settings will be done before the tournament starts, but the teams will be defined shortly before sending the invitations. The team-mix itself will be made shortly before each game, the difference in total CC-score will be as small as possible. This is different compared to Trippel Trappel where all teams were defined before the tournament. By this action the change in CC-points per person per game will each time be close to 20. Disadvantage is that there will be more people twice in your team or are twice your opponent. Advantage is that team strength will be more balanced.
1. Triples; sequential; Discworld; no spoils; unlimited, fog
2. Triples; sequential; Europa; flat rate; adjacent; sunny
3. Triples; sequential; King of the mountains; escalating; chained; fog
4. Triples; sequential; Eastern Hemisphere; flat rate; unlimited; sunny
5. Triples; sequential; U.S. Senate; escalating; unlimited, sunny
6. Triples; sequential; Africa; flat rate; chained; fog
7. Triples; sequential; Castle Land; no spoils; adjacent, sunny.
8. Triples; sequential; Age of Realms 2; escalating; unlimited, fog
9. Triples; sequential; World 2.1; no spoils; chained, sunny
As score we basically use the windmill score. For a triple game that means that when you are in the winning team you get 17 tulips and when you are in the other team you get 7 tulips.
However since you entered this tournament on your own I added a few extra rules.
In case you are the last kicked out of the team that looses you get one tulip from each of your team-mates to thank you for trying to hold position. In the same way the person of the winning team that kicked out the last opponent gets one tulip from each of his (or her) team-mates. Furthermore in case you are in the winning team, but didnāt make it to the end you have to give two tulips to each of your team-mates. And in fact I donāt check if you did make it to the end, I only check if you still have spoils. In case you donāt have any spoil left I assume you didnāt make it and you have to give two tulips to each of your team-mates.
This makes the scoring complicated enough to get a single winner. With this scoring you could also benefit from killing a team-mate, I wonder if that really will happen.
Predictions like this are easily not 100% correct, see my earlier tournament with predictions: link. The problem is that they really are only predictions.
ā¢ Expected start first games at 2 August.
In reality the first game started on 5 August. That is 3 days late. Prediction was made on 11 July that is 22 days before the predicted date. 3/22 = + 14%
ā¢ Expected start last game on 20 January.
Actually the last game started 23 December; 23 days too soon. 23/165 = -15%
ā¢ Expected the very last game to be finished at 5 February
Actually the last game finished on 12 January. Mistake by 24/185 = - 11%. Overall mistake (14 - 15 -11 ) / 3 = -4%