by i_Cypher on Sun Jan 07, 2007 12:13 am
That's basically a standard method of play for the game barbie, but administrators can look into other means of who knows each other and who has multiple accounts. Andy looked into it. I only inquired and passed along the suspicion. It was due to suspicious moves during the game that I made the report. I'm a seasoned vet of strategy games...been playing such games as RISK, AXIS & ALLIES, CHAINMAIL, etc since I was ten....of course AA didn't come out until I was twenty-something but the game types nice. The one I really want is the online version of strategies.
That said that doesn't make me an expert at strategy, because unfortunately that's the nature of mathematical based warfare, and even worse for actual. However, I does give me certain insight into moves by players who are supposed to have a certain skill level, especially when they leave themselves widely open to basic maneuvers by so-called "enemy's."
There is a place for team-play on here, in Doubles or Triples games, and I believe that that's where they should remain. Or for real alliance strict games, try Aevum Obscurum, where it costs you moves to form or break either a CF, NAP, or Alliance. Its quite fun, and you get to select how long each turn is, from 8 hours per turn to something like 72 hours per turn. Unfortunately, its one of those games where each performing your own actions takes much more of your time than Conquer Club.
As far as this game goes, I've already mistaken reported a suspicion that proved to be false. But, you know, no harm was done. Two rule-abiding players still gets to play, and were proven to be rule-abiding players. It helps there reputation in the end more than it mars it. So, what should any rule-abiding player have to fear of being accused.