porkenbeans wrote:The Neon Peon wrote:porkenbeans wrote:I would gladly do anything that Lack could delegate to me, at no charge.
You need to read this forum more often.
It may surprise you to learn that the vast majority of CC members have never even seen this forum. or any other forum for that matter. But on the flip side of that, you have the farmer, multies and cheaters. 99.9% of them are alive and well, here in the forums. Just pm this poll to all CC members. You will be in for a surprise I imagine.
Well, that only proves that you are unaware of what is going on.
Shall we then take a look at how many threads and suggestions there are in this forum? Compare that number to the 15 that are so called *to do*
Okay, go to the official *to do* list, and take a look in some of those threads. Notice how many are from 2006? A whole lot. Now, lets see how many are from 2007? That is all but one or two threads in there, which those threads are from last winter.
Now, if you browse around a little, you will find that lack refuses to let anyone else code. Now, PM lack about the progress on such things... unless things have dramatically changed recently, you will find that the management of CC takes up most of his time (according to him), but that he is slowly coding the suggestions.
Let's sum up our journey of discovery:
1. There are a whole ton of suggestions, and hardly any of them have anything happen to them, much less get on the *to do* list.
2. Things from 2006 have not yet been coded, not even things from 2007. With the amount of topics from that long ago... if anything gets added, it will get coded only in a very, very, VERY long time.
3. There will be no acceleration in coding speed, it will continue to move like a turtle
Now, take those things you have just said into account, along with the fact that some of them (such as the random map suggestion) are very easy to code. Think of how hard this suggestion would be to code.
You can hypothetically put this on the *to do* list... IF it does happen (a very small chance seeing as a suggestion which is almost the same as this one has been rejected), it still will not happen until all those other suggestions get done. When will those get done... we are almost 3 years working on some of them, including making a random selection among maps (one of the easiest things in the world to code)... my guess is... not in a long while.