Scott-Land wrote:Cheat threads are nothing but a breeding ground for hate. A place to flame those you dislike. Anyone can and will make a thread just to drag someone's good name through the mud.
The system allows players like emtec to do so because for every one they accuse albeit innocent or not, the admins bust far more real offenders- the collateral damage doesn't outweigh the good that comes from this forum.
We also have to wonder if emtec's strings aren't being pulled here as his new triples partner is Fruit. Perhaps through Fruit's dislike of Delia, it fueled this accusation. I only bring it up because Max and Prank did the same thing by having KG post in a recent cheat thread.
What an odd person you must be to say such a thing Scott, you might have been better taking up this particular issue with me in private. However, you have done it in public, so I shall respond in public.
Where do I ever say I dislike Delia here in public? Have I ever said such to you in private? One has to wonder who is pulling whose strings, or where you are getting your information…or are you gossiping like some old woman Scott? It does seem like that... Furthermore, I am pretty amazed you actually think this way. Am I so clever I have an influence over the normal rational human beings around me here on this site, which is, of course a virtual world? Am I so obviously the sort of individual who would care what you, delia or anyone here really thinks about me? I think my General Congratulations thread should answer that.
For the record, and just so that even you can understand this Scott, after all, you do have some previous for jumping to conclusions. I have not got Delia on foe, yet Delia has put me on foe some time back without having the decency to explain herself. Furthermore, it transpires, anyone who is being trained by me goes on her foe list as well, without ever having played her. Why would this be? Does she really think she is that important that I would expend energy and resources giving her a hard time? Quite the contrary! I have deliberately avoided contact, and crossing her path. Yet she chooses to send me PMs during the period of having me on foe without mentioning such….I fail to understand the mentality of a person who does this.
Now I really do not care if delia is a cheat, or anything else, she is of no importance to me. I am of the opinion her playing skills are poor, and she knows I think this. I have not hidden it from her.
Moving on. I do not ‘control’ 'manipulate’ or anything else. I advise. As such, I advised emtec and widers among others they should play against some of the spanking monkeys as they are generally good players, perhaps you think otherwise, or maybe you think new or junior players who want to learn should be kept in their box so you and others can enjoy a weird privileged position whilst these peasants just press their snotty noses up to the glass wishing they were you. The first time they try to play some one of note, they see they are on foe for absolutely no other reason than the fact that they had played no more than 5 games with me at the time!!!
Now reviewing what emtec has posted, it matters not what any one says, there does seem to have been an oddity occurring. I am pretty damned certain the ruling recently was that a team partner should only take another team partners turns should they be in danger of running out of time. To do otherwise, is against the rules, simple and plain. One can argue around this, and in fact not long ago, this was done. Delia was and is aware of the whole long discussion. The reason for this was that it was started by a BpB member, when she was a member of that clan. This thread kicked off a very long discussion with many contributions, 37 pages and over 500 contributions. The final result was that Twill made the ruling I refer to above. Go and see for yourself Scott.
Moving to what laddida has said, I cannot agree.
Laddida wrote:This has been blown outta proportion. Basically it comes down to this. This thread is being abused. I believe if this was done in private with mods that most of the bs posts wouldnt take place and the mods would have a much easier time catching the real abusers and cheaters. There was no intention of any abuse what so ever in these games with delia and me. This thread should not be allowed to be used as a revenge tool. It ruins reputations, all I had was good intentions of helping out delia during a very stressful time and she just couldnt handle taking turns she was exhausted and went to bed and asked me to help. There was no difficult moves or difficult maps.
This thread has not been abused by anyone except perhaps those springing to your defence laddida. So far, there have been few backing up the OP accusation. I am certain there was no intention of any abuse on your part with regards to taking delias turns. However, the rules are pretty clear. And it does seem that delia has broken them. Now I repeat, there was a long discussion about this, and then end result was a pretty hard and fast ruling by Twill. I do have to ask this though….if delia was ‘exhausted’ as you put it, why did she post and take other turns within the time period? The times are there on record for anyone to see. Here is an example of the times that she was ‘exhausted’ according to emtec's post.
In game number 3121651 Lord Ham (the player before delia) runs out of time at around 6pm (uk time) on the 2nd of September. Now converting this to Australian time, if my memory serves me correct, this translates to 3 o’clock in the morning of the 3rd. At 5.30 am (uk time) or 2.30 in the afternoon (Aus time) of the 3rd, delia posts in the forum. This is but 12 hours later. It is said that she also takes her turns in other games. Yet you say she was exhausted and this necessitated your taking her turn in the game mentioned at near 3pm (UK time) (midnight Aus time), some 9 and a half hours later of the same day, this does beg the question why delia did not take her turn in that game particularly, after all, she posted within the time frame allowable, and took turns in other games.
Quite frankly I cannot be bothered to investigate further, the first example I looked at shows the rules being broken.
In summary, and in my opinion, yes I think emtec, and others, have got it in for delia, in my opinion, understandably so. But then she has shown an odd attitude to those players who feel this way. It matters not to me what she or they do. I resent the implication that I dislike delia. I think she is insane and mad, but I do not have any emotional feelings towards her.
Hope this helps clarify my position, and perhaps the position of some here who may feel certain players run to one set of rules whilst expecting all others to run to another.