I posted this in Suggs + Bugs, i still think it could be implemented right now as it is:
* Concise Idea: Move the game menus on the left to the top during games, and add drop down menus.
* Suggestion Idea: ^^^^
* Specifics:
Here is a picture that was posted by qwert a while back but was never really pursued.
"what you think of these?Can Lack arange site to look like these?In that way you get more space for big maps.
- Click image to enlarge.
When it was posted, a problem came up:
Bad Speler wrote: I rarely visit Live Chat, My Feedback and My Ignore List, so I would not always know when I receive a new PM, it might be weeks before I would realise on that layout.
But we could always have this as a solution:
menu bar wrote:Game Menu|Interaction Menu [1 new message]|Personal Menu
drop down menu wrote:Interaction Menu
.....Live Chat
.....Inbox[1 new]
.....My Feedback
.....My Ignore List
plus: it would not be during the forums-- only during games.*Why it is needed:
The only reason as to why map makers cannot make larger maps is because we dont have the space. Well here is the space!