cicero wrote:re version 1.4.4Minor tweaks:
- You can now remove "Players: 8" from the expanded view since it is duplicated.
- In the list view I'd be an advocate of "<map img> 8p, r77 X" - ie abbreviation - since it cleans up the UI. However I acknowledge what you say about this with regard to the expanded view. Perhaps it's best not to abbreviate now, but to consider this again in future when Turn Watch is more mature.
- Pad the map image very slightly so that the left hand edge aligns with the text in the menu items above.
The first 2 suggestions don't go together. I'm all for abbreviating the label but there has to be some detail in there
for people who haven't ever used it or are new, my opinion. I agree with the first suggestion and the third.
So I'll do 8p, rd77 X, I do agree with the redundancy.
Suggestion ...Add a "Mode" menu item below Options.
I leave the UI implementation to you, but essentially it would cycle through "all | my turn | my turn next | eliminated | recently finished" ...
Perhaps some other modes need to be added to that list.
The intention here is address some of the issues already discussed re scanning ...
I realise that, as stated, it doesn't acknowledge that players may have removed some games using the X. Perhaps another mode "custom" which would be "'all' as modified by user's use of X" ...
OK, this one is definitely part formed

I've been coding this and then removing this so many times it's ridiculous.
I completely agree with you. Unfortunately you've hit the nail on the head, the ability to add and delete
items completely throws this. Someone wanted team games only as well.
This will be done but the worry is that someone wants to auto-scan for their new games and has
to remove all the ones they had already done all over again (some people have hundreds of games).
What I will say, from the coding already done is that I think maybe restrict this to filtering outside the scope
of the existing colour scheme. So that means filter on my games, my eliminated, my finished, my team, all, and then
custom (good idea, cicero) leaving the colours and alerts for the rest. Not sure on this one which is why it hasn't
been published.
Good to know you're finding my feedback useful chipv

... Seeing your script at such an early stage takes me back to when BOB was first taken on by stocksr (the lead author of BOB before yeti_c) ... he joined CC and, having started working on what was to become BOB (yeti_c contributed the acronym later), told me about CC too. He and I had a lot of fun adding features to BOB (when he started work BOB had no menu interface, map inspect, text map, map opacity or help amongst other things) ... though of course lots of other people also contributed enormously via the forum thread. And yeti's subsequent work continues to make BOB cooler than ever - I don't think stocksr would recognise it now ...
yeti's been excellent help since I started on this, absolute star - very keen eye for bugs, and the feedback from lots of people has been excellent including yours.
But anyway, history lesson over, I guess you'll have noticed I'm enjoying your script

. If ever you think it needs a Help/Info file and you're as distracted from maintaining that (by programming) as yeti is (and stocksr was) let me know.
Yes, please!! I was thinking about asking you, but thought it was a bit cheeky.