oaktown wrote:so i was following this trail of breadcrumbs, and this is where it led me. Here are my thoughts, in no particular order. Keep in mind that I haven't read the entire thread - the first post should give enough info to base an initial opinion on, and if it doesn't you may want to edit it.
to be honest i haven't read the first post in a while but it should have the basics.
oaktown wrote:For starters, I love the idea of using $$ rather than armies. Clever. So is the arsonist idea, but I find the arsonist location illogical - next to the manor? The location is good for gameplay in that it should be equally accessible to everybody, but maybe it would work just as well in E4, since the block has no houses or crosswalks? That would make the CC Manor block less powerful, since it will already be a target for those going after the objective.
i was thinking in putting an arsonist in both e4 and w5 instead of having it near the manor but then i realised it would be harder to get to. on the other hand i could leave the one near the manor and add both e4 and w5. 3 arsonists that can bombard shops. i'll ponder on this for a while.
oaktown wrote:On that note, bjectives are hard to judge... will this be too easy? Will it be impossible? In this map the objective may be easier to capture and hold than in Magic (in which if you are strong enough to hold that objective the game is close to over anyway), but I am concerned that by having only the two access points to both objective territories (AND the valuable arsonist) you are creating a bottleneck to them. This might be alright since N1 and N2 can be hit by subway stations across the board, but it's worthy of a few lines of discussion.
there's no such thing as a too easy objective. even if it has just 1 neutral it is still the same for all people. and to be honest i'd prefer a lower number of neutrals to tempt people going for it. however a lower number of neutrals doesn't mean it will be easy to win by holding the objective since all other people will try and stop you.
as for the bottleneck issue, as i said above i'm thinking to add 2 more arsonists. so the value of the manor area will decrease. but also i'm not sure it really is a bottleneck since N1 and N2 can be attacked from 12 other subways.
oaktown wrote:Would it be too much trouble to count up the total number of territories on which players will start?
8 houses
33 other places after i add the 2 arsonists in e4 and w5
oaktown wrote:I know the graphics are still a work in progress, but I'd like to see the white lines even lighter... they should just give the map character, without being confusing.
you mean dampen them? make them harder to see?
oaktown wrote:It's hard for me to judge some of the bonuses because the colors are difficult for me to distinguish. For instance, I'm not sure which shops go with which houses. And are some of the blocks not supposed to be "colored" blocks and therefor don't get a bonus? The "E" block, for example? (Sometimes I think I was brought on board as a CA to give the colorblind perspective.)
the E and W block are commercial blocks the manor and the mansion are objective and all the others are residential. so only the residential have coloured outlines. as it says in the legend only coloured blocks give a bonus and since W and E don't have a colour they get nothing.
also i will change the colours to match the new colours we have on CC so hopefully they will be more visible.
oaktown wrote:Wait... what's a colored block - is it one block with color around it, or all of the blocks with a like color? Because B5-B6 is, by itself, a "Coloured Block."
if you look in the legend i put the whole red block to show that you don't get the bonus for owning a fraction you get the bonus fro owning a whole. just like the legend says "own a
whole coloured block ..."
oaktown wrote:Map size I see is 800x840... are you going to cut it down to 800x800? because I'm pretty sure you could.
the map itself has 800*800 but the extra 40px are for the white background so that the shadows are visible. that white background will be gone and only the shadows will remain so basically the map will be 800px tall and 800px wide, with a few extra px for shadows on the sides.
oaktown wrote:Alright, this is on my radar now... I'll check back.

will be waiting.
“In the beginning God said, the four-dimensional divergence of an antisymmetric, second rank tensor equals zero, and there was light, and it was good. And on the seventh day he rested.”- Michio Kaku