by Eternal Shadow on Thu Sep 16, 2010 2:58 pm
Hello everyone. The tournament is going to continue as planned. This is my first time running a tournament so hopefully there will be no problems, but it might be a little slow getting updated, please bear with me. Please post any questions or send a PM to me. The 3rd games of the tournament are underway
Progress of Games Round 1: Complete
Round 2: Complete
4 GROUPS, 32 PLAYERS Groups A-1 Game 7459256 jjmracing benga alaskanassassin rpshawn taco_man1 I_AM_BOGEY SirSebstar shaunchef Top 4 - Moves into GROUP A next round Bottom 4 - Moves into GROUP B next round A-2 Game 7459257 Chewie1 Lolito Metsfanmax gradybridges vragus 88allin ETROPAL c224! Top 4 - Moves into GROUP A next round Bottom 4 - Moves into GROUP B next round B-1 Game 7459258 Australopithecus TalynStarburst soccerghost KingBohica snad corrupthardware Kenbutsu acores2005 Top 4 - Moves into GROUP C next round Bottom 4 - Moves into GROUP D next round B-2 Game 7459259 Yojimbo28 Eternal Shadow Krissan jrh_cardinal Steve The Mighty jmyork82 DrDarth Jobiwan Top 4 - Moves into GROUP C next round Bottom 4 - Moves into GROUP D next round
Round 3: Complete
4 GROUPS, 32 PLAYERS GroupsA - Game 7642463 gradybridges Lolito Metsfanmax benga jjmracing rpshawn Chewie1 alaskanassassin Top 4 - Gets a pass next round and plays a side game with the map and settings of winner's choice Bottom 4 - Moves into GROUP B next round B Game 7642476 shaunchef c224! vragus 88allin taco_man1 SirSebstar I_AM_BOGEY ETROPAL Top 4 - Stays in GROUP B next round Bottom 4 - Moves into GROUP C next round C Game 7642528 acores2005 Kernal_Kronic Kenbutsu Yojimbo28 jrh_crdinal Eternal Shadow snad Krissan Top 4 - Stays in GROUP C next round Bottom 4 - Moves into GROUP D next round D Game 7642541 soccerghost Australopithecus jmyork82 Enormastitz KingBohica Steve The Mighty DrDarth Jobiwan Top 4 - Stays in GROUP D next round Bottom 4 - Are eliminated from the tournament
Round 4: Completed
4 GROUPS, 28 PLAYERS GroupsA - Game 7839631 gradybridges Lolito Metsfanmax benga All 4 players on pass stays in GROUP A next round B - Game 7839604 mcshanester29 vragus shaunchef Chewie1 jjmracing rpshawn alaskanassassin thunderhue Top 4 - Moves into GROUP A next round Bottom 4 - Stays in GROUP B next round C - Game 7839675 Yojimbo28 Kenbutsu I_AM_BOGEY taco_man1 SirSebstar ETROPAL Kernal_Kronic acores2005 Top 4 - Moves into GROUP B next round Bottom 4 - Stays in GROUP C next round D - Game 7839701 Enormastitz Eternal Shadow Australopithecus soccerghost Krissan jmyork82 jrh_crdinal snad Top 4 - Moves into GROUP C next round Bottom 4 - Are eliminated from the tournament GROUP D will be dropped next round (meaning there will only be 3 groups of 24 players)
Round 5: Complete
3 GROUPS, 24 PLAYERS GroupsA - Game 8078534 mcshanester29 shaunchef Metsfanmax Lolito Chewie1 gradybridges benga vragus Top 4 - Gets a pass next round and plays a side game with the map and settings of winner's choice Bottom 4 - Moves into GROUP B next round B - Game 8078651 I_AM_BOGEY Yojimbo28 Kenbutsu taco_man1 rpshawn jjmracing alaskanassassin thunderhue Top 4 - Stays in GROUP B next round Bottom 4 - Moves into GROUP C next round C - Game 8078684 SirSebstar Eternal Shadow Australopithecus Enormastitz Kernal_Kronic ETROPAL acores2005 soccerghost Top 4 - Stays in GROUP C next round Bottom 4 - Are eliminated from the tournament
Round 6: Ongoing
3 GROUPS, 20 PLAYERS GroupsA - Game 8228096 mcshanester29 - Winner of bye-round shaunchef Metsfanmax Lolito All 4 players on pass stays in GROUP A next round B - Game 8228114 Chewie1 gradybridges benga I_AM_BOGEY Kenbutsu vragus Talyn Starburst taco_man1 Top 4 - Moves into GROUP A next round Bottom 4 - Stays in GROUP B next round C - Game 8228179 alaskanassassin SirSebstar Australopithecus Enormastitz rpshawn jjmracing Eternal Shadow thunderhue Top 4 - Moves into GROUP B next round Bottom 4 - Are eliminated from the tournament
Round 7: Completed
2 GROUPS, 16 PLAYERS GroupsA - Game 8475884 Chewie1 Metsfanmax Lolito benga mcshanester29 gradybridges benga I_AM_BOGEY Top 4 - Gets a pass next round and plays a side game with the map and settings of winner's choice Bottom 3 - Moves into GROUP B next round B - Game 8475837 Kenbutsu TalynStarburst taco_man1 alaskanassassin AustralopithecusSirSebstar Enormastitz vragus Top 5 - Stays in GROUP B next round Bottom 3 - Are eliminated from the tournament
Round 8: Ongoing
2 GROUPS, 11 PLAYERS GroupsA - Game 8668487 Chewie1 benga Lolito MetsfanmaxAll 4 players on pass stays in GROUP A next round B - Game 8668498 mcshanester29 gradybridges I_AM_BOGEY Kenbutsu TalynStarburst taco_man1 alaskanassassin AustralopithecusTop 4 - Moves into GROUP A next round Bottom 4 - Are eliminated from the tournament GROUP B will be dropped next round (meaning there will only be 1 group of 8 players)
Last edited by
Eternal Shadow on Wed Mar 09, 2011 6:13 pm, edited 27 times in total.