Play States
Play By Clickable Map
Deploy: Click on territory to deploy, choose number to deploy and click again to make deployment
Assault: Click on a territory to Assault from, then on a territory to Assault (right click to Auto Assault)
Advance: Click on conquered territory to choose to advance, choose number to advance, then click again to advance. Click on conquering territory to advance zero.
Reinforce: Click on a territory to Reinforce from, then on a territory to Reinforce to. Click again to confirm.
Play By Keyboard and Mouse
N Key: Skip to next game, Jump to next game
B Key: Begin Turn
E Key: End Deployment, End Assaults, End Reinforcement
L Key: Later (decline to play spoils)
W,S Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (slow)
Q,A Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (fast)
Mouse Wheel: Change troop quantity by scrolling over the selected region.
CTRL Key + Click: You can always use CTRL-click instead of the right mouse button.
Middle Click: To advance to next stage (Begin Turn, End Assaults, etc.) click the middle mouse button anywhere on the map.
2011-03-12 02:05:41 - Eternal Shadow: Top 4 - Moves into GROUP A next round
2011-03-12 02:05:48 - Eternal Shadow: Bottom 4 - Are eliminated from the tournament
2011-03-12 21:04:02 - mcshanester29: gl
2011-03-29 20:08:52 - alaskanassassin: talyn would you like to move our or have me take your stack? :p
2011-03-31 16:21:10 - TalynStarburst: heh, thanks for giving me the option.. was getting too hot down there anyway ;)
2011-03-31 23:40:14 - alaskanassassin: well in some games I get my stack taken out and left with no card option, but I don't usually do that to other people! :P
2011-04-02 02:32:52 - TalynStarburst: what jerks there are in games these days :p
2011-04-02 06:29:40 - alaskanassassin: lol, yout telling me!
2011-04-02 06:29:45 - alaskanassassin: what happened to your rank talyn?
2011-04-04 01:25:01 - TalynStarburst: i had joined too many low ranked games where i had become everyone's target.. it's fun, you should try it sometime
2011-04-04 07:18:58 - alaskanassassin: its all good, I'm about to lose my rank anyway
2011-04-04 07:19:25 - alaskanassassin: I just prefer to do it in 1 v 1 games where my opponents (with low ranks) don't lose a single in 5 turns
2011-04-05 14:10:29 - TalynStarburst: heh, like banging your head against a brick wall
2011-04-05 16:43:04 - alaskanassassin: yeah same feeling! I just love smashing my head into a wall!
2011-04-06 13:10:53 - TalynStarburst: and that's why i lose rank.. and premium.. too many brain cells are lost for being a headbanger!
2011-04-12 23:44:44 - alaskanassassin: I was gonna make the move on yellow! :=P
2011-04-13 03:02:18 - gradybridges: Thanks for eliminating me 2nd so I advance :)
2011-04-13 11:18:00 - Kenbutsu: yeah i even left him with less troops and the same amount of cards...
2011-04-13 15:38:30 - TalynStarburst: hahah, well green was harder to get to as i had to go through red.. yellow was all around me
2011-04-13 15:38:59 - TalynStarburst: but as i am now freemium, i probably won't be able to play in the next round since i'm still full.. which may be great news for you Ken
2011-04-13 19:48:32 - gradybridges: i say we go with 7-it is the finals i believe
2011-04-13 19:49:15 - gradybridges: though i was in a 3 person game like this and it lasted 106 rounds-only ended on a truce
2011-04-14 03:28:03 - TalynStarburst: well with my original rules, the next round could start after thd 4 players are eliminated.. but someone had taken over since then
2011-04-15 06:43:11 - alaskanassassin: talyn....howd you do that?
2011-04-15 07:53:40 - TalynStarburst: magic!!
2011-04-15 07:53:44 - TalynStarburst: i think mcshane knocked it down as there was only 1 man there.. i just finished the break through
2011-04-15 16:47:01 - alaskanassassin: ohhh ok! :P
2011-04-16 00:13:18 - mcshanester29: lol you had him worried with your fabulous dice :D
2011-04-16 00:21:38 - TalynStarburst: lol, i should have played along.. back off aa or i'll getcha with my god dice!! :p
2011-04-16 07:16:50 - alaskanassassin: hey leave the poor alaskan alone, things take longer to make sense up here
2011-04-16 07:17:41 - mcshanester29: LOL thats classic :)
2011-04-16 07:20:13 - mcshanester29: gg pink
2011-04-16 07:31:04 - alaskanassassin: well i thuoght i was gonna sit ok, but your singles did a number on me!
2011-04-16 07:31:15 - alaskanassassin: either way, if I win ill have only killed one person!
2011-04-16 07:33:10 - mcshanester29: lol yeah you had a bad streak of dice there
2011-04-16 07:41:06 - alaskanassassin: dang and you apparently didnt at all
2011-04-17 01:56:37 - mcshanester29: gg
2011-04-17 05:20:32 - alaskanassassin: gg