lol. Nice catch.
Moderator: Academy Team
ElricTheGreat wrote:I have won 2 of the 3 so far against notyou2
chapcrap wrote:Can I get dibs on first place again?
macbone wrote:Well, it's looking like a 0-3 loss for me against asbks. We'll give you the official final tally when it comes out, but he's really handing it to me. =)
Kragomac wrote:Something has gone wrong with my games with Tamaynet. 1 game I have someone else that signed up and the Random game expired. Checking to see if some problem occurred and Tamaynet was not able to accept the games.
I did not password them because I invited him.
Cyndo wrote:ganguscalm wrote:I challenge Cyndo !--------------------------------------------------------------------wheres Elvis !------------------------------------------>>>
my Game 13182812
random Game 13182813
pw : elvis
my game I added was Game 13222363
I was able to retain my place on the ladder squeaking out a win in the tie breaker
Doc_Brown wrote:I have defeated asbks in 2 of the 3 games so far (3rd still pending but definitely leaning his way). I know a few other people want a crack at me, but I'd like to request a brief vacation now that this challenge is effectively complete. I have a baby due to be born any day now, and I'm likely to be away for a good day or two. At most, this should be a two week vacation from the ladder, but I'm expecting less than a week.
General Roy wrote:I thought asbks was a player, not a game, Doc_Brown
Anyway, I have finished my games against notyou2, celliottii:
Game 13177325: win for notyou2
Game 13177323: win for me
Game 13182546: win for me
stotzi wrote:I have won against Kiwi_NZ, 2:1
We both won our home games and I could win the random game.
Aussie02 wrote:Silly Knig-it has won 2/3 games while 3rd still in play.
So I've lost again my challenge.
So with that I'm challenging mackadoo invites being sent asap:)
dboeke wrote:I challenge Bruceswar:
Home Game: Game 13172036
Random Game: Game 13172054
PM & Invites Sent...
ElricTheGreat wrote:time to make a jump up the list ... been sitting too long I guess ...
Macbone .. bring it on !!!
Elric Home: Game 13328840
Random: Game 13328849
Mac Home:
dboeke wrote:About to lose 2-0 to Bruceswar... UGH. Well Done
MGSteve wrote:Although dhallmeyer slapped me without mercy on the random,I got lucky and won my home game and have him down to 1 tert, 2 troops on his. Safe to say I lucked out and won my challenge. Whew! Thank you, dhall. Another good match.
Unfortunately, my 3 targets from my new slot are already challenged or on vaca so.... Somebody challenge me!
MGSteve wrote:Now that is class.Ask for a challenge the General steps right up. Good thing I wasn't able to take that last one of dhall's or I'd be too high for it.
Mine is Game 13331857. No forts will an interesting challenge in itself.Can't wait. And I think I know what happened to your invite. You probably just put me down since I'm the only one to be invited. The computer always puts you in first so if your name isn't in the #1 spot, it will replace whoever you put there with you. I found that out when I put someone else first trying to make him red and me green. My color, being a gardener and nature nut.
I love the improvements but at least this one has its own little quirk. Doubt it needs an actual bug report, just an explainer.
chris.yfc wrote:I'd like to challenge 9trumpet9
Will pm and ask him to set the games up
General Roy wrote:MGSteve wrote:
Something's wrong with CC. Even though I indicated an invite to MGSteve when setting up the game, it was empty when the game was set up, so someone else took the slotWhere can I warn CC about this bug? And do others experience the same?
New Random challenge: Game 13331846
And definitely, the invite slot was empty, so something's wrong here. Not nice at all.
9trumpet9 wrote:General Roy wrote:MGSteve wrote:
Something's wrong with CC. Even though I indicated an invite to MGSteve when setting up the game, it was empty when the game was set up, so someone else took the slotWhere can I warn CC about this bug? And do others experience the same?
New Random challenge: Game 13331846
And definitely, the invite slot was empty, so something's wrong here. Not nice at all.
Same thing happened to me - confused the hell out of me. I set up 2 and thought I'd invited chris.yfc, 2 other random players took the slots. Luckily I won one of the games so far and seem to be doing quite well in the other!
Anyway - I think I'll throw a challenge your way Roy - and I'll be careful how I send the invites
MGSteve wrote:Re: Invalid Ladder Challenge...
Sent: Wed Sep 11, 2013 4:27 am
From: MGSteve
To: General Roy celliottii
I must protest on behalf of General Roy and his challenge. As I said in my report of the win, dhallmeyer still has 1 tert and 2 troops in the Pelo game, his home game. So... until I take that last troop of his, it's still a tie with 1 game apiece. Of course I will win... no doubt about that. But I have not won yet. Therefore, General Roy's challenge is valid as I still occupy rung 10, now as I did at the moment of his challenge.
Sure, I'm reporting the challenge to dhall as a win because it inevitably is. But as inevitable as it is, it has not happened yet. As I told Roy in the pm where i accepted his challenge or on the ladder post one, "It's a good thing I didn't already take that last tert of dhall's or I'd be too high to accept" or words to such effect.
9trumpet9 wrote:Anyway - I think I'll throw a challenge your way Roy - and I'll be careful how I send the invites
My game - Game 13332342
Random - Game 13332345
I made my home map random as well, feel free to do the same if you want a truly random challenge!
MGSteve wrote:So everyone please remember to put yourself down in the #1 slot and all will be fine. Because no matter who you put there, your name's gonna go there.
MGSteve wrote:No, my friend. But you might want to go ahead and record my win against dhall since I went ahead and took that last tert making it officially and finally complete and 2 v 1 in my favor. That is if it didn't get recorded during my premature proclamation fiasco.![]()
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