Play States
Play By Clickable Map
Deploy: Click on territory to deploy, choose number to deploy and click again to make deployment
Assault: Click on a territory to Assault from, then on a territory to Assault (right click to Auto Assault)
Advance: Click on conquered territory to choose to advance, choose number to advance, then click again to advance. Click on conquering territory to advance zero.
Reinforce: Click on a territory to Reinforce from, then on a territory to Reinforce to. Click again to confirm.
Play By Keyboard and Mouse
N Key: Skip to next game, Jump to next game
B Key: Begin Turn
E Key: End Deployment, End Assaults, End Reinforcement
L Key: Later (decline to play spoils)
W,S Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (slow)
Q,A Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (fast)
Mouse Wheel: Change troop quantity by scrolling over the selected region.
CTRL Key + Click: You can always use CTRL-click instead of the right mouse button.
Middle Click: To advance to next stage (Begin Turn, End Assaults, etc.) click the middle mouse button anywhere on the map.
2010-10-14 15:36:37 - JBlombier: Didn't you'd be so upset with a little trashing here and there, red.
2010-10-14 15:36:49 - JBlombier: Didn't know*
2010-10-14 15:37:22 - JBlombier: And you got your dice with you this time... Now what is the problem exactly?
2010-10-14 15:37:36 - JBlombier: And your continent even! nice...
2010-10-14 15:37:50 - Backside: i wasn't rly upset o.O
2010-10-14 15:37:56 - Backside: was just saying
2010-10-14 15:39:34 - Backside: and yeh i know that it wasn't a serious claim or anything by u.
2010-10-14 15:40:17 - Backside: just writing to pass time a bit.
2010-10-14 15:42:19 - Backside: well u took all my troops from Lemura and finally took 1 neutral what u haven't done yet. so i can assume that it could've been +6 very likely.
2010-10-14 15:42:34 - Backside: thought this game was already over tbh
2010-10-14 17:26:16 - JBlombier: Well, you're lucky. You got quite a chance to fight back now that both you and Scott have +4
2010-10-14 17:34:59 - JBlombier: And I got some awful dice. Cheerio!
2010-10-14 17:35:15 - JBlombier: This is just getting interesting :)
2010-10-14 18:02:08 - Backside: well yeps like i mentioned. i've got very lucky rolls against u to still be in.
2010-10-14 18:48:53 - JBlombier: Hopefully Scott noticed the change in the game. It's rather easy for him to break you, but he can find out himself.
2010-10-14 19:34:35 - Backside: well we are both getting +4 so he might as well let us fight ^^
2010-10-14 19:34:49 - Backside: i mean scott and me
2010-10-14 19:36:49 - JBlombier: Sure, that might even be better for him. But that wouldn't be better for you. It's kind of a critical situation in which we are both underestimating Scott. I think that'll be our final mistake ;)
2010-10-14 19:43:04 - Scottehh: if ur saying that your underestimating me then your overestimating me
2010-10-14 19:43:19 - Scottehh: The only expirience i have had is a few months on risk
2010-10-14 19:44:08 - JBlombier: In that case, look at what bonus red will get this turn and use your port to attack him.
2010-10-14 19:44:14 - JBlombier: lol ^^
2010-10-14 19:44:24 - JBlombier: Lovely, open diplomacy.
2010-10-14 20:01:28 - Scottehh: Counter Assault
2010-10-14 20:01:34 - Scottehh: Lol
2010-10-14 21:17:50 - JBlombier: Very nice, Scott. lol
2010-10-14 21:18:06 - JBlombier: You did the right thing, eventhough I might not like that.
2010-10-15 13:00:34 - JBlombier: tom_pingu will take my turns this weekend. Please be nice to him, he has such a fragile state of mind. You wouldn't wanna make him cry, now would you?
2010-10-15 13:00:49 - JBlombier: I'll see you guys again on Sunday. Good luck, Tom!
2010-10-15 13:43:26 - Backside: i would, but i guess i won't if u ask ^^
2010-10-15 13:44:34 - Backside: nice time for that defense to hold there scott ^^
2010-10-15 13:46:42 - Backside: i haven't rly lost 65% chance yet, but that's prolly cos all of my rolls have been under 50% chances xD
2010-10-17 10:29:46 - JBlombier: Green, we must both target red or we'll lose this.. and fast too.
2010-10-17 10:30:02 - JBlombier: (still tom_pingu here btw ^^)
2010-10-17 10:36:52 - Backside: yeps. veeeery fast ^^
2010-10-17 10:37:40 - Backside: well seems already over w/o a miracle
2010-10-17 10:42:18 - JBlombier: ;) JB did say something along those lines :p
2010-10-17 13:05:37 - Backside: yeps
2010-10-17 13:05:39 - Backside: gg
2010-10-17 13:26:43 - JBlombier: gg.. nice move green ^^
2010-10-17 13:54:09 - Backside: tyty
2010-10-18 06:27:14 - Scottehh: Wd Red
2010-10-18 09:47:43 - JBlombier: Hey guys, I just came back.
2010-10-18 09:49:08 - JBlombier: But it seems
2010-10-18 09:49:16 - JBlombier: I'm a little late for the party :(
2010-10-18 09:49:44 - JBlombier: Good luck in the finals, Backside!
2010-10-18 15:32:00 - Backside: :)
2010-10-18 15:32:03 - Backside: cheers
2010-10-18 15:33:45 - Backside: 3 player Stalingrad. haven't done that before. should be interesting and the cream (best/ better players ^^) of this tourney should be there also ^^
2010-10-18 16:55:57 - JBlombier: Hehe, even better players than yourself. Who would've though :P