Play States
Play By Clickable Map
Deploy: Click on territory to deploy, choose number to deploy and click again to make deployment
Assault: Click on a territory to Assault from, then on a territory to Assault (right click to Auto Assault)
Advance: Click on conquered territory to choose to advance, choose number to advance, then click again to advance. Click on conquering territory to advance zero.
Reinforce: Click on a territory to Reinforce from, then on a territory to Reinforce to. Click again to confirm.
Play By Keyboard and Mouse
N Key: Skip to next game, Jump to next game
B Key: Begin Turn
E Key: End Deployment, End Assaults, End Reinforcement
L Key: Later (decline to play spoils)
W,S Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (slow)
Q,A Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (fast)
Mouse Wheel: Change troop quantity by scrolling over the selected region.
CTRL Key + Click: You can always use CTRL-click instead of the right mouse button.
Middle Click: To advance to next stage (Begin Turn, End Assaults, etc.) click the middle mouse button anywhere on the map.
2010-03-24 19:24:42 - danervinsucks: not to say i havent been living on borrowed time for say, 30 rounds or more, but that huge stack on brizzy is ominous to say the least...
2010-03-24 19:24:56 - danervinsucks: and tennant creek, for that matter
2010-03-31 11:41:36 - dowian2: okay, red... you can attack blue next time
2010-04-05 04:06:24 - danervinsucks: lol gg all
2010-04-05 04:06:26 - danervinsucks: gl
2010-04-24 02:44:18 - Coors1: getting greedy there green, trying to hold a 14 drop
2010-04-24 02:44:56 - Coors1: and worse not letting me get a card
2010-04-24 02:48:13 - dowian2: you're the one who attacked me to allow me to take the 14 drop...i wasn't going to attack the big army, but when it drops to 30 and leaves me one less spot to guard, it's a no-brainer
2010-04-28 02:14:38 - Coors1: well tired of getting no card
2010-04-30 01:00:45 - Hath: someone better give me a spot or i'm killing a stack.
2010-04-30 22:12:52 - Hath: last chance. next round i flip a coin. 50-50 one of you loses 70 armies +
2010-05-07 18:38:29 - Hath: dtellis in for hath
2010-05-08 12:37:52 - Hath: bart for hath
2010-05-08 21:13:07 - Hath: dtellis for Hath
2010-05-29 17:20:25 - Hath: dtellis again
2010-05-30 12:30:48 - Hath: bart in
2010-06-01 01:12:15 - Hath: dtellis
2010-07-03 19:53:40 - Hath: Hey, amazzony for Hath.
2010-07-04 15:26:14 - Hath: amazzony again.
2010-07-05 06:35:10 - Hath: RedBaron0 for Hath
2010-07-17 12:17:05 - Hath: bart again
2010-07-19 02:00:43 - Hath: bart
2010-07-20 12:36:06 - Hath: and again
2010-07-26 03:08:09 - Hath: Hath back.
2010-07-31 04:37:58 - Coors1: we are in 2 of these long games Hath, ugggg
2010-08-01 22:43:35 - dowian2: just ended one of my other two after two tiebreaker games (the first one of those went to a deadlock too) - lol
2010-08-01 22:43:52 - dowian2: down to just this one and charleston left
2010-08-19 13:30:19 - dowian2: bart, if you happen to open this to find out where we're at in the game... i hate you :)
2010-08-21 13:49:14 - Hath: bart in for hath
2010-08-21 13:49:31 - Hath: I know dowian, there is a reason I stopped running flat rate tournies
2010-08-22 13:42:41 - Hath: ziont for hath
2010-09-04 04:21:22 - Hath: dtellis for Hath
2010-09-05 06:14:20 - Hath: RedBaron0 for Hath
2010-09-05 20:16:25 - Hath: bart again
2010-09-06 14:14:38 - Hath: keiths31 for Hath...
2010-09-08 02:44:30 - dowian2: coors, does it feel to you like it's about 1v1v7? :P
2010-09-08 18:45:22 - Hath: Haha...yeah I take off a lot on weekends and have no internet access. Clanmates are awesome for that. :-D
2010-09-10 04:43:08 - Coors1: yup pretty sad
2010-09-13 08:23:00 - Coors1: Finally getting bored with these last 2 games
2010-09-13 12:10:15 - dowian2: just now? lol
2010-10-02 04:39:56 - dowian2: just for clarification's sake... are we treating this as a 2-for-1? winner of bart's tiebreaker game gets to win this one too?
2010-10-02 15:37:08 - Coors1: works for me
2010-10-03 14:17:14 - Hath: yes, please. :-)
2010-10-03 19:53:08 - dowian2: ok, sounds good :)
2010-10-04 02:19:00 - Hath: ziont for hath
2010-10-13 18:00:03 - dowian2: gg's guys :)
2010-10-13 18:23:23 - Hath: ggs dowian
2010-10-13 18:23:29 - Hath: at least i took out the most people :-P
2010-10-13 18:24:04 - Hath: only an 8 month long game...not that terrible... ;-)
2010-10-13 18:24:24 - Hath: glad i'll never have to take another turn in it though! (don't screw up dowian...i really don't ever want to see this game again! haha)