Play States
Play By Clickable Map
Deploy: Click on territory to deploy, choose number to deploy and click again to make deployment
Assault: Click on a territory to Assault from, then on a territory to Assault (right click to Auto Assault)
Advance: Click on conquered territory to choose to advance, choose number to advance, then click again to advance. Click on conquering territory to advance zero.
Reinforce: Click on a territory to Reinforce from, then on a territory to Reinforce to. Click again to confirm.
Play By Keyboard and Mouse
N Key: Skip to next game, Jump to next game
B Key: Begin Turn
E Key: End Deployment, End Assaults, End Reinforcement
L Key: Later (decline to play spoils)
W,S Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (slow)
Q,A Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (fast)
Mouse Wheel: Change troop quantity by scrolling over the selected region.
CTRL Key + Click: You can always use CTRL-click instead of the right mouse button.
Middle Click: To advance to next stage (Begin Turn, End Assaults, etc.) click the middle mouse button anywhere on the map.
2009-06-15 19:01:16 - Mr_Adams: wow
2009-06-15 19:02:42 - Mr_Adams: kind of sad that I'm the only one whose been eliminated...
2009-06-15 22:20:04 - dittoeevee8888: someone will suicide at the end of this :) - actually, make that a lot of people
2009-06-15 22:20:26 - dittoeevee8888: and yes, Mr_Adams, very sad. and that was like...65 rounds ago
2009-06-16 00:39:00 - blockhead15: im all for everyone giving me the win lol
2009-06-16 17:27:16 - denominator: We all lose the least points if dittoeevee or blockhead wins.
2009-06-19 02:20:43 - dittoeevee8888: unless if we both have sudden point drops XD
2009-06-23 20:47:33 - thegreekdog: should i threaten someone to move so i can take a card
2009-06-24 03:22:50 - dittoeevee8888: or you could simply not care either way since this is kind of a stalemate...
2009-06-25 14:07:21 - thegreekdog: i know, i was being sarcastic
2009-06-26 02:50:42 - dittoeevee8888: I couldn't tell :|
2009-07-09 12:15:35 - blockhead15: semp out of charleston - so i am blasting him in this game. Well played in both semp
2009-07-09 21:57:10 - dittoeevee8888: I pass on the same message as blockhead - and hope to meet you again in a game elsewhere!
2009-07-12 12:16:24 - blockhead15: semp - you are out of charlestown already - stop taking cards in this one
2009-07-12 12:16:37 - blockhead15: it'll make it harder to end this one after chaleston is over
2009-07-12 23:35:35 - Evil Semp: No way. I don't care how long the game goes on. You might as well ask me to deadbeat which won't happen
2009-07-12 23:39:42 - Evil Semp: Just because I am out of another game you want me to lay down?
2009-07-12 23:40:11 - Evil Semp: Your blasting me so I will blast back.
2009-07-12 23:44:14 - Evil Semp: denominator please move out of OL or I will try to get through
2009-07-13 00:06:07 - blockhead15: this may be a stupid question, but why?
2009-07-13 00:06:36 - blockhead15: yes - i want you to lay down - you cannot win this game so i want to eliminate you
2009-07-14 18:51:56 - Evil Semp: Then eliminate me but don't ask me to give you the game just because you say I can't win it.
2009-07-14 18:52:23 - blockhead15: i don't want the game - i want the person who wins charleston to take the game
2009-07-16 20:06:55 - dittoeevee8888: Happy 100th turn...hopefully, we won't be around to witness the 200th
2009-07-21 22:53:41 - blockhead15: where did pink go?
2009-07-23 02:32:10 - dittoeevee8888: almost gone?
2009-07-25 02:18:09 - thegreekdog: i'm going away for a week; someone from my clan will take over for me
2009-07-26 07:21:33 - thegreekdog: Artimis in for Greek.
2009-07-27 19:56:22 - dittoeevee8888: good game pink
2009-07-27 20:27:41 - blockhead15: artimis - please do not eliminate anyone in this game
2009-07-28 08:31:21 - thegreekdog: Why the hell not?
2009-07-28 08:31:34 - thegreekdog: Artimis in for Greek, btw.
2009-07-28 08:32:22 - thegreekdog: Unless you're all going to deadbeat out of the game for me I don't see how else I'm supposed to win an escalating game unless I eliminate someone else and take their cards.......
2009-07-28 20:03:36 - dittoeevee8888: we agreed to that charleston tiebreaker
2009-07-29 06:29:39 - thegreekdog: LOL @ Tiebreakers!
2009-07-29 06:29:56 - thegreekdog: Artimis in for Greek, btw.
2009-07-29 06:30:49 - thegreekdog: Looks like Blue was paying attention! 2009-07-26 23:23:10 - denominator eliminated Evil Semp from the game
2009-07-29 06:31:51 - thegreekdog: Unfortunately this is Greeks account, so I must honour any agreements he's made, even if I don't approve of them.
2009-07-30 01:44:47 - dittoeevee8888: actually, we agreed to that too...Evil Semp was already eliminated from the tiebreaker
2009-07-30 08:17:46 - thegreekdog: Artimis in for Greek to take a turn in this lazy mans game!
2009-07-31 07:00:39 - thegreekdog: Artimis in for Greek.
2009-08-01 16:06:58 - thegreekdog: i'm back
2009-08-04 02:23:47 - blockhead15: yellow - took one big one to eliminate my armies
2009-08-04 02:27:53 - blockhead15: then opened up your armies to take me out
2009-08-04 02:27:55 - blockhead15: gg all
2009-08-04 12:42:35 - thegreekdog: presumably you can take me out
2009-08-04 15:33:30 - dittoeevee8888: and me...since denominator won the game
2009-08-05 15:25:21 - denominator: Good game all.
2009-08-05 21:59:41 - thegreekdog: congrats denominator
2009-08-07 01:49:36 - dittoeevee8888: good game all