Conquer Club

N64 Nostalgia: DiddyKong Racing [Winner: Great-Ollie]

Tournaments completed in 2012.

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N64 Nostalgia: DiddyKong Racing [Winner: Great-Ollie]

Postby WorldCup4James on Thu Dec 22, 2011 12:33 am

The Standings Board (click to view)

List of All Tournament Games (click to view)


I anticipate this tournament to last from the end of January until about mid-April.

If you don't think you will be able to maintain your premium membership during this stretch of time, please do not join (unless you're willing to reserve all 4 of your game slots for this tournament.

Requirements to Play
show: Requirements to Play

1996. The year that console gaming took off. The advent of the Nintendo 64 was the beginning of a great era of nostalgia. While graphics were...shall we say...sub-par...early classic games featured remarkable gameplay, creativity, and sheer excitement that even the top games of 2011 cannot always top. I hereby begin to set off and commemorate some of the greatest N64 games out there. We begin with Diddy Kong Racing.

Developed by Rareware in 1997, Diddy Kong Racing features a creative adventure mode set in 4 key worlds. Play is fast-paced and action-packed and requires intense skill in not only winning 1st place but also collecting strategically-placed coins throughout each course. Players must defeat 4 bosses before meeting Wizpig, the ultimate boss. The game has incredible re-playability value and includes two adventure modes and intense multiplayer. While many criticize its similarity to Mariokart 64, a racing game released almost one year earlier, Diddy Kong Racing has held its own and sold 1.04 million copies worldwide (as of 2007), making it the 6th best-selling N64 game. It was also the fastest selling game at the time; 800,000 copies were sold in the 2 weeks prior to Christmas, 1997.


In the Conquer Club version of Diddy Kong Racing, each of the 16 core maps in the game has been featured as a Conquer Club map, and players will "race" in 8-player games as a particular character of their choice. Players will garner points as a result of their standing in the game. The player with the most points after all 16 games wins the tournament.

So, without further ado, here we go,

Selecting Your Character


8 of the Diddy Kong racing characters will be featured, and each will represent a color in the 8-player games. Since there are 48 players and 8 characters, each character can be represented by 6 players. Have a look at each character below and post which you'd like to represent in your games!
show: Characters


ALL games will have these settings:

8 players
Standard Game Type
Automatic Initial Troops
Sequential Play Order
Escalating Spoils
Chained Reinforcements
50 Rounds Limit
--to ensure any stalemates are resolved.
Casual Round Length

The Fog setting will vary across games, depending on the map.
9 of the games are Sunny, and 7 are Foggy. Consult the 4 spoilers in the "16 Maps Featured" section to check which maps will have fog and which will not.

Tournament Format

The tournament is divided into the 4 "worlds", as in the game.

Each "world" will have 4 courses, represented by 4 Conquer Club maps as indicated in the spoilers below.

As mentioned earlier, each character is represented by 6 players.

6, 8-player games will be made for each course. 1 player for each character will be randomly selected for each game.

In this way, there will be 6, 8-player games, each with 1 Diddy, 1 Drumstick, 1 Tiptup, 1 Krunch, 1 Pipsy, 1 Banjo, 1 Timber, and 1 Bumper.

Each "world's" games will be played simultaneously; this means all 4 courses will be raced on at the same time, so each player will play 4 8-player games at once, 1 on each of the 4 courses in the world. This will make this a quick tournament (which mine usually aren't).

The player with the most points after all 4 worlds wins the tournament!

  • If multiple players have the same number of points after all 16 games, and all of these players have more points than any other players, then those players with the same number of points shall play in a Standard game to determine the winner of the tournament.
  • The tournament organizer shall, using, select one of the 16 maps featured in the tournament.
    The players shall play 1 Standard game on this randomly selected map, with the same setting as used in the tournament games on the same map. The winner of the Standard game will be ranked highest, and therefore win the tournament.

show: Scoring

The 16 Maps Featured

Now for the details on each world. If you'd like to check out what each Diddy Kong course looks like, just click on the titles of each course to check out Youtube videos. I did not create these videos; all credit goes to Youtube user GamrTV.

This tournament will include a mix of Foggy and Sunny maps: 10 maps are Sunny, and 6 maps are Foggy.

show: Dino Domain

show: Sherbet Island

show: Snowflake Mountain

show: Dragon Forest

Reserve Policy

Each player will receive four invites for each game. If a player does not join by accepting any of the four invites, they shall be replaced with a reserve. The reserve taking over for this player will be the player at the top of the Reserves list (the player who joined earliest).

The reserve will immediately have 50% of his points (the points that the player he is replacing earned) deducted. Any remainder as a result of calculation will be discarded. So, for instance, if a reserve replaces a player with 11 points, 5 points will be deducted.

Please let me know if you see I'm missing anything significant, or if there's any horrific flaws in the format. :-$
Thanks for your time, and I hope you join!! :D
You better :? :evil:

Have a great day,
Last edited by WorldCup4James on Wed Jun 06, 2012 4:06 pm, edited 64 times in total.
FOUR openings in A Chance to Write History: WWIII. All premium players accepted; help me fill these vacancies! :)
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Standings, List of Players and Their Characters

Postby WorldCup4James on Thu Dec 22, 2011 12:34 am

The Standings Board
The board is updated regularly and confirmed using the community-developed Conquer Club Tournament Stats tool.

Should you spot any errors, I ask you please to let me know immediately. You will receive MAJOR brownie points. ;)

show: After Snowflake Mountain Standings

show: After Dino Domain Standings

show: List of Players

show: Diddy Players

show: Tiptup Players

show: Drumstick Players

show: Krunch Players

show: Pipsy Players

show: Banjo Players

show: Timber Players

show: Bumper Players
Last edited by WorldCup4James on Wed Jun 06, 2012 4:05 pm, edited 61 times in total.
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List of All Tournament Games

Postby WorldCup4James on Thu Dec 22, 2011 12:34 am

List of All Tournament Games
Click on the white tabs below and then on the game numbers to check the progress of each game, or, if you wish, to calculate standings before I update them myself.

Dino Domain

show: Ancient Lake

show: Fossil Canyon

show: Jungle Falls

show: Hot Top Volcano

Sherbet Island

show: Whale Bay

show: Pirate Lagoon

show: Crescent Island

show: Treasure Caves

Snowflake Mountain

show: Everfrost Peak

show: Walrus Cove

show: Snowball Valley

show: Frosty Village

Dragon Forest

show: Boulder Canyon

show: Greenwood Village

show: Windmill Plains

show: Haunted Woods
Last edited by WorldCup4James on Wed Jun 06, 2012 3:38 pm, edited 146 times in total.
FOUR openings in A Chance to Write History: WWIII. All premium players accepted; help me fill these vacancies! :)
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Re: N64 Nostalgia: DiddyKong Racing [0/48]

Postby WorldCup4James on Thu Dec 22, 2011 12:35 am

In please: Timber!
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Re: N64 Nostalgia: DiddyKong Racing [1/48]

Postby deantursx on Thu Dec 22, 2011 2:10 am

well played sir...this game beat the crap out of mario kart. in please with tiptup who was clearly the best

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Re: N64 Nostalgia: DiddyKong Racing [1/48]

Postby WorldCup4James on Thu Dec 22, 2011 2:17 am

deantursx wrote:well played sir...this game beat the crap out of mario kart. in please with tiptup who was clearly the best

I'd have to agree with you there, on both points :)
You're the first in. Thanks for joining yet another one of my tourneys!
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Re: N64 Nostalgia: DiddyKong Racing [2/48]

Postby Great-Ollie on Thu Dec 22, 2011 2:49 am

In please
Bumper Player Please!
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Re: N64 Nostalgia: DiddyKong Racing [2/48]

Postby chapcrap on Thu Dec 22, 2011 2:54 am

Give me Diddy!!
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Re: N64 Nostalgia: DiddyKong Racing [2/48]

Postby spartacus65 on Thu Dec 22, 2011 5:20 am

in drumstick please
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Re: N64 Nostalgia: DiddyKong Racing [2/48]

Postby plurple on Thu Dec 22, 2011 8:24 am

ill be bumper please
plurple is not purple 8-[ 8-[ 8-[ 8-[ 8-[
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Re: N64 Nostalgia: DiddyKong Racing [6/48]

Postby WorldCup4James on Thu Dec 22, 2011 8:50 am

All in through here! :D
FOUR openings in A Chance to Write History: WWIII. All premium players accepted; help me fill these vacancies! :)
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Re: N64 Nostalgia: DiddyKong Racing [6/48]

Postby DoomYoshi on Fri Dec 23, 2011 4:33 pm

I want to play as Timber. I must ask why Conker is not a playable character though. Are we going to rename the game Conker-free Club?
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Re: N64 Nostalgia: DiddyKong Racing [6/48]

Postby WorldCup4James on Fri Dec 23, 2011 4:40 pm

DoomYoshi wrote:I want to play as Timber. I must ask why Conker is not a playable character though. Are we going to rename the game Conker-free Club?

It was a tough choice (thought about it for HOURS) between Drumstick and Conker, and I figured Drumstick was more popular. We can only have 8 characters max. because that's the max. number of players in a game.
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Re: N64 Nostalgia: DiddyKong Racing [7/48]

Postby harvmax on Fri Dec 23, 2011 5:36 pm

in pls randomly assign me
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Re: N64 Nostalgia: DiddyKong Racing [7/48]

Postby WorldCup4James on Fri Dec 23, 2011 5:52 pm

harvmax wrote:in pls randomly assign me

You're in; randomly assigned to TipTup.
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Re: N64 Nostalgia: DiddyKong Racing [8/48]

Postby westbo on Fri Dec 23, 2011 6:23 pm

Diddy!! thx
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Re: N64 Nostalgia: DiddyKong Racing [9/48]

Postby Leverpuller on Sat Dec 24, 2011 11:54 pm

Haha I like this =D> In please as Banjo :)
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Re: N64 Nostalgia: DiddyKong Racing [9/48]

Postby WorldCup4James on Sun Dec 25, 2011 9:43 pm

All in through here!
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Re: N64 Nostalgia: DiddyKong Racing [10/48]

Postby musicalmaven on Tue Dec 27, 2011 9:39 pm

it must be krunch time - i'm in (rather obviously as krunch).
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Re: N64 Nostalgia: DiddyKong Racing [10/48]

Postby WorldCup4James on Tue Dec 27, 2011 11:03 pm

musicalmaven wrote:it must be krunch time - i'm in (rather obviously as krunch).

:P You're in!
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Re: N64 Nostalgia: DiddyKong Racing [11/48]

Postby p.perkins on Wed Dec 28, 2011 12:03 am

in pls, banjo
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Re: N64 Nostalgia: DiddyKong Racing [12/48]

Postby T_Fraser on Wed Dec 28, 2011 12:53 am

In please, as Drumstick
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Re: N64 Nostalgia: DiddyKong Racing [13/48]

Postby WorldCup4James on Wed Dec 28, 2011 12:56 am

All in through here; 13 players!
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Re: N64 Nostalgia: DiddyKong Racing [13/48]

Postby slickstick on Wed Dec 28, 2011 1:10 am

In pls., any player
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Re: N64 Nostalgia: DiddyKong Racing [13/48]

Postby WorldCup4James on Wed Dec 28, 2011 1:17 am

slickstick wrote:In pls., any player

You're in; got you as Pipsy (least number of players have chosen this player).
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