Now that I've started and its going well I'm trying a different one. Especially for you Monster lovers out there (and since its October) I'll be doing a 16 player 1v1 tournament on the Monster map.
This will be a simple knockout 1v1 style. You lose, you're out. Players will play 1 game per round except for the finals which will be best of 3. Only 1 slot is needed for this tournament so freemiums are welcome as long as you can keep a slot reserved for your games. Matchups for Round 1 will be determined using You must join your games within 24 hours of being invited. If you fail to join I will send you a maximum of 2 more invitations. If you fail to join after this you will be disqualified from the tournament. If this occurs in Round 1 then I will bring in a reserve, otherwise your opponent from the previous round will take your place. I reserve the right to refuse entry to player but you will have to royally tick me off for this to happen.
All games will be played with the following settings
Auto Sequential Escalating Chained Fog No Round Limit Casual
Sign up by posting in this thread or by sending me a pm. You might also be able to catch me in Live Chat and sign up with me there. make sure that I acknowledge your sign up though in case I'm afk.
I now have 16 players for the tournament. I would like to get at least one reserve and I can always fill the second reserve spot if necessary. All reserves will have priority over me if a reserve is needed. Thanks for joining all.
is it just me trini or are you doing this just for the trophy.... like 16 player knockout....whatever... and sorry for being stupid but im too lazy to read what map is it on can you please tell me....
eagle I'm not even playing in the tournament.... not unless I have to fill in a spot as a reserve which I see as unlikely. All other reserves will have priority over me. The map is Monsters. If you want to try for the trophy, feel free
10:16:35 ‹Ace Rimmer› haven't looked at work in ages 10:42:43 ‹Sackett58› fine, I'll take my panties elsewhere
eagleblade22 wrote:no i mean the organizer trophy but count me innethertheless
I intend to run quite a few more tournaments but I'm starting simple to get my feet wet and make sure I'm cool with it. Once I'm comfortable and (our October tax deadline is over) I intend to do some more complicated tournaments. there are many factors behind my motivation for these tournaments some of which will become clearer in due course. The organiser trophy is also a motivating factor albeit a minor one. Hopefully by November you will see the main motivating factor.
10:16:35 ‹Ace Rimmer› haven't looked at work in ages 10:42:43 ‹Sackett58› fine, I'll take my panties elsewhere